Hiram Katz
Born: Poland/Russia, 1852
Died: Emmett, Idaho, December 5, 1936
Hiram Katz was born in Poland-Russia during 1852, immigrated with his family to the United States from Hamburg, Germany, and arrived in New York City on May 27, 1865. [1] Hiram [2] was the brother of Rachel Katz Harris of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and it is likely that he first lived in that city upon immigrating to the United States. Rachel’s brother-in-law was Leadville entrepreneur Ellis Harris. [3] Hiram, who likely came to Leadville during 1879-80, had aspirations to strike it rich in mining, [4] but evidence indicates that this dream quickly faded as he became a peddler who sold wares to miners in the field. [5] During the winter of 1880, he worked for Ellis Harris [6] as a clerk in his feed store at 224 W. Chestnut Street, where he also resided. [7]
The following item appeared in the October 21, 1880 edition of the Leadville Daily Herald:
Charles White and Hiram Katz came from the Mount of the Holy Cross yesterday to spend the winter in Leadville. What goods they possessed were secured in bundles, and when they reached Chestnut street, stopped for a few moments and laid their bundles down. On turning around to pick the same up, again they discovered that they were missing, some one having taken them unobserved. There is no clue to the thieves. [8]
Records for Hiram are scarce, but he appears to have landed in other mining camps after leaving Leadville in 1881. He can be found as a resident of Emmett, Idaho, by the turn of the twentieth century [9] and remained there for the rest of his life. [10] He never married or had any known children. [11]
Hiram died at Emmett, Idaho on December 5, 1936, [12] and for unknown reasons was transported to Portland, Oregon, for interment. At the time of his death, Hiram was recorded as a “retired merchant.” His death certificate notes: “Found dead in his bed. Evidently died from natural causes.” [13]
Emmanuel Katz
Born: New York City, 1860
Died: San Francisco, April 7, 1921
Rebecca “Beckie” Katz
Born: New York City, 1864
Died: New York City, March 7, 1952
Nathan S. Katz
Born: New York City, 1871
Died: New York City, October 23, 1928
Mary Hyman Katz Moberg
Born: Missouri, 1888
Died: Leadville, August 12, 1953
This branch of the Katz surname hails from Solomon (b. 1831) and Hannah Katz (b. 1831), Jewish-German immigrants who came to the United States through New York City prior to the birth of their first child, Henrietta, in 1859. [14] Solomon and Hannah decided to pack up their six children and head west to Denver during the early 1880s. Solomon first appears there as a peddler as early as 1883, and may have made the initial move alone. [15] The rest of the family likely arrived after Solomon established his own home there in 1884. [16] While the Katz family base remained in Denver until at least 1898, [17] they never abandoned their New York roots and traveled frequently between both cities until fully re-establishing themselves in Manhattan by 1900. [18] Three of their children, Emanuel, Nathan and Rebecca Katz, would venture further west and leave their mark on Leadville.
The first to arrive were Emanuel and Rebecca during 1890. Emanuel took a job working as a clerk for prominent Jewish liquor and tobacco distributor and Temple Israel Cantor Adolph Schayer [19] at 315 Harrison Avenue, and resided in room no. 1 at 311 Harrison Avenue [20] for the length of his Leadville tenure. Rebecca, who presumably lived with her brother, was a social butterfly and frequently graced the Leadville social columns beginning in the summer of 1890. [21] Emanuel traveled to New York City and Denver to visit family and often went to Aspen on business during his time in Leadville. [22] Both were very active on the Leadville social circuit during 1890. Beckie, as she was commonly known, appeared at a bon voyage party for Miss Leah Harris, the niece of Adolph Schayer, [23] who had been visiting her uncle for several months, on August 28, 1890. [24] Beckie was present for the inaugural event hosted by the Ladies Dancing Club at City Hall on October 3, 1890. [25] Beckie and Emanuel were both on hand for the bon voyage party in honor of Tillie Kahn at her parents’ home on October 4, 1890. [26] Emanuel also attended a dance for the Alpha Club at City Hall on November 14, 1890. [27] Beckie appeared at the annual Hanukah Ball hosted by the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society at City Hall on December 5, 1890. [28] Both Emanuel and Beckie were present for a post Hanukah Festival dinner on December 20 [29] and Emanuel was a guest at the birthday party for Mrs. Alexander Pechner at her home on December 27, 1890. [30]
Beckie went to the first annual ball for the Ladies of The Eastern Star at City Hall on February 10, 1891. [31] She also was one of a handful of young Jewish ladies who attended a small dinner party hosted by Dr. Lee Kahn and his wife Ruth [32] on February 27. [33] On March 2, Beckie was at a dinner given by Anna Davies in honor of her uncle, Marx Kahn, at her parents’ home. [34] Though her escort was unidentified, Beckie was part of 20 “young couples” who attended a frigid sleigh-ride, dinner and dance during a zero-degree cold snap on March 7, 1891. [35] Both Emanuel and J. Katz were present at the Purim Masque Ball hosted by the Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Society at City Hall on March 7. [36] “J.” is likely Jennie Katz, his twenty-year-old sister [37] who could have been visiting from either New York or Denver. Emanuel attended the annual Strawberries and Ice Cream Festival Dance, presented by the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society at City Hall on June 4, 1891. [38] On August 19, Emanuel served on a jury that deliberated the verdict in the assault trial of Leonidis Daly and Harry Hulse, who were accused of beating a man named Brown at Mike Goldsmith’s [39] saloon earlier that month. [40]
It is unclear exactly when Rebecca left Leadville, but she completely disappears from records by 1892. She probably moved to her parents’ home in Denver and by 1900 her father, Solomon, Nathan, Jennie and Rebecca were all living together in Manhattan while she worked as a saleslady. [41] The year 1892 heralded a promotion for Emanuel, who was now listed as the bookkeeper for the Schayer operation. [42] Emanuel was appointed to the reception committee for the Elks Club on April 12. [43] He was also named to a committee assembled by the Leadville courts to examine the books of the county treasurer during August. [44] Emaneul won the men’s first prize at a euchre party hosted by Mathilda Kahn on August 13, 1892. [45]
On April 6, 1893, Emanuel attended a euchre party hosted by Amelia Leppel at her parents’ home. [46] On October 12, Emanual went to a large dance at the Hotel Vendome. [47] He would visit relatives in New York and return to Leadville on December 22. [48]
On April 1, 1894, Emanuel was a guest at the wedding of Nelson Porter and May Ruedy. He gifted the newlyweds a dozen napkins. [49] The first mentions of Nathan Katz in Leadville also appear in 1894. The twenty-two-year-old arrival from New York first performed a violin solo for the Ladies of St. George show at City Hall on October 11, 1894: [50]
…Mr. Nathan Katz delighted the audience with a very choice piece of work on the violin, while Mrs. Dr. [Minna] Heimberger [51] performed the same classic work on the piano for which she is so noted in this community… [52]
On October 18, 1894, Nathan and Emanuel attended the Ladies Jewish Reading Club dance at the Hotel Vendome commemorating the organization’s third anniversary. [53] Emanuel and Nathan were among many guests who attended the surprise birthday party for Lizzie Schayer at her parents’ home on November 4. [54] Nathan performed again, this time at a concert presented by the Evergreen Temple No. 17 of the Rathbone Sisters (the female auxiliary to the Knights of Pythias), at City Hall on November 14, 1894. [55]
Nathan rejoined pianist Minna Heimberger in another successful performance for the Odd Fellows at the installation of the organization’s newly elected officers on January 8, 1895. [56] On January 19, Nathan attended the “Jewish Hop” at the Vendome Hotel. [57] He spent his summer in Denver and returned to Leadville during early September. [58]
The following item appeared in the October 2, 1895 edition of The Herald Democrat newspaper:

Snippet article in the newspaper reporting that Schayer and Katz gave fine cigars to firemen.
Rounders Walks And Talks. The Herald Democrat. Wednesday, October 2, 1895. Page 5.
Although fires were fairly common, the only blaze in Leadville during this week was documented in the wee morning hours of October 2:

Small article reporting about a fire in a barn and outhouse.
A Slight Blaze. The Herald Democrat. Thursday, October 3, 1895. Page 3.
On September 7, 1895, Emanuel [59] leased seven-sixteenths of the Mary Murphy mine from Thomas Dunn and C. Rogers. [60] On October 26, he traveled to Grand Junction, Colorado, to attend the wedding of Maud Cogswell [61] to Leadville clothier Marcus Frankle. [62] Emanuel was among many Leadville businessmen who helped raise the $20,000 necessary to build Leadville’s historic Ice Palace in October of 1895. [63]

This postcard depicts a painting by Henderson Davis of the Leadville Ice Palace. Built in 1895 and opening on January 1, 1896, the magnificent structure was 325 X 180 feet with towers up to 90 feet vertically.
The Leadville Ice Palace. Denver, Colorado: Jeffery P. Grant Collection. 2022.
Emanuel was present at the Ancient Order of Hiberians Ball at the Knights of Labor Hall on Halloween of 1895 [64] and attended a dinner party hosted by Mrs. Dunn at her home on December 14. [65]
On January 9, 1896, Emanuel left Leadville to visit his parents in New York City. [66] Nathan attended a leap year party hosted by Carrie Mayer [67] at her home on January 12. [68] That same evening Nathan performed a violin solo for a celebration of poet Robert Burns’ 137th birthday. The lavish affair was presented by Leadville’s Caledonian Club at City Hall. [69] On May 2, 1896, he again performed as part of the musical program for a meeting of The Order of The Eastern Star. [70]
Emanuel was evidently close to former Deputy Sheriff Henry Kellerman, [71] who gained notoriety in the summer of 1884 when, after a gunfight at Leadville’s Hyman's saloon, Henry single-handedly seized the firearm from the notorious John Henry “Doc” Holiday before Captain Ed Bradbury escorted Holliday to jail. Kellerman retired from law enforcement in 1888 and in the following years became owner of several successful saloons and restaurants around Leadville. Unfortunately, on June 2, 1896, Kellerman passed away from heart failure at the age of 37; the condition was likely exacerbated by a bout with Spanish flu a few years earlier. [72] Emanuel was charged with administering Henry’s estate. [73]
Emanual and Jake Kahn served as groomsmen at the opulent wedding of Dr. Sol Kahn to Lillie Rose at the Denver home of David May [74] on February 7, 1897. [75] On April 25, the Schayer Mercantile Company filed articles of incorporation with $25,000 in capital stock and named Emanuel Katz to its board of directors. [76]
During 1897, Emanuel earned the title of “secretary and treasurer” for the Schayer Mercantile Company. [77] The reasoning for the change was likely preceded by the collapse of Adolph Schayer’s Aspen branch that shuttered the store. This was followed by a restructuring of the entire enterprise to ensure such failures were avoided in the future. Adolph Schayer’s wife, Carrie Elsbach Schayer, and Leadville tailor Ed Jackson [78] were also added to the board. [79]
Emanuel received some civic recognition when he was appointed to serve on the grand jury empaneled on October 2, 1896, and discharged on December 5th to investigate the murder of fireman Jerry O'Keefe and criminal attacks on the Coronado and Emmet mines resulting from labor troubles that convulsed Leadville at the time. Katz and his fellow jurors were presumably selected because of their distance from these calumnies, which led to multiple indictments against some 49 men, primarily union activists. [80] Ineptitude, tampering, and general chaos characterized the trial, culminating in continued delays and preliminary hearings that ran into January of 1897. Emanuel would be party to a grand jury affidavit regarding three of these men indicted for the O’Keefe murder and District Attorney Louis R. Thomas’ request for a continuance on January 27, 1897, because of his inability to prosecute three material witnesses who were out of town, the current social unrest due to jury intimidation and general incapacity to acquire and review evidence in a timely manner. With full awareness of the continued shenanigans by union supporters, the grand jurors responded with an affidavit of their own on January 27.
Thomas’ continuance was denied, and the proceedings moved forward. [81] In the following days, Judge Owers made a petition to be removed from the case due to illness. His motion to be replaced rose to the Colorado Supreme Court, which referred all strike-related legal issues to the special legislative committee empowered to deal with the dispute. Formal charges were never officially filed on the case. [82]
The year 1898 was a quiet one for Emanuel Katz in Leadville. At this point, he probably was the only one of his siblings remaining in town. It is not clear what transpired between Emanuel and his longtime employer, Adolph Schayer, but he is again listed as “bookkeeper” by a firm that escapes reference. [83] While it is uncertain when Emanuel left Leadville, it was likely prior to the summer of 1898. He would marry Judith Reitman in Manhattan on May 2, 1897, [84] which may also have contributed to the move. The only other mention for Emanuel during August, 1898, notes that the Lida Mining Company had secured a lease to work one of his mining properties. [85] Although there is no documentation of Emanuel’s departure from the Schayer operation, some clues about his movements can be found in the September 17, 1899, edition of The Herald Democrat newspaper.

Snippet article stating that Katz was in town after having moved to Denver.
Personal Mention. The Herald Democrat. September 17, 1899. Page 6.
No listings can be found for Emanuel in Denver city directories; he was probably living with his father who was now working as a salesman. [86] Emanuel probably returned to New York City with the rest of the family by 1900, although this can’t be fully confirmed.
The Katz family escapes mention in Leadville again until 1903, when Emanuel’s former colleague from the Schayer board, Leadville tailor Ed Jackson, took legal action against him in the Leadville courts to recover $300: the total of “…certain promissory notes…” [87]
The brief yet eventful return of Nathan Katz to Leadville is notable. It appears that Nathan probably left Leadville sometime during 1896. His decade-long absence from Leadville records ends with the following mention on October 23, 1906, which brings both his dates of departure and return into question.

Short notice about the marriage of Nathan Katz to Mary Hyman among two notices of marriage.
Three October Weddings. The Herald Democrat. October 23, 1906. Page 4.
Further examination reveals that only a few days before, the newly minted Mary Katz’s mother, Sarah Hyman Barnett, sold the young couple a home in Leadville for $300. [88]
Sarah Barnett’s story is intriguing. She originally arrived in Leadville during 1889 with her first husband, Levi Hyman; [89] the household listed six children. However, the great disparity between the ages of Sarah and Levi, thirty-seven years by most records, would suggest that Sarah was not Levi’s first wife. Of the above-named offspring, Mary Hyman, David, Sophia, and Henry “Boots” Hyman [90] were clearly Sarah and Levi’s children. Sarah ran a clothing shop from her Third Street residence and was often recorded with the occupation of “tailor.” [91]
The marriage between Nathan and Mary would be short-lived, [92] and reports show that Nathan completely disappeared from Leadville on January 8, 1907. [93]
CHARGED WITH NON-SUPPORT- A warrant has been issued from Justice Bowen’s court for the arrest of Nathan Katz. The man is charged with non-support, and the complaint is made by his wife, who alleges that he has failed to contribute to supply her necessary wants for several months.
Katz has not been living with his wife for some time, and is at present thought to be in Denver. The warrant has been sent to the Sherriff at Denver, with instructions to arrest the man and hold him for instructions from the local courts. If Katz is found in the capital city, it will be necessary for a local officer to make a trip to Denver in order to bring him back to Leadville for trial. [94]
Mary most likely supported herself working as a servant for Knesseth Israel Orthodox Cantor Nathan Miller [95] and his family. [96] She was once again documented as living with her mother in the family home by 1909. [97] The couple was officially divorced on the grounds of abandonment in the Leadville court on May 16, 1911; [98] Nathan did not appear in court for the final disposition. [99]
Emanuel returned to Leadville for the 20th anniversary celebration of the Leadville Elks lodge on May 8, 1912. Six hundred members from around the state attended the event including Emanuel, who was a charter member. [100] He would eventually make his way to Fresno, California, [101] where he worked as a traveling cigar salesman. He passed away at San Francisco’s Florence Ward Sanitarium from stomach cancer on April 7, 1921. His funeral notice indicates that at his time of death, Nathan and Jennie Katz were still alive and residing in New York City. [102]
Nathan’s latter stint in Leadville can only be substantiated from early October 1906 until the first week of January 1907, and was completely tethered to his relationship and subsequent marriage to Mary Hyman. Despite their divorce taking place in 1911, census and directory records show that Nathan never fully committed to leaving Manhattan and is listed living in his father’s home there in the 1905 New York State Census [103] as well as the 1900 [104] and 1910 [105] United States censuses. His latest census record prior to his death showed him as the head of his then deceased father Solomon’s residence, still living with sisters Jennie and Beckie while working as a salesman. [106] He died eight years later from unknown causes on October 23, 1928, at the age of fifty-six. [107]
Despite all of Beckie’s socializing in Leadville during her salad days in Leadville, she apparently never married. In 1910, she is recorded as a thirty-eight-year-old department store bookkeeper, still living in Manhattan with her father Solomon, brother Nathan and sister Jennie. [108] She would remain in New York City for the rest of her life until her death by unknown causes on March 12, 1952. [109]
Mary Hyman Katz would remarry Leadville miner [110] Walter Moberg during 1915. [111] The couple remained for the duration of their lives in Leadville, where Mary passed away on August 12, 1953. [112] She is interred in Leadville’s historic Hebrew Cemetery. [113] It is unclear whether Walter Moberg was Jewish, for he was buried separately in the Ancient Order of United Workmen section of Leadville’s Evergreen Cemetery. [114]
1 Staatsarchiv Hamburg. Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2008.
2 Lake County, US Census Index For 1860, 1870 And 1880. Historical Research Cooperative. Leadville, CO; USA. 1985. P315.
3 Mrs. R. Harris, Former Local Resident, Dies. (Bradford, Pennsylvania: Bradford Evening Star. April 9, 1935). P2.
4 "United States Census, 1880," [database with images]. Hiram Katz in Household of Gaspor Justns. Lake, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 89, sheet , NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm .
5 Hiram Katz Has a very Exciting Experience. (Boise City, ID: Idaho Daily Statesman. June 12, 1901). P8.
6 For more information on Ellis Harris and his family, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/harris.html
7 TB Corbett, WC Hoye and JH Ballenger. Corbet, Hoye and Co’s First Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1880. (Leadville, CO: Democrat Printing Company. 1880). P209.
8 Stole their Goods. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. October 21, 1880). P4.
9 Leadville Daily Herald. October 21, 1880. P4.
10 Year: 1930; Census Place: Emmett, Gem, Idaho; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 0011; FHL microfilm: 2340134
11 Year: 1910; Census Place: Emmett Ward 1, Canyon, Idaho; Roll: T624_223; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 0097; FHL microfilm: 1374236
12 Bureau of Health Policy and Vital Statistics. Idaho Death Index, 1911-51. Boise, ID, USA: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.
13 Idaho Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Boise, Idaho; Death Index and Images, 1911–1969
14 "United States Census, 1880". [database with images]. FamilySearch (Solomon H. Katz, New York City, New York County, New York, United States; citing enumeration district , sheet , NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm .
15 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eleventh Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Denver for 1883. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Internet Archive. 2011). P377.
16 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twelfth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Denver for 1884. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Internet Archive. 2011). P385.
17 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-sixth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Denver for 1898. (Denver, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1898). P624.
18 Year: 1900; Census Place: Manhattan, New York, New York; Roll: 1116; Page: 14; Enumeration District: 0795; FHL microfilm: 1241116
19 Quinn Whittington. Schayer. (Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation). 2021.
20 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eleventh Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1890. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1890). Pp. 154 & 226.
21 City Hall To-Night. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 11, 1894). P8.
22 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. November 18, 1895). P5.
23 For more information on the Schayer family, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/schayer.html
24 Pleasantly Surprised. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 28, 1890). P5.
25 In The Giddy Whirl. (Leadville CO: Herald Democrat. October 4, 1890). P5.
26 Social Scintillations. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 5, 1890). P4.
27 The Opening Dance. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 15, 1890). P4.
28 An Enjoyable Evening. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 16, 1890). P5.
29 In The Social Swim. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 21, 1890). P5.
30 In The Social Swim. (Leadville, CO: The Leadville Daily Evening Herald . December 29, 1890). P4.
31 Lovers Of Terpsichore. (Leadville CO: Herald Democrat. February 11, 1891). P5.
32 For more information on Dr. Lee, Ruth Ward and the rest of the Kahn family, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/kahn.html
33 In The Social Swim. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 1, 1891). P8.
34 A Pleasant Party. (Leadville CO: Herald Democrat. March 3, 1891). P4.
35 Merry Sleigh Bells. (Leadville, CO: The Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. March 9, 1891). P4.
36 A Season Of Rejoicing. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 8, 1891). P4.
37 "United States Census, 1880," [database with images]. Solomon H. Katz, New York City, New York County, New York, United States; citing enumeration district , sheet , NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm .
38 Among The Dancers. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 5, 1890). P4.
39 For more information on Mike Goldsmith and his family, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/goldsmith.html
40 Criminal Court. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 20, 1891). P8.
41 Year: 1900; Census Place: Manhattan, New York, New York; Roll: 1116; Page: 14; Enumeration District: 0795; FHL microfilm: 1241116
42 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1892. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1892). P157.
43 To Meet This Week. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 14, 1892). P5
44 Court Docket. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 30, 1892). P8.
45 Begins To Look Bright. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 14, 1892). P6.
46 Was A Very Gay Week. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 9, 1893). P6.
47 Had A Lovely Time. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 13, 1893). P6.
48 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 23, 1893). P5.
49 And Now Gaiety Begins. (Leadville CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. April 2, 1894). P2.
50 City Hall To-Night. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 11, 1894). P8.
51 For more information on Minna Heimberger and her family, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/heimberger.html
52 Last Night’s Entertainment. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 12, 1894). P8.
53 An Evening Of Pleasures. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. October 19, 1894). P2.
54 The “Season” Fairly Begun. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. November 5, 1894). P4.
55 Rathbone Sisters. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 14, 1894). P6.
56 Odd Fellow Installation. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 9, 1895). P4.
57 Jolly Reign Of Winter. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 20, 1895). P4.
58 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 8, 1895). P4.
59 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Sixteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1895. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers). 1895. P160.
60 E. Katz Takes A Lease. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 7, 1895). P4.
61 A Coming Carnival Season. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 27, 1895. P5.
62 For more information on Marcus Frankle, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/frankle.html
63 It Looks Like Business. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 30, 1895). P8.
64 Ancient Order Celebrates. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 1, 1895). P5.
65 Winter Season Is With Us. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 15, 1895). P5.
66 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 10, 1896). P8.
67 For more information on Carrie Kahn Mayer, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/kahn.html and http://jewishleadville.org/mayer.html
68 It Is All Carnival Gaiety. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. January 13, 1896). P4.
69 Scotia’s Immortal Bard. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 25, 1896). P6.
70 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 3, 1896). P5.
71 For more information on Henry Kellerman, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/kellerman.html
72 Jeffrey P. Grant. Kellerman. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. 2018.
73 Administrator’s Notice. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle). June 6, 1896. P2.
74 For More Information on David May, Please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/may.html
75 He Picked A Denver Rose. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 8, 1897). P1.
76 Filed For Record. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 25, 1897). P8.
77 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eighteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1897. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1897). P170.
78 For more information on Ed Jackson, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/jackson.html
79 Schayer. Leadville, CO. 2021.
80 Don L., and Jean Harvey Griswold,. History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado: From Mountain Solitude to Metropolis. (Denver, CO: Colorado Historical Society. 1996). P2164.
81 Herald Democrat. January 27, 1897. P6.
82 Griswold. Denver, CO. 1996. P2169.
83 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Nineteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1898. (Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1898). P165.
84 Ancestry.com. New York, New York, U.S., Extracted Marriage Index, 1866-1937 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 20
85 Mine Managers In Session. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 4, 1898). P1.
86 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-sixth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Denver for 1898. (Denver, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1898). P624.
87 County Court. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 11, 1903). P3.
88 Filed For Record. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 16, 1906). P6.
89 For more information about Levi and Sarah Hyman prior to Levi’s death in 1896, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/hyman.html
90 For more information on the Hyman family prior to Sarah’s marriage to Henry Barnett, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/hyman.html
91 Jeffrey P. Grant. Barnett. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. 2022.
92 Three October Weddings. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 23, 1906. P4.
93 No More Headache After a ‘Cascaret’. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 19, 1911. P5
94 Charged With Non-Support. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 14, 1907. P2.
95 For more information on the Nathan Miller family, please visit: http://jewishleadville.org/miller.html
96 1910 U.S. census, Lake County, Colorado, Leadville, pg. ED 69, dwelling 55, Nathan Miller.
97 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirtieth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1909. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1909). P164.
98 Nancy Manly & Sherrill Worford. Historic Research Cooperative. 1988. P23.
99 No More Headache After a ‘Cascaret’. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 19, 1911. P5.
100 Twenty Years Of Local Elks. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 9, 1912. P2.
101 Year: 1920; Census Place: Fresno, Fresno, California; Roll: T625_96; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 23
102 San Francisco Area Funeral Home Records, 1895-1985. Microfilm publication, 1129 rolls. Researchity. San Francisco, California.
103 New York State Archives; Albany, New York; State Population Census Schedules, 1905; Election District: A.D. 29 E.D. 23; City: Manhattan; County: New York; Page: 38
104 Year: 1900; Census Place: Manhattan, New York, New York; Roll: 1116; Page: 14; Enumeration District: 0795; FHL microfilm: 1241116
105 Year: 1910; Census Place: Manhattan Ward 19, New York, New York; Roll: T624_1042; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 1150; FHL microfilm: 1375055
106 Year: 1920; Census Place: Manhattan Assembly District 16, New York, New York; Roll: T625_1215; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 1137
107 Ancestry.com. New York, New York, U.S., Extracted Death Index, 1862-1948 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
108 Year: 1910; Census Place: Manhattan Ward 19, New York, New York; Roll: T624_1042; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 1150; FHL microfilm: 1375055
109 HFBA Burial Registers. New York, New York: Hebrew Free Burial Association.
110 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirty-Ninth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1918. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1918). P192.
111 Year: 1920; Census Place: Leadville Ward 1, Lake, Colorado; Roll: T625_165; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 80
112 Ancestry.com. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015.
113 Crystal Turpin. Moberg. (Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation). 2016.
114 Nancy Manly. Who’s Where In Leadville’s Evergreen Cemetery. Leadville, CO; USA. Historical Research Co-operative.1981. P252.
A Card of Thanks. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 7, 1896.
A Coming Carnival Season. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 27, 1895.
A New Corporation. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 25, 1897.
A Pleasant Party. Leadville CO: Herald Democrat. March 3, 1891.
A Season Of Rejoicing. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 8, 1891.
A Slight Blaze. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 3, 1895.
Administrator’s Notice. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle.
Among The Dancers. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 5, 1890.
An Enjoyable Evening. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 16, 1890.
An Evening Of Pleasures. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. October 19, 1894.
Ancestry.com. Idaho, U.S., Death Index, 1890-1964 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2003.
Ancestry.com. California, U.S., San Francisco Area Funeral Home Records, 1895-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010.
Ancestry.com. New York, U.S., State Census, 1905 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
Ancestry.com. New York, New York, U.S., Death Index, 1892-1898, 1900-1902 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2003.
Ancestry.com. New York, U.S., Hebrew Burial Records (HFBA), Silver Lake and Mount Richmond Cemeteries, 1899-1991 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.
Ancestry.com. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015.
And Now Gaiety Begins. Leadville CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. April 2, 1894.
Ancient Order Celebrates. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 1, 1895.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eigteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1897. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1897.
Ballenger, J.H. and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eleventh Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Denver for 1883. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Internet Archive. 2011.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eleventh Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1890. Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1890.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twelfth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Denver for 1884. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Internet Archive. 2011.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1892. Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1892.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirtieth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1909. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1909.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirty-Ninth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1918. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1918.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-sixth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Denver for 1898. Denver, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1898.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Sixteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1895. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1895.
Begins To Look Bright. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 14, 1892.
Charged With Non-Support. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 14, 1907.
City Hall To-Night. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 11, 1894.
Corbett, TB, Hoye, WC and Ballanger, JH. Corbet, Hoye and Co’s First Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1880. Leadville, CO: Democrat Printing Company.1880.
County Court. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 11, 1903.
Court Docket. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 30, 1892.
Criminal Court. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 20, 1891.
E. Katz Takes A Lease. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 7, 1895.
Filed For Record. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 25, 1897.
Filed For Record. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 16, 1906.
Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. (NARA microfilm publication T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-839 are on roll 323 (Chicago City).
Grant, Jeffrey P.. Barnett. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. 2022.
Grant, Jeffrey P.. Kellerman. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. 2018.
Griswold, Don L., and Griswold, Jean Harvey. History of Leadville And Lake County, Colorado: From Mountain Solitude To Metropolis. Vol. 1. Denver, CO: Colorado Historical Society, 1996.
Had A Lovely Time. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 13, 1893.
He Picked A Denver Rose. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 8, 1897.
Hiram Katz Has a very Exciting Experience. Boise City, ID: Idaho Daily Statesman. June 12, 1901.
Idaho, U.S., Death Records, 1890-1969 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
In The Giddy Whirl. Leadville CO: Herald Democrat. October 4, 1890.
In The Social Swim. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 21, 1890.
In The Social Swim. Leadville, CO: The Leadville Daily Evening Herald. December 29, 1890.
In The Social Swim. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 1, 1891.
Index to New York City Deaths 1862-1948. Indices prepared by the Italian Genealogical Group and the German Genealogy Group, and used with permission of the New York City Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
It Looks Like Business. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 30, 1895.
It Is All Carnival Gaiety. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. January 13, 1896.
Jolly Reign Of Winter. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 20, 1895.
Lake County, US Census Index For 1860, 1870 And 1880. Historical Research Cooperative. Leadville, CO; USA. 1985.
Last Night’s Entertainment. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 12, 1894.
Letters Of Administration. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 6, 1896.
Lovers Of Terpsichore. Leadville CO: Herald Democrat. February 11, 1891.
Manly, Nancy and Wolford, Sherril. Divorces. Lake County, Colorado, 1879 to 1938. Leadville, CO: The Historic Research Co-operative. 1988.
Manly, Nancy. Who’s Where In Leadville’s Evergreen Cemetery. Leadville, CO; USA. Historical Research Co-operative.1981.
Merry Sleigh Bells. Leadville, CO: The Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. March 9, 1891.
Mine Managers In Session. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 4, 1898
Mrs. R. Harris, Former Local Resident, Dies. Bradford, Pennsylvania: Bradford Evening Star. April 9, 1935.
No More Headache After a ‘Cascaret’. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 19, 1911.
Odd Fellow Installation. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 9, 1895.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 23, 1893.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 10, 1896.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 17, 1899.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. November 18, 1895.
Pleasantly Surprised. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 28, 1890.
Rathbone Sisters. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 14, 1894.
Rounders Walks And Talks. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 2, 1895.
San Francisco Area Funeral Home Records, 1895-1985. Microfilm publication, 1129 rolls. Researchity. San Francisco, California.
Scotia’s Immortal Bard. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 25, 1896.
Social Scintillations. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 5, 1890.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 8, 1895.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 3, 1896.
Staatsarchiv Hamburg. Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2008.
Stole their Goods. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. October 21, 1880.
The Opening Dance. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 15, 1890.
The “Season” Fairly Begun. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. November 5, 1894.
Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910. (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA.
To Meet This Week. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 14, 1892.
Three October Weddings. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 23, 1906.
Twenty Years Of Local Elks. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 9, 1912.
Turpin, Crystal. Moberg. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. 2016.
"United States Census, 1880," [database with images]. Hiram Katz in Household of Gaspor Justns. Lake, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 89, sheet , NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm .
"United States Census, 1880," [database with images]. FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MZ6D-TRH : 14 January 2022), Solomon H. Katz, New York City, New York County, New York, United States; citing enumeration district , sheet , NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm .
United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls.
United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
Was A Lively Day In Court. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 27, 1897. Pp. 1 & 6.
Was A Very Gay Week. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 9, 1893.
Whittington, Quinn. Schayer. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. 2021.
Winter Season Is With Us. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 15, 1895.
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHOR: Jeffrey P. Grant
EDITOR: William Korn & Andrea Jacobs
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Katz
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO; USA. 2022.
STABLE URL: http://www.jewishledville.org/katz.html