Herman Hauser (In Leadville 1880-1884)
Born: 1849 (Austria)
Married to: Matilda Hauser
Matilda Hauser (Flato) (In Leadville 1880-1884)
Born: 1855
Died: Unknown
Married to: Herman Hauser
Phillip Hauser
Born: 1875
Died: Unknown
Married to: Unknown
Parents: Herman and Matilda Hauser
Adelaide (Ettie) Hauser
Born: 1872
Died: Unknown
Married to: Unknown
Parents: Herman and Matilda Hauser
Irving Hauser (In Leadville 1879-1885)
Born: November 15, 1847 (Austria)
Died: August 5, 1920 (New York)
Married to: Augusta Kapahn
Augusta (Gussie) Hauser (Kapahn) (In Leadville Unknown-1885)
Born: 1859 (New York)
Died: 1915
Married to: Irving Hauser
Morte Hauser (In Leadville 1880-1885)
Born: 1879 (Georgia)
Died: Unknown
Parents: Irving and Gussie Hauser
Casper Hauser (In Leadville 1880-1885)
Born: March 31, 1879 (Georgia)
Died: December 1957 (Florida)
Parents: Irving and Gussie Hauser
Maude Hauser (In Leadville 1880-1885)
Born: 1876 (New York)
Died: Unknown
Parents: Irving and Gussie Hauser
Blanche Hauser (In Leadville 1880-1885)
Born: 1877 (Georgia)
Died: Unknown
Parents: Irving and Gussie Hauser
Irving Hauser Household
(In Leadville 1879 to 1886)
Irving Hauser (November 15, 1847-August 3, 1920) represents a generation of German-Jewish immigrants who settled in Leadville in the early 1880s. He fled Europe’s increasing volatility, instability, and hostility to Jews in the early 1870s. German speaking Jews born in the 1840s who settled in Leadville generally originated in the German kingdoms or Prussia. By contrast, Irving was born in a German speaking area of Austria-Hungry. Evidence of his Germanic linguistic roots (as opposed to Czech, Hungarian or other linguistic region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) is provided by his participation in German-American events in Leadville, and by a German language family name. According to the 1900 United States Federal Census, Irving immigrated to the United States in 1871. He spent his early years in America around the eastern seaboard, before moving west to the bustling new mining camp of Leadville in 1880. [1] In addition to his presence in New York, the 1900 census also indicates his son Casper was born in Georgia the year before he moved to Leadville, which indicates an unknown length of stay in that state. [2] Two daughters, Maud and Blanche, are also listed in Leadville newspapers in the early and middle 1880s. A second son named Morte is listed in the 1885 Colorado State census but cannot be traced beyond this single mention.
When Irving departed Leadville in 1886, a short notice remarked that he had come to Leadville in 1879, but no existing census or directory record can confirm this statement. Irving first appears officially in Leadville as an artist and engraver, resident of 137 East Chestnut Street, in the 1880 City Directory. The 1880 Federal census listed “Hauser, Edw” with a residence of 137 “Upper” Chestnut Street; “Upper” and “East” Chestnut are the same street. [3] When compared with the profession, address, and name listed in the city directory, “Edw” is certainly Irving. This inconsistency is common; names were often transcribed inaccurately by census takers. He lived in a lodging house with a number of similarly aged young men as well as several families. The house was home to 25 other individuals, an indicator of the often high density housing early residents of Leadville experienced. Irving was listed as a 35 year old “engraver” and no family relations are listed in the same lodging house. Other occupants of the lodging house claimed professions as varied as miner, painter, editor, bar tender, teacher, and paint dealer. Irving is listed in the census as living among fellow German publishers and printers and was likely associated with these men in his professional life. Irving is also included under the same “family number” as these individuals, suggesting they shared the same living space or rooms in the lodging house.
The next year, Irving was one of only 3 engravers listed in the 1881 Leadville city directory. [4] He was employed by the jewelry firm Goldstein and Brodie located at 309 Harrison Avenue. Irving and other associates likely lived in second story residence above this shop. Irving appeared in a November 1881 addition of the Leadville Daily Herald along with Herman Hauser. The advertisement elaborates:
“Mr. H. Hauser, the pioneer jeweler of Leadville, has introduced a novelty in Christmas presents in the shape of miniature silver bricks of Leadville ore product elegantly engraved with mountain scenery by Mr. Irving Hauser, the talented artist…” [5]
Herman and Irving were likely brothers. In History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, Griswold quotes a newspaper article in which George W. Cook, president of the Rio Grande Railroad is presented with an engraved watch from the “Hauser Brothers”. [6] This is confirmed in an issue of the Leadville Weekly Democrat from the same week in 1881, which also describes the “Hauser Brothers” as pair of local jewelers. The 1881 directory lists the men as involved in separate businesses and with separate residences, but perhaps collaborated on certain projects. In March of 1881, Irving appears on a county commissioners’ expenditure for $10 owed to him for “criminal court seal” which he presumably engraved for the county. [7]
The year 1882 brought Irving success in his career and personal life. In April, Oscar Wilde famously visited Leadville. The Leadville Daily Herald elaborated on an interesting encounter,
“Remenyi and Oscar Wilde.
Both of these distinguished gentlemen and admirers of art and skill visited our celebrated artist-engraver, Irving Hauser, appending many hours with him, watching him at his beautiful work. Irving Hauser is no doubt a credit to his profession and the pride of our beautiful city.”
Ede Remenyi was a prominent violinist and composer in the Victorian era. He performed the same week as Oscar Wilde at the City Hall building on East 6th Street. [8]
In the mid-summer of 1882, Irving married “Mrs. G. Kapahn” at the residence of Casper Elias. [9] The use of Mrs. in the notice indicates that Mrs. Kapahn was a widow, but this is unconfirmed. The “G.” is “Gussie” short for Augusta. It is possible that Irving was also a widower with at least one child; a son is mentioned later in the year in association with the Irving Hauser’s family, which could be “C” or Morte as listed in the 1885 State census. It remains unknown if the two Hauser “step-daughters” Blanche and Maude mentioned in the 1900 census are Irving’s or Gussie’s from a different marriage. According to the 1885 Colorado State census, the family were made up of Irving and Gussie, with children Maud (9), Morte (6) Blanche (8) and “C” (4) in the household; “C” was Casper. In December, Gussie went to Denver for her health and the Carbonate Chronicle elaborated,
“…It is hoped that a change of air will completely restore the rose bloom to her cheeks…” [10]
Gussie would return to Leadville by early March 1883. A few lines above the December listing for Gussie’s departure, the Hauser daughter Maude is admired,
“Maude Hauser is one of the brightest little scholars in the Central School, and the pet of her parents and teachers.” [11]
Maude is mentioned many more times throughout the years for her academic and extra circular activities. Irving is listed in the roster of musicians and participants in the “Philo-Dramatischer Verein” in February of 1883. [12] In March, Irving and Gussie attended a gathering of the “Harmonie” society, which the newspaper identified as a social club of the “German element of this city”. Irving was specifically mentioned for his “very laughable parody of William Tell” after Mr. R. Rosendorf [13] lead a “delightful Soliloquy of William Tell” in German. While the group may or may not have included Swiss immigrants, the alpine folk hero William Tell was still important in their gathering as a Pan-Germanic story. A number of other Jewish-Germans were listed as attendees, including Mr. and Mrs. Mooney, Mr. M. R. Zippert [14] and Mr. Bernheimer. [15] In April, Gussie and Irving were listed among a large group who attended Leadville’s Oddfellows anniversary ball. [16] In 1882, and throughout 1883, Irving’s business was conducted at the 308 Harrison Avenue storefront of the Tabor Opera House, while the family resided at 304 West 4th street. [17] In November, Irving published an advertisement which listed his engraving business as located at 223 Harrison Avenue, with a specialty in “badges and seals. [18] Address changes were common for Harrison Avenue merchants at this time. At the end of December, the Jewish citizens of Leadville organized a “Chanukah” ball at City Hall, which was of similar size and theme as the annual Purim Ball which had taken place in Leadville the previous four years. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hauser were listed as attendees, but none of the children were listed. [19]
The year 1884 remained busy for Leadville and for the Hauser family. An identical advertisement listing his business at 223 Harrison Avenue was published in January and touted “Engraving in all its branches”. In February, both Maud and Blanche starred in a “Juvenille Opra” titled Grandma’s Birthday in which they were described as “little fairies” and “played their part remarkably for a child so young.” [20] In March, the entire Hauser family were mentioned as attendees of the annual 1884 Purim Masked Ball at City Hall. Blanche was again described as a “little fairy” and Maude was an “Indian princess riding and elephant”. [21] Irving began loaning money at his engraving business with a new subtitle, “I. Hauser’s Fifth National Loan Office”. [22]
An interesting visitor to Irving’s shop was described in the May 24, 1884, edition of the Carbonate Chronicle. The unidentified man was described as racing around Leadville in a crazed attempt to find an engraver. Someone pointed out Irving’s shop and the traveler produced two photos he wanted to be engraved. He claimed the photos were of his estranged wife and a man she had disappeared with. His plan was to place the engravings on 500 postcards and send them across the country in a bid to get her back. After giving the cost of the project at $20, the man departed and never returned. The article claimed,
“…He probably though [thought] that the price of the engraving was more than the wife was worth; for Mr. Hauser told him he would charge him twenty dollars for the two pictures, and he can get married to some other woman for seven dollars and a half.” [23]
In the middle summer, Irving bought a pawned pistol, which was identified by the owner while in Irving’s shop. The pistol was given back to the owner, but the man who had pawned it to Irving was arrested. The intent of the arrested man was not established as malicious and he was not charged or fined. [24] This is in sharp contrast to other Harrison Avenue pawn dealers during this time, such as Abraham and Hyman Isaacs [25], who were often caught up in long court cases, fines, and even jail time for involving themselves in illegal trade, purposeful or otherwise.. In October, the congregation based at the new Temple Israel building held a Simchas Torah ball in honor of the holiday. Irving was listed as an attendee and a member of the floor committee. [26] The fall of 1884 was election season. Like many German-Jewish immigrants such as merchant David May, Irving was a Republican. He was the first to speak at a German-American gathering in support of the Republican Blaine-Logan ticket for president. The Carbonate Chronicle described his address in the following,
“The first speaker was Mr. I. Hauser, who addressed the club in German. His remarks were pertinent and able, and his deductions evidently the result of intelligence and thought. He compared the condition of the laborer in America and in Europe, demonstrating to the evident satisfaction of his hearers, that the vastly more enviable status of the American workman, was largely due to the efforts of the Republican party…” [27]
A few weeks after the 1884 election in which Democrat Grover Cleveland was elected, Irving was asked his opinion on the new administration and he mourned, “Business seems to be affected adversely already” [28] Party allegiances were clearly important in the 1880s, as today. By the time Irving was surveyed for the City Directory in 1884, he had moved his business to 415 1/2 Harrison Avenue and his residence to 225 Harrison Avenue. [29]
In March, Irving engraved a silver brick to be given to the owner of the Crown Point mine for his successes that year. The work was valued at $100, which was a substantial amount of money at the time. [30] By the middle of the summer, another engraving by Irving was awarded to Rio Grande Railroad superintendent George W. Cook. This award was the second since 1881 for the admired superintendent, and this time was a tribute to his efforts during the Homestake Mine Avalanche the previous winter. The fellow German-Jewish saloon keeper Mannie Hyman [31] had organized and paid for the award, and Irving was chosen to design and engrave the medallion. [32]
In August, Irving was enlisted to make a courtroom engraving of a man named Frank Burns (right), who was on trial for murder. [33] While no record of his election was found, he ended a term as the secretary of Temple Israel in September of 1885. The 1884 election listed “M. A. Cahn” as the secretary. Perhaps Mr. Cahn stepped down and Irving took over, but what is certain is that Irving’s term ended in September, 1885. [34] This mention is the last reference to Irving Hauser which can be found in a Leadville newspaper. As noted earlier, the family were counted in the 1885 Colorado State Census on West 4th Street, and in the Leadville City Directory of that year, but no longer appear after 1885.
The family left Leadville in March of 1886. The Carbonate Chronicle detailed their departure,
“…Mr. Irving Hauser and interesting family are on the eve of departure for Kansas City, where they intend locating permanently. Mr. Hauser has been a resident of Leadville since ’79 and has enjoyed the fullest confidence of the business community, his record being at all times above reproach. He is a skilled and experienced jeweler, an artistic word and metal engraver and a thoroughly good fellow. We bespeak for him the same measure of success in Kansas City that he has met with in the City of the Clouds…”

It is unknown how long the Irving Hauser and family resided in Kansas City. The 1890 Federal Census for a majority of the nation was burned in a fire in the 1920s. The next mention of Irving, Gussie, Maude, Casper and Blanche are in the 1900 Federal Census at an address in Manhattan. The whereabouts of Morte are unknown. Irving also appeared in the 1905 New York State Census, 1910 Federal Census, and 1920 Federal `Census in Manhattan. Irving died in Manhattan in 1920 at the age of 72. According to a New York City death record, he was buried in the Beth Olem Fields Cemetery in New York. [35]
Herman Hauser Household
(In Leadville 1880-1884)
Herman Hauser (June 1848- after 1920) was the suspected brother of Irving Hauser and a successful jewelry and watch merchant in Leadville during the early 1880s. In addition, he was a sergeant in the local militia and Colorado National Guard. Herman can first be traced in the United States Census of 1880 as a 32 year old resident of 118 “Upper” Chestnut, which corresponds to his entry in the 1880 Leadville City Directory. [36] He lived above the store with his wife Matilda and their two children Adelaide (Ettie) and Phillip. In addition to the Hausers, the census listed two unrelated lodgers as residents of 118 1/2 Upper Chestnut. [37]
Herman first appeared in a Leadville newspaper in the fall of 1880. In September, “Mr. Hauser” lent a watch to a man named Cooper to sell. He tried to find a customer on the street. He was an unsuccessful salesman and was found trying to depart Leadville without settling the $118 debt for the watch with “Mr. Hauser”. As Irving was primarily in the engraving business, this watch transaction was likely with Herman. Cooper was brought into court and settled the amount later without criminal charges. [38]
Herman and Matilda were listed as attendees of the First Anniversary Ball of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of B’nai B’rith on November 14. The festivities consisted of a masked ball and banquet and took place at East Turner Hall. [39] In January of 1881, Herman attended the Altman-Schloss wedding at St. George Episcopal Church, and he gave a clock to the couple. [40] In February of 1881, Herman applied for a patent of the “Little Keystone” mining claim in Lake County. According to the coordinates provided in the notice, the claim was in the northern part of Lake County and on or near Homestake Peak. [41] At the end of 1881, Herman is referred to as “the Pioneer Jeweler of Leadville” in reference to a silver brick and several watches he and Irving collaborated to design and sell during the Christmas season that year. [42]
Herman moved his store to 415 1/2 Harrison Avenue in 1882, while the family continued to live on Chestnut. [43] However, in September Matilda and children left Leadville to spend the winter in Brooklyn. [44] A few months later a short notice revealed Herman’s new residence,“Mr. Herman Hauser, during his enforced widowerhood, in consequence of the absence of his wife in the east on a health seeking tour, finds the Hote de Wilson on West Fourth street, the finest house in town.”
That same week, Herman is listed as an attendee of a dance hosted by the Pitkin Light Cavalry. He was listed a sergeant in Horace Tabor’s militia unit, the Tabor Light Cavalry. Both of these units were part of the greater Colorado National Guard during a time when local militias were still popular. Less than 20 years after the end of the Civil War, these militias still played a role in the military culture of the United States. While militias were most often more social than martial during peace time, at least one militia unit from Leadville was sent to put down a Ute rebellion known as the Colorow War in August of 1887. [45] Most were outfitted by the estate government and organized and lead by a generous patron. [46]
In February of 1883, a notice was published in the Carbonate Chronicle indicating that while Matilda had been quite ill at her father’s residence in Brooklyn, she had shown great improvement. [47] By early April, Herman had expanded on his mining investment and was mentioned as the joint owner of a placer between Leadville and Kokomo with an, “immense amount of iron which would be valuable for fluxing purposes.” [48] It is unclear if this is a facetious comment on the content of the placer, or if iron was in fact used as a flux material in smelting. In addition to his success with the iron placer in Lake County, Herman was also mentioned as receiving valuable lead samples from a claim he owned in Gunnison County in the late summer of 1883. [49] There are no identifiable advertisements for the store on Harrison Avenue, although Herman certainly continued to operate it. The store is listed at 417 Harrison Avenue in 1883, with no specified residential address. It is most likely he was still a resident of the “Hote de Wilson” on West 4th Street. The business address may be inaccurate, as the Saddle Rock Restaurant was listed at 417 Harrison Avenue that year. It is probable that Herman continued to do business in the same store. As illustrated from the photo above, Herman’s store was very narrow and did not have a number on it, which the directory taker may have assumed included it in with the neighboring 417.
In October, a brief notice advertises the services of the “Windsor Hotel” on East Chestnut, with Mrs. Hauser as proprietress. It is unclear if this is Herman’s wife Matilda, Irving’s wife Gussie, or another Hauser altogether. [50]
In January of 1884, Herman and Matilda were listed as attendees of a “Colorado National guards” dance at Armory Hall. The Carbonate Chronicle elaborated, “…altogether the assemblage presented the appearance of a ball in the old war times.” and filled with “gay revelers and fair ladies”. In this notice, Herman is not listed among the corporals, sergeants, or lieutenants in any of Leadville’s militia units. [51] Herman and family are also listed with a residence at 113 W. 6th Street. [52] In the spring, Herman is listed a “Orderly Sargent Hauser” during a meeting which he organized of the Tabor Light Cavalry. The meeting was conducted to plan for the “yearly encampment” of the state militia in July. An “encampment” traditionally refers to yearly skills training rendezvous conducted by military and paramilitary organizations. At the end of May, Herman had begun to consider departing Leadville. In a short notice the Carbonate Chronicle elaborated,
“‘On dit,’ that Sergeant Hauser contemplates removing to the east. The Tabor Light Cavalry will lose one of its best members.” [53]
That same week, Herman is listed as a solo attendee of another “Opretta” and ball by the Colorado National Guard as part of the Tabor Light Cavalry at Armory Hall. [54] This would prove to be Herman’s final identifiable mention in Leadville’s newspapers. The family officially left Leadville on the 14th of June, according to a June 21st social column in the Carbonate Chronicle. [55]
The brothers, Irving and Herman Hauser, were present during the economic and social height of Leadville in the early 1880s. Although they left earlier than some German-Jewish Leadville residents, they experienced and participated in a unique time in the Carbonate City’s history.
1 1880 Leadville City Directory
2 1900 Federal Census
3 1880 Federal Census
4 1881 Leadville City Directory pp. 119, 323, 341
5 “Something Beautiful” Leadville Daily Herald, November 13, 1881 p. 4
6 Griswold 919 and “From His Friends” Leadville Weekly Democrat, Volume 2, November 26, 1881 p. 5
7 “County Commissioners” Leadville Daily Herald, March 10, 1881 p. 4
8 “Leadville Laconics” Leadville Daily Herald, April 15, 1882 p. 4
9 “Rays of News Fell Into the Reporter’s Notebook” Leadville Daily Herald, July 14, 1882 p. 4
10 “Personal Paragraphs” Leadville Daily Herald, December 17, 1882 p. 3
11 “Personal Paragraphs” Leadville Daily Herald, December 17, 1882 p. 3
12 “The Philo-Dramatic” Carbonate Chronicle, February 3, 1883 p. 8
13 For more information on Rienhold Rosendorf see: http://www.jewishleadville.org/rosendorf.html
14 For more information on M. Zippert see: http://www.jewishleadville.org/zippert.html
15 “A Resume” Leadville Daily Herald, March 11, 1883 p. 3
16 “The Oddfellows Celebration” Carbonate Chronicle, April 28, 1883 p. 1
17 1883 Leadville City Directory p. 146
18 “Everybody’s Column” Leadville Daily Herald, November 17, 1883 p. 2
19 “A Brilliant Affair” Carbonate Chronicle, December 29, 1883 p. 12
20 “A Juvenile Opera” Leadville Daily Herald, February 3, 1884 p. 4
21 “Tuesday Night’s Ball” Carbonate Chronicle, March 15, 1884 p. 5
22 “Loads of Money” Leadville Daily Herald, May 29, 1884 p. 4
23 “Coelebs in Search of Wife” Carbonate Chronicle, May 24, 1884 p. 3
24 “Guiltless Gregory” Leadville Daily Herald, June 28, 1884 p. 4
25 For more information on Abe and Hyman Isaacs see: http://www.jewishleadville.org/isaacs.html
26 “The Law’s Holiday” Carbonate Chronicle, October 11, 1884 p. 6
27 “The German-Americans” Carbonate Chronicle, November 1, 1884 p. 1
28 “Republican Opinion” Carbonate Chronicle, November 22, 1884 p. 2
29 Leadville City Directory 1884 p. 134
30 “A Handsome Present” Carbonate Chronicle, March 14, 1885 p. 4
31 For More Information on Mannie Hyman see: http://www.jewishleadville.org/hyman.html
32 “George W. Cook’s Present” Carbonate Chronicle, June 13, 1885 p. 3
33 “Before The Bar” Carbonate Chronicle, August 8, 1885 p. 8
34 “Yisrael’s Yeomanry” Carbonate Chronicle, September 19, 1885 p. 7
35 New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949
36 Leadville City Directory 1880 p. 182
37 United States Census, 1880
38 “The Interview” Carbonate Chronicle, September 11, 1880 p. 8
39 “The B’nai B’rith” Leadville Daily Herald, November 14, 1880 p. 4
40 “Altman-Schloss” Leadville Democrat, January 30, 1881 p. 8
41 “Mining Application No. 916” Leadville Weekly Democrat, Volume 2, February 12, 1881 p. 8
42 “Something Beautiful” Leadville Daily Herald, November 13, 1881 p. 4
43 Leadville City Directory p. 158
44 “Society” Leadville Daily Herald, September 24, 1882 p. 3
45 Griswold 1872-1873
46 Griswold 204
47 “Select Society” Carbonate Chronicle, February 17, 1883 p. 1
48 “Mining Industry” Carbonate Chronicle, April 28, 1883 p. 8
49 “Mining Industry” Carbonate Chronicle, August 4, 1883 p. 8
50 “Elegantly Furnished Rooms” Leadville Daily Herald, October 30, 1883 p. 2
51 “The Military Ball” Carbonate Chronicle, January 26, 1884 p. 9
52 1884 Leadville City Directory p. 134
53 “The Militia” Carbonate Chronicle, May 31, 1884 p. 12
54 “The Opretta and Ball” Carbonate Chronicle, May 24, 1884 p. 12
55 “Personal and Social” Carbonate Chronicle, June 21, 1884 p. 11
Blair, Edward. Leadville: Colorado’s Magic City. Boulder, CO: Pruett Publishing Company, 1980.
Griswold, Don L. Griswold and Jean Harvey. History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, Vol. I and II. Boulder, CO: Colorado Historical Society in cooperation with the University Press of Colorado, 1996.
City Directories:
WM Clark, WA Root And HC Anderson. “Clark, Root and Co’s First Annual City Directory of Leadville and Business Directory of Carbonateville, Kokomo and Malta for 1879”. Daily Times Steam Printing House And Book Manufactory; Denver, CO: USA. 1879.
Corbett, TB, Hoye, WC and Ballanger, JH. “Corbet, Hoye and Co’s First to Twenty-Eighth Annual City Directory: Containing A Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms Etc. In The City Of Leadville For 1880-1918”. Democrat Printing Company; Leadville, CO: USA. 1880-1885.
Census Records:
Year: 1880; Census Place: Leadville, Lake, Colorado; Roll: 91; Page: 379B; Enumeration District: 078 1880 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C
Year: 1900; Census Place: Manhattan, New York, New York; Page: 11; Enumeration District: 0532; FHL microfilm: 1241105 Source Information Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.
"Colorado State Census, 1885," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939N-D76F-C?cc=1807096&wc=M83M-YPX%3A149199201%2C149207201%2C149200101 : 1 April 2016), Lake > Leadville > Population > image 95 of 120; citing NARA microfilm publication M158 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
"New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795-1949," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:2WBG-5MN : 10 February 2018), Irving Hauser, 03 Aug 1920; citing Death, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm 2,021,984.
"United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch(https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MFDJ-7T7 : 19 August 2017), Herman Hauser, Leadville, Lake, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 78, sheet 372D, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 0091; FHL microfilm 1,254,091.
Leadville Democrat (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado)
Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado)
Leadville Weekly Democrat (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado)
Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado)
Photos (In order of appearance):
Unknown Photographer. “Herman Hauser's jewelry store, Chestnut St., about 1880-1882” Western History Collection, Denver Public Library, Denver, Colorado http://digital.denverlibrary.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/p15330coll22/id/997/rec/1
Unknown Photographer. “Herman Hauser's jewelry store on Harrison Ave” Western History Collection, Denver Public Library, Denver, Colorado http://digital.denverlibrary.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/p15330coll22/id/1001/rec/4
Unknown Photographer. “Tabor Light Cavalry at the funeral of a member” Western History Collection, Denver Public Library, Denver, Colorado http://digital.denverlibrary.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/p15330coll22/id/804/rec/3
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHOR: Trevor Mark
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Hauser
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville CO; USA. 2018
STABLE URL: http://www.jewishleadville.org/hauser.html