Temple Israel

Temple Israel Foundation is a 501(c)(3) historical nonprofit organization. We can accept donations of various types (as outline below). Donations to the Temple Israel Foundation are tax deductible in accordance to Federal laws.

We can accept donations in the following ways.

Cash, Check, Money Order Donations
We accept donations given as cash, check, money order, or other similar paper methods, in person or mailed. If you give your contact information along with a monetary donation, we can send you an acknowledgment letter for your records.
Credit Cards
We are not currently set up to take credit or debit cards directly. However, you can still donate using a credit or debit card by using the secure systems of PayPal or Venmo, shown on this page.
Venmo has become a more popular way to send money. It is owned and operated by PayPal. Scan this QR code with your phone to go to your Venmo app to make a donation. If you are on a computer, just click the QR graphic to go to the Venmo login page. Find us with ""Temple Israel Foundation".
Donate to Temple Israel with Venmo.
PayPal has long been a way to send money. Scan this QR code with your phone to go to your PayPal app to make a donation. If you are on a computer, just click the QR graphic to go to the PayPal login page. Find us with "Temple Israel Foundation".
Donate to Temple Israel with PayPal.
Donations of Artifacts
For donations of artifacts, please first contact us directly or by using the Contact Us form so that we can determine if your potential artifact donation will be appropriate for the museum collection.
Donations of Books for our Library
In similar manner as with artifacts, please first contact us directly or by using the Contact Us form so that we can determine if your potential book donation will be appropriate for our library
Donations of Research and Historical Facts
While we do not claim to be an exhaustive source of information about Leadville Jews, we do have quite a bit of material already researched. However, we continue our efforts to gain more accuracy as well as fill in gaps in our knowledge base. If you would like to provide facts, research, etc that will help with our mission, please feel free to contact us.
Like with any nonprofit, we can use volunteers at the needed time! If you would like to volunteer your time, please contact us so that we can determine how you might best be able to help us.

Temple Israel Foundation
208 West 8th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

Temple Israel Museum
201 West 4th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

Hebrew Cemetery
SW Corner of Evergreen Cemetery
North end of James Street, Leadville
Contact Us
