Hirsch (“Hirsh”) Monheimer
Born: ?
Birthplace: ?
Died: 11 December 1886
Bertha Monheimer
Born: ?
Birthplace: ?
Died: Est. January 1886
Joseph (“Jonas,” “Joe,” “John”) H. Monheimer
Occupation: Dry goods store owner
Born: Est. 1845
Birthplace: Germany
Died: ?
Marcus (“Max,” “Marx”) H. Monheimer
Occupation: Dry goods store owner
Born: 1850-1851
Birthplace: Germany
Died: 31 December 1910
Rosa Monheimer
Born: Est. 1848
Birthplace: ?
Died: 1887
Theresa Lemlein Monheimer
Occupation: Dry goods store owner
Born: Est. 1852
Birthplace: New York
Died: 28 December 1886
Marcus Jerome Monheimer
Occupation: Clerk
Born: 1868
Birthplace: New York
Died: ?
Romeo Monheimer
Born: 1872
Birthplace: New York
Died: ?
Estella Monheimer
Occupation: ?
Born: 1875
Birthplace: New York
Died: ?
Louis Monheimer
Born: 1878-1879
Birthplace: New York
Died: ?
Sam (“Sammy,” “Sanford”) Monheimer
Born: 1880
Birthplace: New York
Died: ?
Blanche Monheimer
Born: 1880
Birthplace: New York
Died: 1946
Alfred Monheimer
Born: 1881
Birthplace: Colorado
Died: 1958
Florence (“Flora”) Monheimer
Born: 1883
Birthplace: Colorado
Died: 22 October 1886
Jews were an important element of Leadville’s merchant class and the Monheimer brothers are prototypic examples, active in all aspects of Leadville’s civic life. Joseph H. (b. 1845) and Marcus H. (b. 1850) immigrated from Germany sometime before 1867, initially settling in New York City. [1] While in New York, the brothers assumed the joys of married lives. Joseph married Rosa (b. 1848) and the union produced Marcus Jerome (b. 1868), Romeo (b. 1872), and Sam (b. 1880) before leaving the city. [2] Marcus, in turn, married Theresa Lemlein (b. 1852) and their first three children, Estella (b. 1875), Louis (b. 1878-1879), and Blanche (b. 1879) were born in New York. [3]
Marcus was the first of the pair to move his family to Leadville, arriving in the booming mining town in 1880. Joseph, though he did not have a permanent residence in Leadville in 1880, was immediately active in the community, becoming a member of the Turn Verein Society, a social and athletic organization of German origin, and accepting appointments to both the Committee of Arrangements and the Building Committee of the Society. [4] On July 21st, 1880, Marcus held a grand opening for Monheimer Bros., the family’s general store located at 321 Harrison Avenue at the southwest corner of the intersection with 4th Street which sold “dry goods, carpet, and notions.” [5] The building that the store occupied was known as the Monheimer Block, an indicator of ownership and, therefore, adequate capital. [6] Joseph is recorded in the 1881 city directory as being a partner of the enterprise, although still living in New York City. [7]
Business must have been good in 1881 as Monheimer Bros. was listed one of the incorporators, on March 25th, of the Leadville Electric Light Company along with such local luminaries as Charles Boettcher, David May, and Judge Marcus J. Waldheimer. [8]
Joseph joined his younger brother by early 1881 and settled with his wife and three children at 132 West 4th Street. [9] He quickly made a name for himself in town, becoming an incorporator organizing a Mining Stock Exchange with capital stock of $20,000. [10] Joseph’s son, Marcus Jerome Monheimer entered the family business at this time as well, working as a cashier at Monheimer Bros. [11] By early 1882, Joseph became deeply involved in the community much like his younger brother. He provided prizes to the best dressed lady and most comical costume at the March 6th Purim Masq Ball under the direction of the Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society. [12] He was also among the speechmakers hosting a banquet in favor of the Honorable Edwin Harrison, an early Leadville pioneer and namesake of Harrison Avenue and a hook and ladder company. [13] By October of the same year, Joseph became quite prominent in Leadville’s business world as he was selected to be the assignee for the bankruptcy of Max and Sol Herman’s clothing store, Herman Brothers. [14] According to the Chronicle, the selection was “certainly a very judicious one, for he has the confidence of the entire community” and “he would be more apt to inspire confidence among our numerous creditors and the commercial community generally than anyone else.” [15] Perhaps as a sign of his continuing success, Joseph “removed to his elegant new residence, No. 124 West Ninth Street” in November. [16] Nonetheless, the highlight of the year for the family, at home at 418 Pine Street on the southeast corner of 5th Street, must have been the birth of Alfred to Theresa and Marcus on May 8th, 1882. [17]
The aftermath of the Palace of Fashion arson trial in March 1883 reflected the esteem to which the Monheimers were held. At the festivities commemorating Judge Waldheimer’s very successful defense of the five Jews accused, Joseph is referred to as one of “The Merchant Princes of Leadville” and amongst other comments the senior Monheimer remarked that “It has been an unjust persecution by some of the people of Leadville. It was a black-mailing scheme, but I rejoice at the result of the trial and say that the dry goods tonight are at par.” [18] During the 1883 Memorial Day parade, Joseph also appears as a colonel on the staff of Governor Grant in the Colorado National Guard. [19] His rank does not appear to be honorary or a nickname as his son, Marcus Jerome, was a member of the Sons of Veterans, a fraternal organization made up of men whose fathers fought in the American Civil War. [20] During the summer of the same year, the Monheimers fulfilled their sporting urges by sponsoring a baseball team which lost a game to the Daniels, Fisher & Smith nine by a score of 27 to 20 on July 22nd. [21] The Monheimers continued to be prominent socialites, attending numerous masquerades and balls during their early years in Leadville. At a Purim Masq Ball held on March 23rd, many of the guests dressed provocatively including Joe Waterman as a “Gypsy king” and Mr. Slater as “Irishman” while Marcus Jerome Monheimer attended as a “nigger singer.” [22]
Politics was also an important part of the Monheimer’s civic life with Joseph becoming a prominent member of Leadville’s political scene. Although he lost the November 6 election to Republican Alex De Lappe, Joseph was elected as county commissioner six days later thanks in part to strong editorial support from the Carbonate Chronicle and the Leadville Democrat. [23] Joseph’s appointment as county commissioner was not without controversy, however, as he replaced August Rische who had been removed from his seat on the county commission because of absenteeism and “his liking for alcoholic drinks.” [24] Rische’s outrage did not disappear after his replacement, however, and the debacle resurfaced the following year. Joseph received an immediate appointment, with Commissioner Frank DeMainville, to be the committee in charge of the poor house. [25] Thanksgiving celebrations that year included a Grand Army of the Republic concert at City Hall which featured Joseph’s son Marcus Jerome as the King of the Fairies in a production of “An Hour in Fairy Land”. [26]
The Church of the Sacred Heart held a fair at City Hall on December 11th for the benefit of the church which included a lady’s hat donated for sale by Monheimer Bros. and a concert with a song performed by Jerome and a chorus of children. [27] The year ended on a high note as the Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society hosted a ball on December 27th at City Hall in commemoration of the Feast of the Dedication (Chanukah). [28] Joseph was chairman of the Reception Committee and Marcus was chairman of the Floor Committee. In 1883, Marcus and Theresa also welcomed their fifth child, Florence, to the world. [29]
By 1884, Joseph and Marcus promoted Marcus Jerome from cashier to clerk at Monheimer Bros. [30] In February, the Leadville Daily Herald, a Republican newspaper, began publishing anonymous comments by Lake County citizens challenging Joseph’s appointment as county commissioner and seeking his resignation. [31] Many of the comments claimed that he did not win the popular vote, that he was a usurper of Rische’s position, and that he and the commission did not adhered to proper laws regarding the filling of a vacancy. On February 21st, the Herald’s editorial staff took a more active role in the controversy, publishing the opinion of “a very prominent lawyer” and a short blurb claiming that “The columns of the Herald are open to him [Monheimer] to explain it.” [32] By February 27th, a man named Robert Berry filed a complaint on behalf of the people of the state of Colorado to the office of the clerk of the district court against Joseph Monheimer, claiming that he was in his position illegally and that he should be removed from office. [33] Joseph resigned as county commissioner one day later, however Governor Grant reappointed him to the position on March 6th after the Lake County board of commissioners correctly notified the governor of the seat vacancy. [34] This proved fortuitous as on March 25th Joseph was instrumental in the appointment of David May to the recently vacated treasurer’s office. [35] Marcus H. was one of signatories on the requisite $125,000 bond. June then found Joseph attending the Democratic State Convention in Pueblo as part of Lake County’s delegation. [36]
On the social side, many Monheimers including Joseph, Marcus and Estella attended the annual Purim Masq Ball, sponsored by the Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Marcus’s costume – an elephant name “Jumbo” – was a group effort involving Lee Schiff and Adolf Powell. Estella dressed as Queen Elizabeth I and Joseph was Socrates. [37] Jerome continued his thespian habits by portraying Colonel Calverly in a production of “Patience” at the Tabor Opera House on April 19th. On May 16th he sang “One of the Finest” during a concert at Armory Hall. [38] Joseph once again participated in the procession to the Grand Army of the Republic section of Evergreen Cemetery on Memorial Day to which over four thousand people attended. [39] On June 12th the Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society put on a strawberry and ice cream festival. [40] The highlight of the evening was the vote (at 10 cents per vote) for a beautiful fan to be awarded to the most popular lady present. Theresa Monheimer prevailed over Mrs. Sol Herman, 880 to 534, and $141.40 went to charitable purposes.
In an article published in the Carbonate Chronicle on April 26th, a reporter interviewed the Monheimer brothers over rumors about them investing in mining at Four Mile. [41] They denied the rumors and the article’s author ends the piece stating that the Monheimers stayed out of mining investment ever since they arrived in Leadville. Despite the claim by the Chronicle, Joseph was a noted incorporator of Leadville’s Mining Stock Exchange three years prior. Another interview occurred on July 7th in which a reporter for the Carbonate Chronicle asked Marcus H. about an economic slump occurring in Leadville. [42] Marcus remarked on the brightness of Leadville’s future despite the overabundance of lead on the worldwide market, the benefits of fewer but bigger stores, and mentioned the conservative approach to his upcoming annual buying trip to New York. The trip must have been less modest than anticipated as the brothers opened a branch store at 425 Harrison Avenue (the Union Block) in October. Manned by T. B. Dean and M. J. Monheimer, the new outlet was known as the Bee-Hive and was reported as being “elegantly fitted throughout” and having “the most extensive stock.” [43] The Monheimer name appeared one more time in print during 1884 when Sam attended Katherine Wood’s third birthday party on October 16th and presented her with a card. [44]
Planning and construction for a new temple dominated Leadville Jewish life in 1884 to which the Monheimers played an instrumental role. On January 13th, “a meeting of leading Jewish citizens was held, which resulted in the organization of a temple association and the election of the following officers: President J. H. Monheimer; vice-president, David May; treasurer, Sam Berry; secretary, M. Kahn.” [45] Certainly, the most significant event of the year for Leadville’s Jews was the September 19 (Rosh Hashanah of that year) dedication of the new Temple Israel Building. [46] The Monheimers were an important part of the celebration with Joseph, as President, receiving the keys to the Temple from the building committee and offering an appropriate few words. [47] At the next day’s service honoring the Jewish New Year, Sol Rice, a close friend of the Monheimers, presented Theresa with a silver “yad,” honoring her in advance of her retirement as president of the Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society. [48] Two days later Joseph made his annual report to the Congregation Israel wherein he noted both the successful completion of the building and a slight shortfall in the treasury. [49] After Yom Kippur services on the 29th, Joseph, along with the balance of the executive committee, formally thanked the visiting Rabbi Morris Sachs for his efforts in dedicating the Temple and released him back to his obligations in Cincinnati. [50] By January 3, 1885 the Carbonate Chronicle described the membership of the temple as 45 adults and 75 children with Joseph continuing as president. [51]
In February 1885, Joseph joined with David May to purchase lots at the northwest corner of Harrison Avenue and Fourth Street with the purpose of providing a new building for the Carbonate Bank. [52] “On March 1, a contract for the erection of a brick building on the site was let” and the Bank occupied its new offices late that summer. [53] “Of the Monheimer brothers, Joseph and Marcus, a newsman wrote: ...[They] are the owners of some of the finest real estate in the city of which is their great store building. their Union Block, and their Carbonate Block, all in the heart of the city.” [54] At the same time, the Monheimers closed their branch store, the Bee-Hive, so that the space could be rented to Miss M. J. Frantz’s Ladies’ Bazaar which opened there on April 1st after vacating the site of the new Carbonate Bank building at 401 Harrison Avenue. [55]
The family’s social life continued apace their business ventures with a farewell reception and luncheon for Mrs. Moses Shoenberg on January 9th at the May home attended by Mrs. J. H. Monheimer. [56] On February 6th, both Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Monheimer attended “a recherche dinner party…given at the residence of Hon. David May in honor of Baron St. Lindoner of Berlin.” [57] Marcus busied himself on the committee organizing a Jewish picnic which took place on July 26th at the grounds of the international race track, working alongside Ike Baer and Ben Davies to plan it. [58] The Carbonate Chronicle reported on the elaborate, all-day event, describing “basket upon basket...ladened with all the goodies the market afforded,” a variety of sporting events, and music until dark. [59] With coming of the Jewish New Year and the first anniversary of his presidency of Temple Israel, Joseph reviewed the preceding year’s accomplishments attained by the congregation and then, on September 13th, relinquished his position to Isaac Baer. The congregation elected Marcus as a trustee for the ensuing year. [60]
By the mid-1880s, there was some indication of softness in the Leadville markets. Prices for metals had begun to decline, in large part because of overproduction throughout the West. Leadville had moved from the boom phase of its trajectory and into the steady sort of production associated with company towns which engendered a slow and constant decline in population. Some evidence of this can be found in the increasing withdrawal of the Jewish merchants from their financial commitments. The Shoenbergs had left in 1885 and the Monheimers had closed the Bee-Hive. Then, on April 7, 1886, May and Monheimer sold the year-old Carbonate Block for $30,000. [61] This was a very large sum for the period and indicative of the sellers’ fine timing and business sense.
1886 was a year of tragedy for the Monheimers. A contemporary interview with Joseph about his store’s prospects reflects the flatness of sales and a dependence on trade from outlying areas such as Red Cliff, 25 miles to the north. [62] Despite the misfortune, Hirsch Monheimer – Joseph and Marcus’s father – moved to Leadville from New York after the death of his wife and the brothers’ mother, Bertha, in the early months of 1886. [63] Hirsch lived with Joseph while in Leadville and also began working at Monheimer Bros. alongside his sons. [64] Joseph continued to liquidate the family properties even with the arrival of his father, however, apparently intent on leaving Leadville. His departure became official with a report in the Leadville Evening Chronicle on October 4th noting that “neither themselves or their families can enjoy good health at this altitude.” [65]
Joseph’s concern over his family’s health unfortunately came too late. Between October and December three Monheimer’s died of unknown causes. Marcus and Theresa’s three-year-old daughter, Flora, died on October 22nd and was laid to rest in Leadville’s Hebrew Cemetery. [66] Hirsch died on December 11th at the age of 67. His family held a funeral at Temple Israel before Marcus accompanied his body to Beth El Jewish cemetery in Queens, New York where he was buried next to his wife. [67] Theresa, Marcus’s wife, passed away on December 28th at the age of 36 and was also buried at Beth El Cemetery. [68] Understandably, 1886 is the last year Monheimer Bros. appears in the city directory.
1887 began with the January sale of the Union Block, 425-427 Harrison Avenue to David May, Sam Meyer, and Adolph Baer for $40,000. [69] Although Joseph’s investments were becoming very liquid, he was still active in civic affairs. In April he was appointed executor for the estate of Mollie May. [70] Ms. May was, perhaps, Leadville’s most notorious demimonde and had earned a lurid reputation. With her passing, Joseph acted with dispatch and by the end of September had sold her “house of happiness” at 129 West 5th Street to the high bidder, Annie Furguson, for $3,600. [71]
During the interim, the building had been “occupied by Jenni Lester and a school of nymphs who stimulate their wiles with wine.” [72] Oddly, given the previous divestments, Joseph joined David May in purchasing the building at 318-320 Harrison Avenue which held May’s clothing store from Senator Horace A. W. Tabor for $22,500. [73] Still pursuing civic concerns, Joseph served as head of a grand jury which that July demanded the City Council enhance law enforcement after the untimely demise of Frank Coleman, “a notorious crook and garroter [who opened] fire on the officers and [was] furnished with peaceful lodgings in tranquil Evergreen [Cemetery].” [74]
These activities notwithstanding, the Monheimer’s residency in Leadville was coming to an end. In September, Joseph “Cheap Joe” Shoenberg rented the Monheimer’s store for a close out sale and then moved to Denver later in the year. [75] Yom Kippur in 1887 fell on September 28 and on September 30th, Joseph Monheimer was the honored guest at a farewell banquet, where his services as county commissioner, his integrity and participation in community affairs, his leadership in business circles and his dedication in helping build Temple Israel were all noted and praised. [76] The large number of businessmen and the majority of city and county officials in attendance at the banquet wished Monheimer well in his decision to return to his former home in New York City. He left Leadville with his family on October 2nd. The 1887 city directory holds the last listing for the Monheimer brothers with both living at 124 West 4th Street and having no business affiliation. [77]
Sadness followed the Monheimers to New York, however, where Joseph’s wife Rosa died in November 1887 of an unremarked cause. [78] Marcus notified friends in Leadville through a telegram sent to Mr. I. Grossmayer in a tone that denoted shock. Rosa’s death, unlike Hirsch’s, appears to have been sudden and brought great sorrow to the Monheimer family. Joseph had her buried in Beth El Cemetery in company of his parents and Marcus’s wife, Theresa. [79] Both brothers re-married in 1889 with Marcus marrying a woman of Austrian heritage named Eugenia and moving from New York to Ohio with their children. [80] Joseph married a woman of German heritage named Henretta and remained in New York. [81] Marcus died on December 31, 1910 in Findlay, Hancock, Ohio and was buried in Beth El. [82]

Side view of Monheimer Brothers store at 321 Harrison Avenue, corner of Harrison Avenue and 4th Street.
“Stereograph of people walking past commercial buildings including Monheimer Brothers Dry Goods on 4th Street and Harrison Avenue in Leadville, Colorado. Photographed by W. O. Luke, circa 1882-1893.”
Courtesy of History Colorado. Scan #10036772, Object #1984.192.396.
The following is information provided in a letter from Peggy Markson, great granddaughter of Marcus H. and Theresa Monheimer.
Sometime before 1920 Alfred Monheimer moved to New York where he met Helen Winston Weinstein (1904-1983) and married her in 1922. They had two children: Marc Henry (January 18, 1931-) and Shirley Rose. Alfred was head buyer for the May Co. in New York until 1935 when he retired and moved to Beverly Hills, California. He passed away in August 1958.
Marc (1926-) married Geraldine Berger of Oakland, California on November 20, 1952 and had two children: Paul Winston (1956-) and Ellen Ruth (1958-). Paul married Pamela Benjamin of Chicago, Illinois on November 14, 1994, and had one daughter: Noa (1996-). Ellen married Andrew Kirk in 1998 and divorced. Marc and Geraldine divorced in 1974 and Marc then married Louise Stoll (née Frankel) of Berkeley, California on December 22, 1978.
Shirley married Edwin Richard Markson (1924-1994) on April 8, 1951 and had four children: David Scott (1953-); Peggy Ellen (1954-); Jan Louise (1956-1996); and Stacey Ann Hope (1961-). David had two children: Joshua William (1986-); and Erin Rose (1989-). Stacey married Vincent Charles Winninghoff III and had Kyle Richard (1987-), Amanda Hope (1990-), Tanner Drew (1993-), and Riley Seth (1995-).
Louis Monheimer worked for Famous Barr, clothiers, and lived in both St. Louis and Texas. He had one child: Louise.
Blanche married Alfred Yankauer and died in 1946.
1 “United States Census, 1870,” database with images, database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M8N2-DLC: 18 June 2018) Jonas Monhumer; “United States Census, 1870,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M8N2-DLH?print=true: 18 June 2018) Marcus Monhumer. The Monheimers are listed under different names depending on the census or marital records referenced. Joseph is listed as Jonas Monhumer in the 1870 US Census, J. H. Monheimer in the 1885 Colorado Census, and John Monheimer in the 1900 US Census. Marcus’s last name is listed as Monhumer in the 1870 US Census, Monheimer in his New York marriage listing, and he is listed as M. H. Manheimer in the 1885 Colorado Census.
2 "Colorado State Census, 1885," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:K8WN-WC1 : 1 April 2016), J H Monheimer, 1885; citing NARA microfilm publication M158 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 498,507.
3 "Colorado State Census, 1885," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:K8WN-NZZ : 1 April 2016), M H Manheimer, 1885; citing NARA microfilm publication M158 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 498,507.
4 Don L. Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado: From Mountain Solitude to Metropolis (Boulder: Colorado Historical Society, 1996), 605.
5 “Monheimer Bros.,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) July 21, 1880: 1; Thomas B. Corbett and John H. Ballenger, Corbett & Ballenger’s Second Annual Leadville City Directory Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, Etc. in the City of Leadville for 1881 (Leadville: Corbett & Ballenger, Publishers, 1881): pp. 95, 152, 176, 219, 280, 319, 323, 333, 334.
6 “Off for New York,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) January 26, 1881: 4.
7 Thomas B. Corbett and John H. Ballenger, Corbett & Ballenger’s Second Annual Leadville City Directory, 1881, pp. 219.
8 Don L. Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 769.; “The Electric Light.,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO), January 1, 1882: 10.
9 Thomas B. Corbett and John H. Ballenger, Corbett & Ballenger’s Third Annual Leadville City Directory Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, Etc. in the City of Leadville for 1882 (Leadville: Corbett & Ballenger, Publishers, 1882): pp. 212; “The Society World,” Leadville Democrat (Leadville, CO) January 30, 1881: 8.
10 “A Mining Stock Exchange,” Leadville Democrat (Leadville, CO) February 3, 1881: 6.
11 Thomas B. Corbett and John H. Ballenger, Corbett & Ballenger’s Third Annual Leadville City Director, 1882, pp. 212.
12 “The Purim Ball,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) March 7, 1882: 1.
13 “A Serenade,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) June 18, 1882: 4.
14 “Gone Up,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) October 20, 1882: 4.
15 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1053-1054.
16 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1076.
17 "Colorado State Census, 1885," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:K8WN-NZF : 1 April 2016), Alfred Manheimer in entry for M H Manheimer, 1885; citing NARA microfilm publication M158 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 498,507.
18 “A Love Feast,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) March 24, 1883: 5.
19 “Our Gallant Dead,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) June 2, 1883: 1.
20 “The Sons of Veterans,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) December 1, 1883: 4.
21 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1211.
22 “Purim,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) March 23, 1883: 4.
23 “The New County Commissioner,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) November 17, 1883: 6.
24 “A Talk with August Rische,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) November 17, 1883: 5.
25 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1278.
26 “The Sons of Veterans,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) December 1, 1883: 4.
27 “A Great Success,” Carbonate Chronicle, December 15, 1883: 5.
28 “A Brilliant Affair,” Carbonate Chronicle, December 29, 1883: 12.
29 "Colorado State Census, 1885," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:K8WN-NZN : 1 April 2016), Florence Manheimer in entry for M H Manheimer, 1885; citing NARA microfilm publication M158 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 498,507.
30 Thomas B. Corbett and John H. Ballenger, Corbett & Ballenger’s Fifth Annual Leadville City Directory Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, Etc. in the City of Leadville for 1884 (Leadville: Corbett & Ballenger, Publishers, 188): pp. 185.
31 “The Herald,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) February 17, 1884: 2; “The Herald,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) February 20, 1884: 2.
32 “The Herald,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) February 21, 1884: 2.
33 “Complaint,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) February 27, 1884: 4.
34 “Monheimer Resigns,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) February 29, 1884: 1; “The Herald,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) March 7, 1884: 2.
35 “County Commissioners,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) March 27, 1884: 4.
36 “Personal and Social,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) June 21, 1884: 11.
37 “Purim Bal Masque,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) February 22, 1884: 4; “Tuesday Night’s Ball,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) March 15, 1884: 5.
38 “Patience,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) April 5, 1884: 10.
39 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1395.
40 “The Hebrew Festival,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) June 13, 1884: 4.
41 “A Malicious Rumor,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) April 26, 1884: 9.
42 “A Cheerful View,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) July 12, 1884: 6.
43 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1473.
44 “Doings,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) October 18, 1884: 4.
45 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1342; “The New Year,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) September 27, 1884: 5; “Temple Israel,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) January 3, 1885: 2.
46 “Congregation Israel,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) September 19, 1884: 4.
47 “Congregation Israel,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) September 20, 1884: 4.
48 “The Hebrew New Year,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) September 21, 1884: 4.
49 “The New Year,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) September 27, 1884.
50 “The Jewish Services,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) September 30, 1884: 4.
51 “Temple Israel,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) January 3, 1885: 2.
52 “The New Block,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) February 21, 1885: 1.
53 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1758; “City Council in Session,” Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, CO) March 4, 1885: 4.
54 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1587.
55 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1587.
56 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1617
57 “Society’s Way’s,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) February 14, 1885: 8.
58 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1686.
59 “Picnic Pastimes,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) August 1, 1885: 1.
60 “Yisrael’s Yeomanry,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) September 19, 1885: 7.
61 “The Rush for Realty,” Herald Democrat (Leadville, CO) April 8, 1886: 4.
62 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1759.
63 “An Impressive Funeral,” Herald Democrat (Leadville, CO) December 14, 1886: 3; “Bertha Monheimer Grave,” Find a Grave, Beth El Cemetery id. 131249630 (Ridgewood, Queens County, NY). https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/131249630/bertha-monheimer#source (accessed June 27, 2018)
64 Thomas B. Corbett and John H. Ballenger, Corbett & Ballenger’s Seventh Annual Leadville City Directory Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, Etc. in the City of Leadville for 1886 (Leadville: Corbett & Ballenger, Publishers, 1886): pp. 190.
65 “Loss to Leadville,” Leadville Evening Chronicle (Leadville, CO) October 4, 1886: 4.
66 “Monheimer, Flora,” Walley-Nelson Funeral Record Books bk. 1, pg. 69 (Lake County Clerk's Office Leadville, CO); “Tombstone Search Results: Interment Details for Flora Monheimer,” Temple Israel, Hebrew Cemetery id. 18472838 (Leadville, CO) http://www.jewishleadville.org/tombstonedetails.php?PersonID=1100 (accessed June 26, 2018).
67 “Monheimer, Hirsch,” Walley-Nelson Funeral Record Books bk. 1, pg. 84 (Lake County Clerk's Office Leadville, CO); “An Impressive Funeral,” Herald Democrat (Leadville, CO) December 14, 1886: 3; “Hirsch Monheimer Grave,” Find a Grave, Beth El Cemetery id. 131249633 (Ridgewood, Queens County, NY). https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/131249633/hirsch-monheimer#source (accessed June 27, 2018). Although the newspaper claims that Hirsch was buried in Bay-Side Cemetery, he is in fact buried in Beth El Cemetery in Queens as are many of the Monheimers. The newspaper likely made a mistake because the two cemeteries are only a few miles away from each other.
68 “Monheimer, Mrs. Theresa,” Walley-Nelson Funeral Record Books bk. 1, pg. 90 (Lake County Clerk's Office Leadville, CO); “Theresa Monheimer,” Find a Grave, Beth El Cemetery id. 131249637 (Ridgewood, Queens County, NY) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/131249637/theresa-monheimer#source (accessed June 27, 2018).
69 “Previous to Removal,” Herald Democrat (Leadville, CO) December 31, 1886: 3.
70 “Summons,” Leadville Evening Chronicle (Leadville, CO) June 9, 1887: 3.
71 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1894.
72 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1894.
73 “An Important Sale,” Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, CO) June 20, 1887: 5.
74 “Death in the Duel,” Herald Democrat (Leadville, CO) July 16, 1887: 3.
75 Griswold and Jean Harvey Griswold, History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado, 1890.
76 “The Farewell Banquet,” Leadville Evening Chronicle (Leadville, CO) October 1, 1887: 3.
77 Thomas B. Corbett and John H. Ballenger, Corbett & Ballenger’s Eighth Annual Leadville City Directory Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, Etc. in the City of Leadville for 1887 (Leadville: Corbett & Ballenger, Publishers, 1887): pp. 196.
78 “Social and Personal,” Leadville Evening Chronicle (Leadville, CO) November 21, 1887: 3.
79 “Rosa Monheimer,” Find a Grave, Beth El Cemetery id. 131249636 (Ridgewood, Queens County, NY) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/131249636/rosa-monheimer#source (accessed June 27, 2018).
80 "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MM8P-BTF : accessed 26 June 2018), Eugenia Monheimer in household of Marcus H Monheimer, Findlay Township, Precinct B Findlay City Ward 4, Hancock, Ohio, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 61, sheet 9A, family 202, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,283.
81 "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MSVR-8X6 : accessed 27 June 2018), John Monheimer, Borough of Manhattan, Election District 10, 12 New York City Ward 19, New York County, New York, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 455, sheet 11B, family 210, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,102.
82 “Marcus H. Monheimer,” Find a Grave, Beth El Cemetery id. 131249635 (Ridgewood, Queens County, NY) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/131249635/marcus-h.-monheimer#source (accessed June 27, 2018).
83 The following information was supplied in a letter by Peggy Markson (great granddaughter of Marcus H. and Theresa Monheimer).
Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection. Search criteria, 1879-1890. Accessed June 27, 2018. https://www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org/cgi-bin/colorado?a=p&p=home&e=--1879---1888--en-20--1-byDA-txt-txIN-monheimer-------0-.
Colorado State Census, 1885. Via FamilySearch.org. https://www.familysearch.org/.
Corbett, Thomas B. and John H. Ballenger. Corbett & Ballenger’s Annual Leadville City Directory Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, Etc. in the City of Leadville. Leadville: Corbett & Ballenger, Publishers, 1881-1886. Via Lake County Public Library.
Find a Grave. Accessed June 27, 2018. https://www.findagrave.com/.
Griswold, Don L. and Jean Harvey Griswold. History of Leadville and Lake County, Colorado: From Mountain Solitude to Metropolis. Boulder: Colorado Historical Society, 1996.
United States Census, 1870. Via FamilySearch.org. https://www.familysearch.org/.
United States Census, 1880. Via FamilySearch.org. https://www.familysearch.org/.
United States Census, 1900. Via FamilySearch.org. https://www.familysearch.org/.
Walley-Nelson Funeral Record Books. Lake County Clerk's Office. Leadville, CO.
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHOR: Quinn Whittington
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Monheimer
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO; USA. 2018
STABLE URL: http://www.jewishleadville.org/monheimer.html