Isaac Barash
Mrs. Barash
Isaac Barash and his wife came to Leadville from Denver sometime in 1880 [1] where he found employment in Jacob Rich’s laundry operation located between Chestnut Street and 2nd Street on Pine Street, where the two also resided. [2] Details of Isaac’s early days in Leadville are sparse, but by the end of 1881 he partnered with Professor H.J. Mason in the Mason & Barash dance hall, located in Old Turner Hall on East 3rd Street. [3]
In 1882, Isaac’s residence was listed as 121 East 5th Street where they lived with Simon Selix [4] and his wife. [5]
As a result of the damage cause by the infamous Palace of Fashion fire on May 19, 1882, which claimed most of the structures on the south side of Chestnut Street at Harrison Avenue, Isaac staged a charity ball for the benefit of displaced Hotel Windsor employees on May 22. [6] The Hotel Windsor was located to the east side of the Palace of Fashion and was completely destroyed in the conflagration. [7]
During 1883, Isaac and his wife, whose first name is unknown, attended the annual Purim Bal Masque on March 23. [8] In the wee morning hours of June 7, Isaac was awakened by some disturbing clatter and upon investigation discovered that J.S. Smith, described as a “tenderfoot from back east”, was attempting to break into Isaac’s home. Then, according to the local news, Isaac gave Smith a sound “thumping” before police arrived and escorted Mr. Smith to the local jailhouse. [9] Isaac also served as a private in the Tabor Light Cavalry. [10]
It is unclear where Isaac and his wife resided after leaving Leadville sometime between 1884 and 1885, but Isaac can be found in Durango, Colorado where in 1910 he paid an outstanding liquor tax debt from his dance hall in Leadville for a $2.50 assessment from 1881. [11]

Hotel Windsor, the large white building to the lower right, and the Palace of Fashion in the lower right hand corner, were among the many wooden structures on this block of East Chestnut Street that were destroyed in a massive fire on May 19, 1882.
“Chestnut Street 1879”. Leadville, CO. USA. Colorado Mountain History Collection. Lake County Public Library. 2015.
1 U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995; Denver, CO, USA. 1879. [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. P75.
2 TB Corbett, WC Hoye and JH Ballenger. “Corbet, Hoye and Co’s First Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1880”. Democrat Printing Company; Leadville, CO: USA. 1880. P69.
3 “Old Turner Hall”. Leadville, CO, USA. Leadville Daily Herald. February 19, 1882. P3.
4 For more information on Simon Selix and his family, please visit:
5 TB Corbett and JH Ballenger. “Corbet, and Ballenger’s Thrid Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1882”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. Leadville, CO; USA. 1882. P258.
6 “For The Girl’s Benefit”. Leadville, CO. USA. Leadville Daily Herald. May 20, 1882. P1.
7 For more information on the Palace of Fashion fire, please visit: For more information on the Palace of Fashion fire, in which five Leadville Jewish merchants were acquitted of arson and murder charges, please see:
8 “The Purim Ball”. Leadville, CO. USA. Carbonate Chronicle. March 24, 1883. P4
9 “Smith’s Mistake”. Leadville, CO. USA. Carbonate Chronicle. July 7, 1883. P6
10 “Our Soldier Boys”. Leadville, CO. USA. Carbonate Chronicle. February 23, 1884. P8.
11 Records of the Internal Revenue Service. Record Group 58. The National Archives at Washington, DC. 2018.
“Chestnut Street 1879”. Leadville, CO. USA. Colorado Mountain History Collection. Lake County Public Library. 2015.
Corbett, TB and Ballanger, JH. “Corbet, and Ballenger’s Eighth Annual City Directory: Containing A Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms Etc. In The City Of Denver For 1880”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. Denver, CO; USA. 1880.
Corbett, TB and Ballanger, JH “Corbet, and Ballenger’s Second Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1881”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. Leadville, CO; USA. 1881.
Corbett, TB and Ballanger, JH. “Corbet, and Ballenger’s Third Annual City Directory: Containing A Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms Etc. In The City Of Leadville For 1882”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. Leadville, CO; USA. 1882.
Corbett, TB and Ballanger, JH. “Corbett, and Ballenger’s Fourth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1883”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. Leadville, CO; USA; 1883.
Corbett, TB and Ballenger, JH. “Corbet, and Ballenger’s Fifth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville For 1884”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. Leadville, CO; USA. 1884.
“For The Girl’s Benefit”. Leadville, CO. USA. Leadville Daily Herald. May 20, 1882.
“Old Turner Hall”. Leadville, CO, USA. Leadville Daily Herald. February 19, 1882.
“Our Soldier Boys”. Leadville, CO. USA. Carbonate Chronicle. February 23, 1884.
“The Purim Ball”. Leadville, CO. USA. Carbonate Chronicle. March 24, 1883.
Records of the Internal Revenue Service. Record Group 58. The National Archives at Washington, DC. 2018.
“Smith’s Mistake”. Leadville, CO. USA. Carbonate Chronicle. July 7, 1883.
U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995; Denver, CO, USA. 1879. [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHOR: Jeffrey P. Grant
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Barash
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO; USA. 2018