Samuel Goldblatt [1]
Born: May 1845 (Austria)
Died: April 6, 1920 (Denver)
Married to: Pearl Swartz
In Leadville: 1883
Pearl (Swartz) Goldblatt [2]
Born: July 1856 (Hungary)
Died: July 14, 1919 (Denver)
Married to: Samuel Goldblatt
In Leadville: 1883
William Goldblatt [3]
Born: March 3, 1883 (Leadville)
Died: July 4, 1947 (Denver)
Married to: Helen (Klein) Goldblatt
In Leadville: 1883
Samuel Goldblatt was listed as “S. Galdblat” in the 1883 Leadville City Directory. That year his residence was at 115 West Chestnut Street and his profession was “laborer”. [4] Three other Jewish families lived or owned property in the vicinity including Isaacs, Selix, and Blumberg. [5] The Selix family operated a contemporary tailoring business at the same address in late 1883. [6] Samuel did not appear further in Leadville newspapers or city directories beyond the sole mention. Later documents indicate that Samuel and his wife Pearl had a son while they lived in Leadville. According to his World War Two draft card, William Goldblatt was born in Leadville in the early spring of 1883. [7] No other record of the Goldblatt family was found among Leadville’s newspaper archives. The family were listed in the 1900 Census as residents of a farming community southwest of Denver called Montana. According to this record, William was the first of seven children and the family operated a dairy farm until the 1930s. [8] Samuel, Pearl, William and all but two of their other children are buried in the family plot in Denver’s Rose Hill Hebrew Cemetery. [9]

William Goldblatt in his Denver Policeman’s uniform with wife Helen Klein and their children Ruth and Marvin in 1914.
William Goldblatt and Family, 1914. William Goldblatt and Family, 1914. 1914. [Digital Image]. Denver, CO: Denver University Library; Digital Collections.
1 Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 17 March 2019), memorial page for Samuel Goldblatt (May 1845–6 Apr 1920), Find A Grave Memorial no. 106835780, citing Rose Hill Cemetery, Commerce City, Adams County, Colorado, USA ; Maintained by Alexa (contributor 47396428) .
2 Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 17 March 2019), memorial page for Pearl Schwartz Goldblatt (Jul 1856–14 Jul 1919), Find A Grave Memorial no. 106835993, citing Rose Hill Cemetery, Commerce City, Adams County, Colorado, USA ; Maintained by Alexa (contributor 47396428) .
3 Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 17 March 2019), memorial page for William Goldblatt (3 Mar 1883–4 Jul 1947), Find A Grave Memorial no. 53360967, citing Rose Hill Cemetery, Commerce City, Adams County, Colorado, USA ; Maintained by Brenda Brooks (contributor 47243428) .
4 1883 Leadville City Directory p. 130
5 For more information on Issacs, Selix, and Blumberg families see,, and
6 “News in a Nutshell” Leadville Daily Herald, October 31, 1883 p. 3
7 The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Colorado; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System, 1926-1975; Record Group Number: 147; Box or Roll Number: 050 Source Information U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
8 Year: 1900; Census Place: Montana, Jefferson, Colorado; Page: 8; Enumeration District: 0216; FHL microfilm: 1240124. 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
9 Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 17 March 2019), memorial page for William Goldblatt (3 Mar 1883–4 Jul 1947), Find A Grave Memorial no. 53360967, citing Rose Hill Cemetery, Commerce City, Adams County, Colorado, USA ; Maintained by Brenda Brooks (contributor 47243428) .
Corbett, TB and Balanger, JH. “Corbet, and Ballenger’s Fourth Annual City Directory: Containing A Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms Etc. In The City Of Leadville For 1883”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. 1883.
Year: 1900; Census Place: Montana, Jefferson, Colorado; Page: 8; Enumeration District: 0216; FHL microfilm: 1240124. 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.
The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Colorado; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System, 1926-1975; Record Group Number: 147; Box or Roll Number: 050 Source Information U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 17 March 2019), memorial page for Samuel Goldblatt (May 1845–6 Apr 1920), Find A Grave Memorial no. 106835780, citing Rose Hill Cemetery, Commerce City, Adams County, Colorado, USA ; Maintained by Alexa (contributor 47396428) .
Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 17 March 2019), memorial page for Pearl Schwartz Goldblatt (Jul 1856–14 Jul 1919), Find A Grave Memorial no. 106835993, citing Rose Hill Cemetery, Commerce City, Adams County, Colorado, USA ; Maintained by Alexa (contributor 47396428) .
Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 17 March 2019), memorial page for William Goldblatt (3 Mar 1883–4 Jul 1947), Find A Grave Memorial no. 53360967, citing Rose Hill Cemetery, Commerce City, Adams County, Colorado, USA ; Maintained by Brenda Brooks (contributor 47243428) .
Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 17 March 2019), memorial page for William Goldblatt (3 Mar 1883–4 Jul 1947), Find A Grave Memorial no. 53360967, citing Rose Hill Cemetery, Commerce City, Adams County, Colorado, USA ; Maintained by Brenda Brooks (contributor 47243428) .
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHOR: Trevor Mark
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Goldblatt
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville CO; USA. 2019