The Temple Israel Museum, a must-see destination for visitors to Leadville, made its debut in September of 2012. Where past and present meet, this museum provides rare glimpses into Leadville’s pioneering Jewish community. They once stood where you stand now. Let your eyes wander until their memories become yours. You won’t regret it. While some of the exhibitions are currently at the the museum, some are now only available here online.
Jews of Historic Leadville
The general story about Jews in Old Leadville has evolved since the first days of the Temple Israel Museum starting in 2012! This online exhibit follows the information currently presented on the digital panels inside the museum. The QR codes in the museum will lead to PDF version of those panels. These pages are web versions of those digital screens.

Frontier Jewish Leadville History
This historical writing started in 2012 as an exhibit guide to the artifact exhibition. Each the writing and the exhibition have evolved separately and expanded from the original to what is seen now. Click here for the writing, or click the next box below to view the exhibition online.

Frontier Jewish Leadville Exhibition
This is the museum's inaugural permanent exhibition. The exhibiton has evolved as the museum received new historical artifacts and in an effort to keep the exhibition fresh. This exhibition illustrates through physical items the Jewish presence in Leadville since its earliest days and into the 20th century.

Selling History: Advertisements of Jewish Leadville Businesses
This exhibition features advertisements of Jewish owned businesses that were printed in Leadville newspapers between 1880 and 1924. This exhibition opened in July of 2015 and expanded in 2017 and is available to view in the choir loft at the museum as well as online.

Portraits of Leadville Jews
Our newest exhibit has evolved from printed portraits shown on the wall to digital screens at the museum. This exhibition is also available online and includes historical portraits of the Leadville Jews as we have uncovered their photos. A remarkable exhibition indeed!

Sandusky's China
This exhibition is dedicated to the tchotchkes that Jennie S. Sandusky sold in her store at the turn of the century 1900.

Liquor Containers of Case 4
This online exhibit highlights Case 4, one exhibit case within the museum, that contains liquor containers.

Deep Dive of Liquor Jugs Sources
This online only exhibit explores the manufacture and use of ceramic liquor jugs as sold by Jewish liquor merchants.

Leadville Souvenir China Mini Exhibit
This mini exhibit that was displayed at the Lake County Public Library features a sampling of Leadville souvenir china from the artifact collection. Also refer to Sandusky's China exhibition on this page for a more in depth exploration of the china.

Minette Miller: A Portrait
This exhibition was on display at the Lake County Public Library from 2013 to 2015 and is now available online. This exhibition features Minette Miller and some of her personal items.