Sam Mayer
Born: Germany, 1854
Tillie Mayer
Born: 1860
Maurice Mayer
Born: Germany, 1834
Died: Denver, October, 1902
Meta Mayer
Born: 1850
Michael Mayer
Adie Mayer
Born: Texas, 1880
Morris Mayer
Born: Colorado, 1882
Died: July 10, 1918
Charles Mayer
Born: Leadville, April, 1885
Died: Leadville, August 28, 1885
Samuel Mayer’s arrival in the city occurred in approximately 1882. This is when he is first listed in the city’s business directory as a pawnbrorker employed at 125 Harrison Avenue and living at 221 East 4th Street. [1] Though Samuel’s prior whereabouts are not entirely known there are some clues to when and where Mayer immigrated to in the United States. Mayer came to the city with a wife, Tillie Mayer, and at least one child, a daughter, Adie. [2] Both Samuel and his wife were born in Germany, but the date of their immigration and marriage are unknown. However, a clue concerning the family’s immigration from Germany to Leadville is found in the 1885 city census, which lists Adie’s place of birth as Texas in 1880. Adie’s birth allows for supposition that the family made their arrival through Galveston’s port. [3]
The 1885 Colorado State Census also lists their son, Morris, as being born in Colorado but his age of 5 makes it uncertain whether or not he was born in Leadville or just before the family’s arrival. [4] A third child, Charles, was born in 1885, but only lived for four months. Charles died on August 28th, 1885, and is buried in the Leadville Hebrew Cemetery. [5] The Mayer’s presence in Leadville was not relegated to simply immediate family. In Leadville’s 1882 city directory an aunt and uncle, Maurice and Meta, ages 51 and 35 respectively, came to Leadville in 1882 and lived with the young family at their East 4th Street residence. [6]
Maurice was involved in banking prior to his arrival to Leadville and owned several successful financial institutions in Yreka, California and Virginia City, Nevada before making his mark in Leadville as a real estate investor. Maurice invested early in Leadville’s growth, and owned notable properties such as the old post office building, the Star Block, The Little Pittsburgh Corner, The Topic Corner, The Texas House, a number of residential lots, and one half interest in the Union Block, the other half owned by the Baer Bros. [7] enterprise. Many of these properties still stand today along Harrison Avenue and West 2nd Street. Maurice maintained these holdings as a landlord, which operated at full capacity and provided him with substantial rental income until his death in 1902, which earned him the moniker of “Count Mayer” from his friends. [8] Maurice was still purchasing properties in Leadville as late as 1900. [9] Samuel inherited these holdings, [10] and continued to visit Leadville to look after them well into the twentieth century. [11]

Samuel Mayer had a full life while living in Leadville and was deeply involved in the city’s business, social, and religious communities. In terms of business, Sam opened a New York loan office at 125 Harrison Avenue and operated a successful pawnbroker business from this address. [12] In 1884, Mayer partnered with family member, Mike Mayer, to open S & M. Mayer at a jewelry and watchmaking enterprise located at 204 Harrison Avenue. [13]
S. & M. Mayer was in business for two years before Samuel and Michael went their separate ways. The city’s 1887 city directory shows the pair at different addresses with Samuel at 218 Harrison Avenue and Michael employed as a clerk at an undisclosed location while living at 219 East 8th Street. [14]
Politically, Sam identified as a Republican and actively participated in the Fifth Ward Republican Club. [15] Additionally, Sam was also part of the Blaine & Logan Club, which sought to mobilize German-Americans within the 1884 Presidential election. [16] Ultimately, Sam’s efforts at voter organization did not succeed and Grover Cleveland narrowly defeated Blaine for the Presidential office.
Sam was one of the earliest of Leadville’s Jewish citizens to show an interest in erecting a place of worship for the Jewish community. [17] At the start of 1884, “…[t]he prominent Israelites of Leadville who are interested in the erection of a place of worship, held a meeting Tuesday evening to discuss the question and to mature plans for the consummation of the project.” [18] Mayer was among those counted at the initial planning meeting and he continued to be instrumental in the creation and operation of Temple Israel. Not half a year later, Sam was responsible for erecting the edifice of the synagogue as part of the building committee, [19] performed as a bass in the choir, [20] and in the new synagogue’s initial election of board members was chosen for the office of treasurer. [21]
Samuel Mayer and his wife, Tillie, were thoroughly involved in the congregation’s social life and participated in Purim Balls, [22] weddings, social picnics and more. The family was well-known throughout the city and Mayer even engaged in an entertaining and lively bet with “Colonel” Pap Wyman over the outcome of the 1884 Presidential election. [23] The Leadville Daily Herald described the bet as,
…a novel bet…[where] it was agreed between the gentleman, that in case of Cleveland’s election Mayer would wheel Pap to the courthouse and back to Pap’s house, and in case of Blaine’s election Pap was to furnish the mode of power to convey Mr. Mayer to the courthouse and return. [24]
A few short months later when the outcome of the Presidential election favored Cleveland, the Leadville Daily Herald gleefully recounted the earlier events that first led to the bet between “Uncle Sam” Mayer and “Pap” Wyman. [25]
Uncle Sam Mayer was sitting in his store one balmy afternoon in last July, reading the latest intelligence from the Democratic national convention, then in session at Chicago, when his ears were assailed by whoop that almost split his tympanums. [26]
The Leadville Daily Herald continued that upon inspection of what was making the loud whooping sounds, Mayer found
Colonel Wyman’s 240 pounds of humanity ascended from terra firma to space, Colonel Wyman’s eyes rolled in a frenzied manner, Colonel’s lips parted and Colonel Wyman’s lungs emitted a yell that would have made a Ute turn green with envy…Uncle Mayer gazed at the strange spectacle until he felt assured that Colonel Wyman was stricken with some new-fangled disorder of apoplexy. [27]
Mayer then tackled his friend to the ground to ascertain what illness Wyman might be afflicted with. However, the cause of Wyman’s peculiar actions was not due to sickness, but from the nomination of Grover Cleveland. Upon discovering the cause the two friends set about creating the unusual bet and it was one that resulted in a “wheelbarrow procession” [28] of Mayer carting Wyman through town. More than a thousand spectators turned out to view what as truly a procession that was replete with a band of brass and percussion, “torch bearers”, and “fish-horn performers”. [29] Not once, but twice during the procession’s route the wheelbarrow tipped and “the portly occupant of the wheelbarrow cast to Mother Earth.” [30] “Pap” then elected to walk in front of the wheelbarrow so as not to “make Uncle Mayer’s punishment any more severe than could be possibly helped.” [31] After the merriment of the wheelbarrow procession, which ended at Wyman’s saloon, Tammany Hall, where “hilarity reigned until a late hour.” [32]
Morris Mayer, son of Sam, and his partner, Fredrick Belasco, opened the Belasco Theater in Los Angeles, California on August 29, 1904. [33] Morris was convicted of the negligent killing of a Mary J. Keating, when on January 21, 1910, his large automobile crashed into a tramway car on south Broadway in Denver:

Mayer Brought In Court. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 15, 1910. P1.
Although Morris was initially charged with the negligent killing of three people; Keating, Miss Virgil Cain and James A. Baker, all of whom were passengers in his vehicle the night of the crash, the Cain and Baker families refused to prosecute. [34] Details of the incident are scarce, however, it is known that some of Morris’ impropriety that evening included his disappearance from the scene of the accident. [35] He was sentenced to one year at the State Reformatory in Buena Vista on July 6, 1910. [36] Morris married Ruth Baer, the daughter of prominent Leadville and Colorado entrepreneur, Isaac Baer, at Denver on December 26, 1912. [37] Morris died of spinal meningitis on July 10, 1918 at Denver. [38] Ruth Baer Mayer was killed along with her parents, Isaac and Hattie Kahn Baer, when their automobile collided with a train near Domingo, New Mexico on November 16, 1920. [39]
Though Samuel Mayer was a well-liked and popular businessman and citizen, his initial time in Leadville was short. By mid-1889, the Mayer’s had left Leadville. [40] At that time the Mayers moved to Denver where Michael took a position with the Heller Real Estate & Investment Co., while Maurice and Meta continued to reside with nephew Sam who was listed as a “diamond broker” with a new store located at 1729 Larimer Street. [41]
The enterprise became very successful and operated until at least 1927. [42]
Carrie J. (Kahn) Mayer
Born: Morrison, Illinois, October 6, 1864
Died: Salt Lake City, April 12, 1954
Interred: B’nai Israel Cemetery, Salt Lake City
Evelyn S. Mayer
Born: Ohio, July 20, 1890
Died: San Bernardino, Ca. May 23, 1955
Interred: B’nai Israel Cemetery, Salt Lake City
Walter J. Mayer
Bobrn: Ohio, October 16, 1888
Died: January 27, 1972
Carrie grew up in Leadville as Carrie Kahn. [43] Carrie arrived there from Illinois [44] with her family in 1880, and was absent from the city at the time she married Emphraim “Sam” Mayer in Cincinnati [45] sometime before 1888, [46] who was of no relation to other Leadville Mayers. The marriage with Ephraim was short-lived. A machinist from Toledo, Ohio, [47] Ephraim perished sometime before the later stages of 1894. [48] The couple bore two children, Walter and Evelyn. [49] Carrie was socially and politically active, she was secretary for the Leadville Women’s Club, president of the Jewish Ladies Reading Club, Worthy Matron (chairman/president) for the Order of The Eastern Star (Ladies’ arm of the Masonic Lodge), and superintendant of the Temple Israel Sunday School from 1900 to 1908. Carrie was a strong advocate for education as evidenced by both of her children attaining advanced degrees from major universities, and literacy, as evidenced by her campaigns to open Leadville’s first public library as secretary of the Leadville Public Library Association, and she was largely responsible for raising the funds necessary to construct the Carnegie Library Building over the course of the early twentieth century. Carrie returned to Leadville with her children late in 1894, likely to be closer to her parents, Marx and Fanny Kahn, and took a residence at 204 West 8th Street. [50]
Walter delivered a recitation of We Pray Thee for the Seventh Street School’s Thanksgiving program on November 27, 1895. [51] On December 5, Evelyn attended the party in honor of Edith Warne’s sixth birthday at her parents’ home. [52] Carrie was elected to the office of Conductress for the Leadville chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star on December 11. [53]
On January 1, 1896, Carrie, a member of the Crystal Carnival Club responsible for the funds necessary for the building of Leadville’s Ice Palace, was recognized in a celebration of the structure’s construction. [54]

Leadville’s magnificent Ice Palace stood next to the grounds of the current Lake County Public Library at Harrison Avenue and 11th Street and was a popular local activity center during the winter of 1895-96.
Holly Henning. Ice Palace, Leadville. Winter of 1895-96. O1512CC. (Leadville, CO: Lake County Public Library, Lake County Civic Center Association). 2017.
On January 26, 1896, Carrie attended a reception at the home of Order of the Eastern Star Worthy Matron (Chairman/President) Emma Hobbs. [55] Carrie would soon succeed Hobbs in that role as on May 30, 1896, Carrie left Leadville to represent the chapter at the organization’s statewide meeting in Denver as their Worthy Matron. [56] On February 27, Carrie attended the annual Purim Masque Ball given by the Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Association at the Vendome Hotel. [57] At the closing exercises for the Seventh Street School on June 5, Walter gave a recitation of The Never Fail. [58]
On February 7, 1897, Carrie, Walter and Evelyn attended the wedding of Carrie’s brother, Dr. Sol Kahn [59] to Lillie Rose at Denver. [60] Carrie served on the reception committee for the Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Association charity tea hosted by Sadie Sands [61] on March 19. [62] On April 30, Walter gave a recitation of Planting The Tree at the Seventh Street School’s Arbor Day celebration. [63]
In 1898, the family moved to 214 W. 7th Street and would continue to reside there for the duration of their time in Leadville. [64] Carrie was part of a large contingent of the Kahn family to travel from Leadville to Denver and attend the wedding of M.D. Barnett to Ima Rose on March 7, 1898. [65] Carrie signed a petition in support of Mary Louise Stickley’s pursuit for the position as director of the Leadville Board of Education on April 27. [66] On June 16, Carrie hosted a meeting for the Ladies Reading Club at her home. [67] On June 25, Evelyn attended a “Bead Party” hosted by Mary Williams at her parents home. Each guest received a souvenir basket of beads. [68] Carrie served on the arrangement committee for the annual Strawberries & Ice Cream Festival on July 14. [69] On August 20, Carrie threw an elaborate fourth birthday party for her niece, Claire Mayer, who was visiting Leadville from Cincinnati for the summer. [70] Emil Mayer, Carrie’s brother-in-law, his wife and children would be frequent guests of Carrie in Leadville during her tenure in the city. [71] Carrie, as Worthy Matron of the Order of The Eastern Star, announced the funeral services for her aunt, Mina Kahn, who perished on December 5. Services were held at Temple Israel at 2:00 P.M. on December 7, 1898, with full Masonic honors. [72] Mrs. Kahn rests today in Block C, Lot 5, Grave 1 of Leadville’s Hebrew cemetery. [73]
Evelyn was in attendance for a “ride about town” hosted by her close friend Mary Williams on May 13, 1899. [74] On May 28, Carrie gave a presentation on The Popes of Rome at a meeting of the Home Reading Club. [75] Walter was a participant in the paddock flower contest during the city’s flower carnival in June of 1899. [76] On June 5, Carrie travelled to Denver as a Leadville representative of the Order of the Eastern Star to attend the state meeting for the organization. [77] On June 6, Evelyn attended a bon voyage party for Mary Williams who was leaving on an extend vacation with her parents. [78] On June 8, Evelyn and Walter were present at a party hosted by Freddie Bartholomew. [79] Carrie served on the arrangement committee for the Strawberry & Ice Cream Festival and hop presented by the Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Association. [80] Carrie gave a taffy pull to Evelyn on the occasion of her ninth birthday on July 20. [81] Carrie was present at the bedside of her mother, Fanny Kahn, when she died as a result of complications following a surgery at Denver on October 5th. Mrs. Kahn’s remains were returned to Leadville where funeral services were conducted with full Masonic honors by the Order of The Eastern Star at Temple Israel on October 15, 1899. [82] Fanny Kahn rests at Leadville’s Hebrew Cemetery: Block C, Lot 5, Grave 3. [83]
On October 24, 1899, Carrie and her uncle, Isaac Kahn, were involved in a runaway accident when their horse became spooked while crossing the railroad tracks near the cemetery:

Runaway Resulted Seriously. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 25, 1899. P7.
In November of 1899, notices appeared in the local papers that mentioned Carrie had recovered from her injuries. [84] Isaac did not fare as well and was recovering more slowly. [85] On December 30, 1899, Evelyn attended a somber going away party for Alice Nutting who was leaving Leadville with her parents for a new home in Salt Lake City. [86]
Carrie was the superintendant of Temple Israel’s Sunday School from 1900 to 1908, and was the sister in law of Temple Israel cantor, Theo Baer, who married Carrie’s sister, May Kahn, [87] in 1903. [88] Evelyn dressed as a fairy for the Childrens Masque Ball held at Turner Hall on February 24, 1900. [89] At a meeting of The Home and Education Department on March 5, Carrie read a paper she had written entitled, Duties of the Club to the Community. [90] Carrie’s brother-in-law, Emil Mayer, visited Leadville for a few days in August of 1900. [91] On January 4, 1901, Carrie read a self-scribed paper entitled Childhood and How To Protect It at a meeting of the Women’s Club. [92]
Carrie conducted the program for the Temple Israel Sunday School’s Purim exercises on March 3, 1901. [93] Walter and Evelyn attended a surprise party given by Laura Berry in honor of Moe Fogel’s [94] twelfth birthday at her parents’ home on March 6. Walter won the boys first prize of a scarf pin in the day’s gaming endeavors. [95] On March 15, Carrie left Leadville to attend the funeral of Leadville liquor merchant [96] Abe Schloss at Denver. [97] In July, Carrie hosted Mrs. Lederer and Frances Guthman who visited the Mayer home for several weeks from Chicago. [98] Carrie was the secretary for the Leadville Public Library Association, and at a meeting for the group on July 11, she read a letter from Andrew Carnegie which pledged $20,000 to the city for the purposes of constructing a new library building. [99] Carrie had worked with Carnegie for months to procure the donation, and Carnegie was unwilling to donate unless the library association could demonstrate some local financial support. Carrie, along with library board president, Mary Louise Stickley, generated another $5000 in local funds to secure the Carnegie donation and ultimately, the building’s construction. [100] On July 22, 1902, Carrie announced that the funds had been secured and sealed bids were being accepted for the construction of the new building to be located at 9th street and Harrison Avenue. [101] Carrie was present at the Eucre Club party held on July 13, 1901, at the home [102] of Bertha Berry. [103] Carrie attended what was referenced as “The Jewish Ball” held at Richmond Hall on July 20. [104] Carrie threw a lavish eleventh birthday party for Evelyn on July 21. [105] Carrie and Walter were present at the birthday party for Blanche McCain at her parents’ home on October 19. [106] On Halloween, Evelyn and Walter were surprised with a party given at her mother’s home by their fellow Sunday school friends. [107]
On January 13, 1902, Carrie attended an informal party at the home of [108] Nettie Pelta. [109] On January 24, Carrie won the first prize of a watercolor painting at a card party hosted by [110] Jennie Hoffman. [111] The Temple Israel Sunday School hosted a Purim program under the direction of Carrie [112] on March 23, 1901, where Evelyn read a self-composed essay on the importance of Purim. [113] At a Women’s Club meeting on April 21, Carrie proposed that the group donate surplus funds from the club treasury to outfit a children’s room for the new public library. [114] Carrie won first prize of a hand painted plate and colonial teaspoon at a meeting of the Friday Afternoon Whist Club at the home of Bertha Berry on March 29. [115] Evelyn was surprised by a party given by her mother and Walter at the family home on May 17. [116] Walter was a member of Temple Israel’s confirmation class on June 8, 1902, [117] that included Theresa Grossmayer, Ethel Sandusky, [118] Pearl Miller, [119] Sam Bergman, [120] George Strepey, [121] Marie and Ben Erlich. [122] On June 15, commencement exercises for the Leadville grammar and high schools took place at the Elk’s Club. Walter participated in his continuation from grammar to high school by presenting class photographs to Central School principle H.G. Steans and performed a guitar/mandolin duet of the tune Pearl Waitress with Mary Crawford in accompaniment. [123] On October 25, 1902, the cornerstone is set and construction of the new Carnegie Library building at Harrison Avenue and 9th Street symbolizing the accomplishments of Carrie’s effort in assisting to raise the funds for Leadville’s first public library. [124]
Evelyn was entrusted to the duty of spreading rose petals in the path of her aunt, May Kahn, at her wedding to cantor Theodore Baer held at Temple Israel on January 27, 1903. [125]
On Friday, January 8, 1904, Carrie’s efforts were realized when the Carnegie Library formally opened to the public. Carrie served on the reception committee for the library’s grand opening. [126]
Carrie was selected by Mayor Jesse McDonald to serve as a judge of parade floats and building decorations for the city’s Independence Day festivities. [127] On his way to attend Culver Military Academy in Indiana, Walter stopped in St Louis to visit the 1904 World’s Fair. [128] Carrie attended a large family dinner hosted by her sister, May Kahn Baer, at her home on November 12, 1904. [129]
Walter continued to attend Culver Military Academy. [130] On January 25, 1905, Carrie was chosen as a delegate for the Violet Circle No. 1 of the Women of Woodcraft to attend a national convention for the organization which was held during April at Los Angeles. [131] On March 5, Carrie read the first act of Romeo & Julliet, and a paper entitled: Houses of Montague and Capulet for a meeting of the Women’s Club at her home. [132] On March 23, Evelyn and Carrie attended the anniversary party of her aunt and uncle, Mina and Isaac Kahn. [133] On April 20, Carrie hosted a meeting of the Embroidery Club at her home on West 7th Street. [134] Carrie was on the arrangement committee for the annual Strawberries and Ice Cream Festival hop held at Richmond’s Hall on July 15. [135] Carrie attended a party given for Lillian Easton at the Edwards’ home of July 18. [136] On September 23, Carrie attended a card party at the home of her aunt, Mina Kahn. [137] Walter and Evelyn were thrown a surprise Halloween party by their friends, [138] whom included Ethel Sandusky, Theresa & Florence Grossmayer, [139] Moe Fogel, Lora Berry, Helen Janowitz, [140] Myrtle Block, [141] and Lucile Heimberger. [142]

This postcard of the Carnegie Library building at 9th Street and Harrison Avenue around 1914 shows the exterior of the structure has remained largely unchanged since its completion in 1904. The site serves today as Leadville’s Heritage Museum and is open to the public.
Janice Fox. 3170. Public Library, Leadville. 00432CC. (Leadville, CO: Lake County Public Library. Lake County Civic Center Association). 2016.
Carrie had charge of the Women’s Club meeting held on February 11, 1906 at which the topic of study was Shakespeare’s Macbeth. [143] On April 27, 1906, Evelyn argued in the negative on the topic of ‘Ambition Includes More Vice Than Virtue’ at a meeting of the Fortnightly Debating Club. The resolution was passed in the affirmative. [144] Carrie hosted a meeting of the Embroidery Club on May 23. [145] Carrie served on a Women’s Club committee “…to wait on the alderman in the interest of city improvements.” [146] On September 21, 1906, at a meeting of the Fortnightly Debating Club, Evelyn argued the negative point on the subject ‘Resolved that it is unjust for the city council to impel citizens to install concrete sidewalks’. The topic was resolved in the affirmative. [147] Evelyn played center for the Leadville High School girl’s basketball team [148] and attended a taffy pull hosted by Mary Williams on October 25. [149]
The following article appeared in the November 11, 1906 edition of the Herald Democrat newspaper:

Public School Column. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 11, 1906. P2.
On November 24, 1906, Evelyn assisted Mrs. Burton in preparing a birthday party for her daughter Elizabeth’s fifth birthday. [150]
On January 1, 1907, Carrie was recognized by the board of directors of the Leadville Public Library as being a charter member of the Leadville Public Library Association and instrumental in acquiring the donation from Andrew Carnegie in 1901 that funded the library’s construction. [151] Carrie was on the arrangement committee for a special Children’s Day celebration hosted by the Women’s Club on February 22. [152] At a meeting of the Fortnightly Debate Club, Evelyn argued in the negative on the topic ‘Should custom sanction proposal of marriage by women’. The judges resolved on the negative by a score of four to one. [153] Evelyn hosted what was described as an enjoyable, but “weird” party in recognition of Halloween, where all of her guests were dressed as ghosts. [154] On November 1, Evelyn debated in the affirmative on the topic of as to whether the “‘honor system’ should be introduced in Leadville’s public schools” at a meeting of the Fortnightly Debate Club. Evelyn’s argument was affective and the resolution was passed. [155]
Walter and Evelyn attended a card party given by Mary Williams at her parents’ home on January 2, 1908. [156] On January 28, Carrie presented the library with an embroidered portrait of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt she made from a plaster panel painting that was displayed in the children’s room. [157] On February 15, Carrie gave a party for her sister, Tillie Kahn, in recognition of her departure for a new home in Chicago. [158] Evelyn gave a Leap Year Party [159] at her home on February 29. [160] Evelyn spent her spring break in Golden visiting Walter. [161] Walter, now a graduate student at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, returned to Leadville after his first year to attend Evelyn’s high school graduation [162] and work as a “millman” for the American Zinc Extraction Co. [163]

Evelyn Mayer’s senior yearbook photograph, 1908.
Holly Henning. Leadville Senior Class, 1908. 00140CC. (Leadville, CO: Lake County Public Library, Lake County Civic Center Association). 2016.
Walter and Evelyn attended a function of the Leadville Shack Club where they joined the group for a ride to the Durning ranch where they enjoyed an afternoon of dancing and a picnic lunch. [164] On September 6, Carrie was one in a group of twenty Leadville girls who attended a film presented by Cameraphone, [165] an early attempt by Columbia House to synchronize Edison Gramophone cylinders with motion pictures to incorporate audio. [166] On September 22, Carrie threw a going away party for Mrs. Scott who was leaving town for a new home in Denver. [167] In October of 1908, Carrie listed her fully furnished home on West 7th Street for rental. It is unclear when, or if the home was leased as Carrie remained listed at the address until she left Leadville a year later. [168] On October 4, word reached Leadville that Evelyn and her close friend, Mary Williams were settling in to their studies at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. [169] Evelyn spent her first Thanksgiving away from Leadville visiting Chicago. [170] On December 11, Carrie hosted a meeting of the Friday Afternoon Whist Club. [171]
Early in 1909, Carrie and her sister, Tillie Kahn, took a several months- long trip to Los Angeles. On their way, they stopped to explore the Grand Canyon on mule-back. [172] In May of 1909, Evelyn, along with roommate and close childhood friend, Mary Williams, were nearly drowned in a canoeing accident on Lake Mendota:
Later that autumn, Evelyn and Carrie returned to Leadville after a summer trip to Los Angles, gathered their belongings and moved to New York City where Evelyn enrolled in the graduate program at Columbia University. [173] On June 13, 1909, Walter returned to Leadville with his roommate, Archie (Arthur) Zwetow (Sweet), [174] from Colorado School of Mines in Golden for their summer vacation. [175] On December 15, Walter visited Leadville to attend the eightieth birthday party of his grandfather, Marx Kahn. Carrie and Evelyn, having recently left for New York City, did not attend. [176]
Carrie and Evelyn moved to Manhattan in 1910, where Evelyn found employment as a traveling stockbroker while continuing her studies at Columbia. [177] Walter returned to Leadville for his summer vacation in June of 1910. [178] Sometime prior to 1920, Evelyn became a college professor, first with the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and later with Sacramento State University in California. [179] Mother and daughter appear have remained together for the duration of Carrie’s life, [180] who passed on April 12, 1954, at Salt Lake City. She rests at B’nai Israel Cemetery. [181] Evelyn never married and passed just over a year later at Sacremento, California from unknown causes on May 23, 1955. [182] She is interred next to her mother in Salt Lake City. [183] Walter served in the defensive sector during the First World War for the U.S. Army (Cavalry) from June 28, 1918, until March 24, 1919. [184] He died at Los Angeles of unknown causes on March 8, 1972 [185] and was interred at Los Angeles National Cemetery with full military honors. [186]
1 TB Corbett and JH Ballenger. Corbet, and Ballenger’s Thrid Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville for 1882. (Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger Publishers.1882). P207.
2 Lake County, Colorado State Special Census Index for 1885. (Leadville, CO; USA: Historical Research Cooperative.). 1985.
3 Lake County, Colorado State Special Census Index for 1885. 1985.
4 Lake County, Colorado State Special Census Index for 1885. 1985.
5 Charles Mayer Headstone, Hebrew Cemetery of Leadville (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado), 2016
6 1885 U.S. census, Lake County, Colorado, Leadville, pg. 3, Charles Mayer, Tillie Mayer, Maurice Mayer, Meta Mayer, Adie Mayer, and Maurice Mayer.
7 For more information on the Baer brothers and their families, please visit:
8 Mayer Had The Faith. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 15, 1902. P3.
9 Filed For Record. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). April 17, 1900. P8.
10 Get Mayer Estate. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 14, 1902. P8.
11 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 28, 1905. P4.
12 Leadville Laconics. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald). March 3, 1882. P4.
13 TB Corbett and JH Ballenger. Corbet, and Ballenger’s Fifth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville For 1884. (Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. 1884). P181.
14 TB Corbett and JH Ballenger. Corbet, and Ballenger’s Eighth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville For 1887. (Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. 1887). P192.
15 District Court. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald, March 6, 1883). P1.
16 For Blaine And Logan. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald). October 10, 1884. P4.
17 New Jewish Temple. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald). August 8 1884. P4.
18 A Big Addition. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald). January 17, 1884. P4.
19 Leadville Daily Herald, August 8, 1884, pg. 4.
20 Congregation Israel. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald). September 20, 1884, P4.
21 The Congregation Israel. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald). September 23, 1884. P1.
22 The Jewish Festival. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald). March 12, 1884, P4.
23 Colorado Forests. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald, November 8, 1884. P4.
24 Leadville Daily Herald, November 8, 1884. P4.
25 Last Night’s Pageant. (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald). November 22, 1884, P4.
26 Leadville Daily Herald. November 22, 1884, P4
27 Leadville Daily Herald. November 22, 1884, P4.
28 Leadville Daily Herald. November 22, 1884, P4.
29 Leadville Daily Herald. November 22, 1884, P4.
30 Leadville Daily Herald. November 22, 1884, P4.
31 Leadville Daily Herald. November 22, 1884, P4.
32 Leadville Daily Herald. November 22, 1884, P4.
33 Amusements. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). September 4, 1904. P10.
34 Morris Mayer Escapes. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 5, 1910. P2.
35 Morris Mayer Negligent. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 4, 1910. P1.
36 County Jail For Mayer. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 7, 1910. P1.
37 Denver Public Library. Colorado Marriages 1858-1939. (Denver, CO. USA. The Colorado Genealogical Society(. 2004. P831.
38 Morris S. Mayer. Steamboat Springs, CO: Routt County Sentinel. July 12, 1918. P1.
39 Isaac Baer Meets Death. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 17, 1920. P1.
40 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Tenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1889. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers). 1889. P182.
41 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eighteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Denver for 1890. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Internet Archive. 2011). P827.
42 Simonson Victor In Two-Mile Race. (Denver, CO: Denver Clarion. University of Denver). October 27, 1927. P2.
43 For more information on Carrie Kahn Mayer’s childhood, and the Marx Kahn family, please visit:
44 JewishGen, comp. JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR Provo, UT). 2008.
45 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). August 27, 1900. P7.
46 State of California. California Death Index, 1940-1997. (Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics).
47 Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
48 United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration) 1900. T623.
49 Lake County, US Census Index For 1900. (Historical Research Cooperative. Leadville, CO; USA). 1985. P421.
50 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Sixteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1895. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers). 1895. P194.
51 They Will Render Thanks. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 27, 1895. P6.
52 Society On The Qui Vie. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). December 8, 1895. P5.
53 Election Of Officers. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). December 11, 1895. P8.
54 We Helped Build The Ice Palace. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). January 2, 1896. P1.
55 Society Is At Its Gayest. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. January 27, 1896. P4.
56 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 31, 1896. P7.
57 The Great Feast Of Purim. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 28, 1896. P4.
58 The Little Ones To Have A Say. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 5, 1897. P6.
59 For more information on Sol Kahn, and Carrie’s pre-marital life, please visit:
60 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 7, 1897. P5.
61 For more information on Sadie Herman Sands and her family, Please visit:
62 The World Of Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 21, 1897. P6.
63 The Schools Celebrate Arbor Day. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 1, 1897. P2.
64 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Nineteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1898. (Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1898). P199.
65 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 6, 1898. P6.
66 A Card To The Public. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). April 27, 1898. P8.
67 The Ladies’ Reading Club. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 16, 1898. P6.
68 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 26, 1898. P7
69 Popular War Loan. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 15, 1898. P8.
70 The World Of Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). August 21, 1898. P6.
71 The World Of Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). September 4, 1898. P7.
72 Funeral Of Mrs. Kahn. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). December 7, 1898. P8.
73 Hebrew Cemetery Records. Mina Kahn (B: December 20, 1844 D: December 5, 1898). (Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. Lot C, Block 5, Grave 1). 2020.
74 The World Of Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 14, 1899. P6.
75 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 28, 1899. P6.
76 The Flower Carnival. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 4, 1899. P8.
77 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 5, 1899. P7.
78 The World Of Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 11, 1899. P6.
79 Herald Democrat. June 11, 1899. P6.
80 Herald Democrat. June 11, 1899. P6.
81 The World Of Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 23, 1899. P6.
82 Mrs. Marx Kahn Dead And Many Mourn An Honored Life. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 14, 1899. P7.
83 Hebrew Cemetery Records. Fanny Kahn (B: 1840 D: October 5, 1899). (Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation). 2020.
84 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 5, 1899. P2.
85 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 29, 1899. P8.
86 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). December 31, 1899. P2.
87 For more information on Theo, May, and the Baer family, please visit:
88 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 1, 1903. P9.
89 Children Revel In Fairyland. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 25, 1900. P2.
90 Society. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). March 12, 1900. P8.
91 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). August 27, 1900. P7.
92 Society. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). January 21, 1901. P8.
93 Purim Exercises. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 4, 1901. P5.
94 For more information on Moe Fogel and his family, please visit:
95 Society. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). March 11, 1901. P6
96 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 15, 1901. P7.
97 For more information on Abraham J. Schloss and his family, please visit:
98 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). July 1, 1901. P8.
99 Carnegie Will Give. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 12, 1901. P8.
100 Public Library Agitation. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 1, 1901. P8.
101 Notice To Contractors. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 22, 1902. P8.
102 Society. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). July 15, 1901. P8.
103 For more information on Bertha Berry and her family, please visit:
104 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 21, 1901. P6.
105 Society. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). July 22, 1901. P8.
106 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 20, 1901. P12.
107 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 3, 1901. P9.
108 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). January 19, 1902. P10.
109 For more information on Nettie Pelta and her family, please visit:
110 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 26, 1902. P10.
111 For more information on Jennie Block Hoffman and her family, please visit:
112 The Feast Of Purim. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 22, 1902. P4.
113 Jewish Sunday School. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 24, 1902. P6.
114 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). April 20, 1902. P11.
115 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 30, 1902. P5.
116 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 18, 1902. P11.
117 Confirmed Today. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 8, 1902. P3.
118 For more information on Ethel Sandusky and her family, please visit:
119 For more information on Pearl Miller and her family, please visit:
120 For more information on Sam Bergman and his family, please visit:
121 For more information on George Strepey and his family, please visit:
122 For more information on Marie and Ben Erlich and their family, please visit:
123 Eight Graduates. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 15, 1902. P2.
124 Carnegie Library. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). January 1, 1903. P6.
125 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 1, 1903. P9.
126 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). January 10, 1904. P5.
127 Bank Robbers. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 3, 1904. P2.
128 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). August 21, 1904. P8.
129 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 13, 1904. P10.
130 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 7, 1905. P2.
131 Delegates Are Elected To Woodcraft Convention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). January 26, 1905. P3.
132 Women’s Club Meeting. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 6, 1905. P6.
133 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 26, 1905. P10.
134 Embroidery Club. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). April 6, 1905. P6.
135 Order Of Eastern Star Gave An Entertainment. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 16, 1905. P6.
136 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). July 23, 1905. P10.
137 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). September 24, 1905. P10.
138 Society. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle). November 4, 1905. P4.
139 For more information on Theresa & Florence Grossmayer and their family, please visit:
140 For more information on Helen Janowitz and her family, please visit:
141 For more information on Myrtle Block and her family, please visit:
142 For more information on Lucile Heimberger and her family, please visit:
143 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 11, 1906. P10.
144 Public School Column. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). April 29, 1906. P7.
145 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 20, 1906. P10.
146 Women’s Club. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). May 15, 1906. P4.
147 Public School Column. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). September 23, 1906. P2.
148 Basket Ball. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 7, 1906. P3.
149 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 28, 1906. P10.
150 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 25, 1906. P10.
151 The Library Builders. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). January 1, 1907. P26.
152 Children’s Day Celebration. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 21, 1907. P6.
153 Public School Column. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 24, 1907. P2.
154 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 3, 1907. P8.
155 Public School Column. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). November 3, 1907. P2.
156 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). January 5, 1908. P6.
157 Library Remembered. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). January 28, 1908. P5.
158 At Home For Miss Kahn. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). February 15, 1908. P5.
159 A “Leap Year Party”, also known as “Bachelor’s Day”, by tradition was celebrated every four years on February 29, and allowed for women to take more aggressive roles in courtship rituals for one day without compromising their femininity. Most notably, proposals of marriage. For more information see: George Monger. Marriage Customs of the World: An Encyclopedia of Dating Customs and Wedding Traditions, Expanded Second Edition [2 Volumes] ABC-CLIO, Apr 9, 2013.
160 Leap Year Party. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 1, 1908. P5.
161 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 29, 1908. P8.
162 Here From Golden. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 13, 1908. P5.
163 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Ninth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1908. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1908). P204.
164 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). August 9, 1908. P6.
165 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). September 13, 1908. P5.
166 The Cameraphone was an early attempt to provide audio to motion picture films beginning in 1904. It was not the first attempt to use Edison’s Gramaphone technology to sync sound and visual media, which began with the Chronograph in 1902. The Cameraphone was a project developed by Columbia Phonograph Company engineers, and aside from its technical issues the project met with both legal action and industrial espionage from Edison who was developing similar projects attempting to use the phonograph technology to sync audio with motion picture film. The Cameraphone was introduced to consumers in the summer of 1908 and its most affective contribution was the invention of the mechanical friction amplifier, a non-electronic amplification device that allowed Gramaphone cylinders to be played at significantly higher volume. In 1909, Cameraphone General Manager Carl Herbert cited the largest issue with the application of this technology were the actors themselves: "Most prominent vaudeville actors and actresses make poor records, especially talking acts. So true is this that of a score of high salaried 'headliners' so employed, barely two or three have proved more than provoking disappointments." For more information on early attempts to sync audio with motion picture film, please read: Mark Ulano, C.A.S. Their Own Eyes and Ears. ( 2020.
167 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). September 27, 1908. P6.
168 For Rent. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 8, 1908. P4.
169 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). October 4, 1908. P8.
170 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). December 6, 1908. P8.
171 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). December 14, 1908. P11.
172 Yosemite Valley In Its Grandeur. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). March 6, 1909. P5.
173 Return From Coast. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). September 30, 1909. P5.
174 For more information on Archie Zwetow and his family, please visit:
175 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). June 13, 1908. P7.
176 Notable Birthday. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). December 16, 1909. P5.
177 Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). (Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.). 1910.
178 Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 5, 1910. P6.
179 Society. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat). December 14, 1908. P11.
180 Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls). 1930.
181 JewishGen, comp. JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR. Provo, UT). 2008.
182 State of California. California Death Index, 1940-1997. (Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics).
183 Evelyn Mayer. ID: 32456573. Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012.
184 The Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the World War, 1917-18. (Columbus, OH, USA: The F.J. Heer Printing Co.). 1926.
185 Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS) Death File. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs).
186 National Cemetery Administration. U.S. Veterans' Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 [database on-line]. (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc,). 2006.
A Big Addition. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald, January 17, 1884.
A Card To The Public. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 27, 1898.
Amusements. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 4, 1904.
At Home For Miss Kahn. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 15, 1908.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eleventh Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1890. Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1890.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Tenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1889. Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1889.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Fifteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1894”. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1894.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Sixteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1895. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1895.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Eigteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1897. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1897.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Nineteenth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1898. Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1898.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twentieth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1899. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1899.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-First Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1900. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1900.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Second Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1901. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1901.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Third Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1902. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. Leadville, CO; USA. 1902.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Fourth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1903. Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers. Leadville, CO; USA. 1903.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Fifth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1904. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1904.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Sixth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1905. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1905.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Seventh Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1906. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1906.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Eighth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1907. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1907.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Ninth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1908. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1908.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirtieth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1909. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1909.
Bank Robbers. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 3, 1904.
Basket Ball. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 7, 1906.
Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS) Death File. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Carnegie Library. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 1, 1903.
Carnegie Will Give. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 12, 1901.
Charles Mayer Headstone, Hebrew Cemetery of Leadville (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado), 2016.
Children Revel In Fairyland. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 25, 1900.
Children’s Day Celebration. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 21, 1907.
Confirmed Today. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 8, 1902.
Colorado Forests. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald, November 8, 1884.
Congregation Israel. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. September 20, 1884.
Corbett, TB and Ballenger, JH. Corbet, and Ballenger’s Third Annual City Directory: Containing A Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms Etc. In The City Of Leadville For 1882. Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger Publishers.1882.
Corbett, TB and Ballenger, JH. Corbet, and Ballenger’s Fifth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville For 1884. Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. 1884.
Corbett, TB and Ballenger, JH. Corbet, and Ballenger’s Eighth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Leadville For 1887. Leadville, CO: Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. 1887.
County Jail For Mayer. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 7, 1910.
Delegates Are Elected To Woodcraft Convention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 26, 1905.
Denver Public Library. Colorado Marriages 1858-1939. Denver, CO. USA. The Colorado Genealogical Society. 2004.
District Court. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald, March 6, 1883.
Eight Graduates. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 15, 1902.
Election Of Officers. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 11, 1895.
Embroidery Club. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 6, 1905.
Evelyn Mayer. ID: 32456573. Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012.
Filed For Record. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 17, 1900.
For Blaine And Logan. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. October 10, 1884.
For Rent. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 8, 1908.
Fox, Janice. 3170. Public Library, Leadville. 00432CC. Leadville, CO: Lake County Public Library. Lake County Civic Center Association. 2016.
Funeral Of Mrs. Kahn. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 7, 1898.
Get Mayer Estate. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 14, 1902.
Hebrew Cemetery Records. Fanny Kahn (B: 1840 D: October 5, 1899). Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. 2020.
Hebrew Cemetery Records. Mina Kahn (B: December 20, 1844 D: December 5, 1898). Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation. Lot C, Block 5, Grave 1. 2020.
Henning, Holly. 3170 Public Library, Leadville. 00266CC. Leadville, CO: Lake County Public Library, Lake County Civic Center Association. 2016.
Henning, Holly. Ice Palace, Leadville. Winter of 1895-96. 01512CC. Leadville, CO: Lake County Public Library, Lake County Civic Center Association. 2017.
Henning, Holly. Leadville Senior Class, 1908. 00140CC. Leadville, CO: Lake County Public Library, Lake County Civic Center Association. 2016.
Here From Golden. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 13, 1908.
Isaac Baer Meets Death. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 17, 1920.
Jewish Sunday School. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 24, 1902.
JewishGen, comp. JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.
Lake County, Colorado State Special Census Index for 1885. Leadville, CO; USA Historical Research Cooperative. 1985.
Lake County, US Census Index For 1900. Historical Research Cooperative. Leadville, CO; USA. 1985.
Last Night’s Pageant. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. November 22, 1884.
Leadville Laconics. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald, March 3, 1882.
Leap Year Party. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 1, 1908.
Library Remembered. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 28, 1908.
Local Girls Near Death. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 7, 1909.
Mayer Brought In Court. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 15, 1910.
Mayer, Carrie. Childhood And How To Protect It. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 1, 1901.
Mayer Had The Faith. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 15, 1902.
Monger, George. Marriage Customs of the World: An Encyclopedia of Dating Customs and Wedding Traditions, Expanded Second Edition [2 Volumes] ABC-CLIO, Apr 9, 2013.
Morris Mayer Escapes. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 5, 1910.
Morris Mayer Negligent. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 4, 1910.
Morris S. Mayer. Steamboat Springs, CO: Routt County Sentinel. July 12, 1918.
Mrs. Marx Kahn Dead And Many Mourn An Honored Life. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 14, 1899.
National Cemetery Administration. U.S. Veterans' Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006.
New Jewish Temple. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. August 8 1884.
Notable Birthday. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 16, 1909.
Notice To Contractors. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 22, 1902.
Order Of Eastern Star Gave An Entertainment. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 16, 1905.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle. August 27, 1900.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle. July 1, 1901.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 28, 1905.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 5, 1899.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 5, 1899.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 29, 1899.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 15, 1901.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 21, 1904.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 7, 1905.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 29, 1908.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 4, 1908.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 6, 1908.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 13, 1908.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 5, 1910.
Popular War Loan. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 15, 1898.
Public Library Agitation. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 1, 1901.
Public School Column. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 29, 1906.
Public School Column. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 23, 1906.
Public School Column. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 11, 1906.
Public School Column. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 24, 1907.
Public School Column. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 3, 1907.
Purim Exercises. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 4, 1901.
Return From Coast. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 30, 1909.
Runaway Resulted Seriously. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 25, 1899.
Sam & Mike Mayer. Leadville, CO: Leadville, Daily Herald. January 1, 1885.
Sam Mayer Jeweler. Denver, CO: Denver Clarion. University of Denver. June 3, 1920.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Leadville, Lake County, Colorado. Sanborn Map Company, Sep, 1895. Map. Library of Congress. 2020.
Simonson Victor In Two-Mile Race. Denver, CO: Denver Clarion. University of Denver. October 27, 1927.
Society. Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle. March 12, 1900.
Society. Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle. January 21, 1901.
Society. Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle. March 11, 1901.
Society. Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle. July 15, 1901.
Society. Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle. July 22, 1901.
Society. Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle. November 4, 1905.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 31, 1896.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 7, 1897.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 6, 1898.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 26, 1898.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 31, 1899.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 21, 1901.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 20, 1901.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 3, 1901.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 19, 1902.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 26, 1902.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. April 20, 1902.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 30, 1902.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 18, 1902.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 1, 1903.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 10, 1904.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 13, 1904.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 26, 1905.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 23, 1905.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 24, 1905.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 11, 1906.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 20, 1906.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. October 28, 1906.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 25, 1906.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 3, 1907.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 5, 1908.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 9, 1908.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 13, 1908.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 27, 1908.
Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 14, 1908.
Society Is At Its Gayest. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Evening Chronicle. January 27, 1896.
Society On The Qui Vie. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. December 8, 1895.
Special Meeting. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 30, 1898.
State of California. California Death Index, 1940-1997. Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics.
Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
The Congregation Israel. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. September 23, 1884.
The Flower Carnival. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 4, 1899.
The Feast Of Purim. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 22, 1902.
The Great Feast Of Purim. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. February 28, 1896.
The Jewish Festival. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. March 12, 1884.
The Ladies’ Reading Club. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 16, 1898.
The Little Ones To Have A Say. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 5, 1897.
The Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the World War, 1917-18. Columbus, OH, USA: The F.J. Heer Printing Co., 1926.
The Schools Celebrate Arbor Day. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 1, 1897.
They Will Render Thanks. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. November 27, 1895.
The World Of Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 21, 1897.
The World Of Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. August 21, 1898.
The World Of Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. September 4, 1898.
The World Of Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 14, 1899.
The World Of Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. June 11, 1899.
The World Of Society. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. July 23, 1899.
Ulano, Mark; C.A.S. Their Own Eyes and Ears. 2020.
United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls. Year: 1900; Census Place: Leadville, Lake, Colorado; Page: 11; Enumeration District: 0048; FHL microfilm: 1240125.
United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Year: 1910; Census Place: Manhattan Ward 12, New York, New York; Roll: T624_1024; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 0630; FHL microfilm: 137503.
United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls. Year: 1930; Census Place: San Francisco, San Francisco, California; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 0333; FHL microfilm: 2339942.
We Helped Build The Ice Palace. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 2, 1896.
Women’s Club. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. May 15, 1906.
Women’s Club Meeting. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 6, 1905.
Yosemite Valley In Its Grandeur. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. March 6, 1909.
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHOR: Crystal Turpin & Jeffrey P. Grant
EDITOR: William Korn
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO; USA. 2020.