Temple Israel

B. Shinberg

The only reference to B. Shinberg is in the Leadville City Directory for 1879, when he operated a cigar and tobacco shop at 56 Upper Chestnut Street. [1] It is unknown how long prior to 1879 this business was in operation. Interestingly, the business listing for B. Shinberg, has him identified as B. Shoenberg, [2] and although there are no other resources showing a B. Shoenberg ever having resided in Leadville. It is possible that both of these mentions in the Leadville city directory are mistakenly identified. There is reference to a Moses Shinberg in the 1880 Denver city directory, who also operated as a tobacconist, [3] but this may also could be a mis-identification of Moses Shoenberg, [4] whose family did reside in Leadville during the 1870s and 80s, and are featured throughout the Temple Israel Museum and website.


1 WM Clark, WA Root And HC Anderson. “Clark, Root and Co’s First Annual City Directory of Leadville and Business Directory of Carbonateville, Kokomo and Malta for 1879”. Daily Times Steam Printing House And Book Manufactory; Denver, CO: USA. 1879. P140
2 Clark, Root and Anderson. Denver, CO; USA. 1879. P179.
3 TB Corbett and JH Ballenger. “Corbet, and Ballenger’s Eighth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City Of Denver for 1880”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. Denver, CO; USA. 1880. P326.
4 For more informatioin on Moses Shoenberg and his family, please visit: http://www.jewishleadville.org/shoenberg.html


Clark, WM, Root WA and Anderson, HC. “Clark, Root and Co’s First Annual City Directory of Leadville and Business Directory of Carbonateville, Kokomo and Malta for 1879”. Daily Times Steam Printing House And Book Manufactory; Denver, CO: USA. 1879.

Corbett, TB and Ballanger, JH. “Corbet, and Ballenger’s Eighth Annual City Directory: Containing A Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms Etc. In The City Of Denver For 1880”. Corbet and Ballenger Publishers. Denver, CO; USA. 1880.


To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.

AUTHOR: Jeffrey P. Grant
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Shinberg
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO; USA. 2018
STABLE URL: http://www.jewishledville.org/shinberg.html

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Leadville, Colorado 80461

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201 West 4th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

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