Building Restoration
2001 Front Façade Restoration
Work on the restoration of the front facade of the building began in May 2001 and was completed in October 2001 and detailed drawings for the rest of the project were completed.
Front Façade Restoration Photos - 2001
The building just before any restoration work.
Starting to dig for the side towers.
Evidence of the original NW tower base.
Evidence of the original NE tower base.
Construction of the two towers.
Round window reestablished and gothic elements of the windows.
Gothic element above the door and start of the siding.
Siding almost done!
Siding done.
Installing the peaks of the two towers and scissor truss installed.
Tower peaks added!
Painting almost done.
Front façade all finished!

Temple Israel Foundation
208 West 8th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

Temple Israel Museum
201 West 4th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

Hebrew Cemetery
SW Corner of Evergreen Cemetery
North end of James Street, Leadville
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