Maurice Stager
Born: September 20, 1885, Austria
Died: November 17, 1968, Cleveland Ohio
Married: Sophie Goldstein, Cleveland, Ohio
Sophie (Goldstein) Stager
Born: 1895, Hungary
Died: January 16, 1961, University Heights, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Married: Maurice Stager, Cleveland, Ohio
Evelyn (Stager) Paley
Born: June 21, 1920, Leadville, CO
Died: March 27, 2008
Married: Aaron Paley MD
Dr. Robert William Stager, MD
Born: July 14, 1923, Cleveland, Ohio
Died: January 26, 2013, Kent, Ohio
Married: Dee Stager, 1951, Ohio
Vivian Jane (Stager) Witt
Born: August 20, 1926, Leadville, CO
Died: April 18, 2018, Cleveland, Ohio
Married: Eli Witt, November 7, 1950
Meyer Stager
Born: Austria-Poland, April 28, 1893
Died: Commerce City, Colorado, August 25, 1968
Frieda (Horowitz) [Stager] Levenson
Born: Russia, 1899
Died: Pittsburgh, October 16, 1958
The Stager brothers, Maurice and Meyer, were natives of Austria-Poland. [1] They arrived on the shores of the United States separately: Maurice immigrated during 1902 at the age of sixteen, followed by his fifteen-year-old brother Meyer in 1908. [2] During June of 1903, Maurice attended Leadville’s Central School and participated in the athletic field day, [3] and was also employed as a clerk by Isaacs & Mitgang clothiers on the 100 block of Harrison Avenue. [4] Maurice shared lodgings at 209 West 3rd Street with Hyman Isaacs, [5] whom he listed as the next of kin in his selective service registration in 1918. [6] The next year the pair moved to 108 West Chestnut Street, [7] and in 1905 another door down to 110 West Chestnut Street. The year 1905 was also the last year that Maurice used the spelling Morris for his first name in the city directory; coincidently his employer changed the storefront’s marquee to A. Isaacs & Son that year. [8]
Maurice reigned until the arrival of his brother Meyer from the old country in 1908. Meyer’s name replaced Maurice's in the city directories of 1908 [9] and in 1909 the clothing store’s name changed once more to Hyman Isaacs to reflect the name of its sole proprietor. [10] It was at this point that Maurice moved to Denver for two years [11] and returned in 1910 with Hyman. [12] The Stager boys lived as lodgers in the Flaks [13] home at 203 Harrison Avenue next to the store. [14] They relocated to 220 Harrison Avenue the following year [15] and stability prevailed until 1914, when Maurice opened his own clothing enterprise at 223 Harrison Avenue. [16] There is no record of Meyer for that year, but during 1915 he could be found working at the Arkansas Valley Smelter. [17]
The April 6, 1916, issue of The Herald Democrat announced:
Meyer Stager, clerk at Hyman Isaacs, left last night for Denver where on Sunday, April 9, he will be married to Miss Frieda Horwitz. The wedding will take place at the Phytion club hall, Fifteenth and Lawrence streets, Denver[.] All friends are invited to come. The young couple will make their home at 213 W. 3rd”. [18]
Records show that Meyer and Frieda Horowitz married in Denver on April 9, 1916, as they had planned. [19]
On September 1, 1916, a young man named Rudolph Lockneckar caused quite a disturbance on West Fourth street that included a sidestep into Maurice’s store:
Probation Officer Mahnke
Receives Flesh Wound
When Marshall McEachern’s
Revolver Was
Discharged Following
Chase After
Escaping Prisoner
A chase down West Fourth street yesterday afternoon after Rudolph Lockneckar, a young Austrian of 714 Elm Street, who broke away from policemen at Harrison Avenue and Fourth resulted in the capture of the fleeing man, but also caused the accidental wounding of Probation Officer Julius Mahnke when an automatic revolver held by Marshal McEachern accidentally discharged and the bullet ricocheted from a boulder.
“Jack Hagerman hailed Marshall Meed to run as we reached Fourth street,” the marshal said last night in police court where Lockneckar was fined $5 and costs for resisting an officer and the same amount was placed against him for disturbing the peace. “We took after him, and I fired a shot at the ground, thinking it would stop him. I fired again, but he kept on running. A fellow ran out to stop him near Pine Street, and then another man Max Smith, I heard he was- caught him. Locknear fell and then started to get on his feet to run again. I [space] went up to slap him with the gun when it went off. The bullet struck a rock and glanced and struck officer Mahnke in the arm.”
Officer Mahnke started in pursuit behind the policeman on seeing Lockneckar running away. The Bullet entered his upper left arm and did not strike the bone or arteries. Doctors believed it would not inconvenience him for long.
Jack Hagerman haild [hailed] Marshal McEachern and Policeman Brennan as they were walking down Harrison Avenue near Second street yesterday afternoon and said, “The man you’re after just went in that store over there.” The marshal said they were not after anybody, and Hagerman answered, “This fellow ran down State Street a while ago and ran into a crib saying the police were after him.”
The marshal said, “Maybe the sheriff wants him for something. We’ll take him up and find out.”
Maurice Stager, a clothier at 222 Harrison Avenue, appeared in police court last night as a witness, but said he had not threatened to have Lockneckar arrested when in his store, the Austrian used abusive language while drunk and caused a disturbance with his loud talk. He said Lockneckar came back and apologized several times, while insulting him again, and declared, “You ought to call the police and have me arrested the way I’m talking.”
Lockneckar could not remember having made those remarks. When the marshal told him to come with him to jail, he said, he believed Stager had complained against him and believing he had no right to do so he had attempted to escape.
City attorney McLeod reprimanded him and reminded him and reminded him that it is unwise to resist a policeman. “I know it,” said Lockneckar.
Lockneckar said he is a miner employed at the Emmet [mine]. He was married only a few months ago.
He did not remember having cried that the police were after him, as Hagerman said he had heard him shout as he dashed into a crib in State Street. The police believed the drinks he said he had taken had temporarily deluded him to this respect after he had used the abusive language in Stager’s store.
Lockneckar was committed to jail pending his obtaining the money to pay the fines. [20]
During September of 1917, Meyer Stager applied for and was granted an exemption from active duty during the First World War citing his wife’s sole dependence upon him for her support. [21] He was later pressed into service at Camp Cody in New Mexico.
Maurice Stager was appointed as a special committee member to assist in the membership campaign for the Knights of Pythias, Progress Lodger No. 20 in April of 1918 [22] and donated to the Red Cross fund the following month. [23]
On September 9, 1918, the following message addressed to Meyer Stager, Maurice Miller, [24] Louis Naginsky, [25] Isadore Mankuss, [26] and Jake Sandusky, [27] appeared in The Herald Democrat newspaper:

Notice in The Herald Democrat of the orthodox Jews in Leadville sending happy new year greetings to five Jewish soldiers fighting in the Great War.
Message To Jewish Boys In Service. The Herald Democrat. Monday, September 9, 1918. Page 5.
Shortly afterward Meyer was released from duty and returned to Leadville in January of 1919 after serving only seven months [28] and took up residence at the Delaware Hotel with his wife Frieda. [29] This tenure was brief, as the couple left shortly thereafter for Denver where they moved in with Freida’s parents during 1920.[30] Unhappily this arrangement would not last long; the marriage ended in divorce on August 26, 1921. [31] Frieda then married David Levenson in 1922 and her life’s journey concluded in Pittsburgh on October 16, 1968. [32]
Maurice married Sophie Goldstein in Cleveland, Ohio, on January 21st and brought his bride to Leadville where they made their home at 144 West Seventh Street. [33] The couple welcomed a daughter, Evelyn, on June 21, 1920. [34] During August, Maurice joined the Leadville Chamber of Commerce. [35]
Sophie was close to her family and frequently spent time with them. Her sister, Ella, came to Leadville in August of 1921, with Sophie and baby Evelyn returning with her to Cleveland for a month-long trip. [36] She visited her sister, Mrs. Bertha Coldhamer, in Denver for several weeks in March of 1922 [37] and her mother, Mrs. Rose Goldstein, arrived in Leadville during September for a three-month visit. [38]
During April of 1923, Sophie, then six months pregnant with son Robert, took little Evelyn to Cleveland, Ohio, to attend her brother’s wedding. [39] She stayed in Cleveland for three months and gave birth to Robert there on July 16th. [40] In December, Maurice subscribed to the Canterbury Tunnel, a promising mining project that had run out of money. It is interesting to note that much of Leadville’s current water comes from the Canterbury Tunnel because it has a mean temperature of 51 degrees, which eliminates the danger of water freezing in the pipes. [41]
Meyer married Ida M. Cohen in Denver on March 16, 1925. [42] The couple had three children: Frances (b. 1926), Bert (b. 1927) and Sarabelle (b. 1937). [43] Myer never had a set vocation and served in various labor roles throughout his life, including highway construction, [44] night watchman [45] and elevator operator. [46] He died of unknown causes in Commerce City, Colorado, on August 25, 1968. [47] He rests at Rose Hill cemetery in Commerce City alongside Ida and Sarabelle. [48]
Maurice and Sophie had one more child, a daughter, Vivian, born on August 20, 1926, in Leadville.
Maurice's clothing store remained at 223 Harrison Avenue, telephone number 114-J, until 1930, by which time the family had purchased their own home at 218 West 4th Street. [49] Maurice and his family left Leadville in 1931 for Cleveland, where he would operate his own merchandising firm. [50] Evelyn remained in the family home in Cleveland and attended Flora Stone Mather College where she studied psychology. She was a member of the Nu Zeta Nu sorority. [51]
Maurice and Sophie remained in Cleveland for the duration of their lives. Sophie passed awat first of unknown causes on January 16, 1961. [52] Meyer’s life journey ended in a Cleveland nursing home at age eighty-three on November 17, 1968. [53]
Evelyn would eventually marry physician Aaron Paley and move to Topeka, Kansas, where in 1950 she was listed with her husband and one-year-old son, Robert. [54] By 1970 the Paley’s were firmly ensconced in Denver where Dr. Paley operated a Washington Park-area medical practice and Evelyn was an associate psychologist for the Child Study Center. [55] Dr. Paley passed there in 1992. [56] Evelyn’s died on March 7, 2008, and a monument to her memory was placed in the Hebrew Cemetery (she was interred elsewhere). [57]
Robert spent his formative years in Cleveland but would depart for America’s dairy land after high school. He initially attended the University of Wisconsin before moving 120 miles to the southeast of Madison and earned a physics degree from the University of Chicago. [58] He then went to Columbus and earned a degree from the Ohio State University School of Optometry. [59] A member of the Alpha Pi Epsilon fraternity, he biochemist Dora Lee Harris at Cleveland in 1951. [60]
The following appeared in the Akron Beacon Journal on February 1, 2013.
Vivian attended high school in Toledo, Ohio. [61] Then she went to Cleveland College. [62] Other records have her finishing her education at Western Reserve College, a private institution in Hudson, Ohio. After college Vivian became an award-winning journalist and had a lengthy career at the Cleveland Jewish News. She also was a noted musician and spoke fluent French. [63]
Vivian married Eli Witt at Cuyahoga, Ohio on November 7, 1950. [64] The couple had three children, Karen, Evan and Ellen. [65] She passed at the age of ninety-one in Cleveland on April 18, 2018. [66]
1 Year: 1910; Census Place: Leadville Ward 1, Lake, Colorado; Roll: T624_121; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 0067; FHL microfilm: 1374134
2 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Ninth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1908. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1908). P# 264.
3 Today’s Sport School Field Day. (Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, June 5, 1903). P5
4 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Fourth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1903. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1903). P# 292.
5 For more information on the Isaacs family, please visit:
6 U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
7 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Fifth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1904. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1904). P# 295.
8 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Sixth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1905. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1905). P# 294.
9 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Ninth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1908. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1908). P# 264 .
10 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirtieth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1909. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1909). P# 256.
11 U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011
12 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirty-First Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1910. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1910). P#247.
13 For more information on the Flaks family, please visit:
14 Year: 1910; Census Place: Leadville Ward 1, Lake, Colorado; Roll: T624_121; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 0067; FHL microfilm: 1374134
15 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirty-Second Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1911. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1911). P# 249.
16 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirty-Fifth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1914. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1914). P# 239.
17 JH Ballenger and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirty-Sixth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1915. (Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers. 1915). P# 246.
18 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, April 6, 1916). P3
19 Denver Public Library. Colorado Marriages 1858-1939. (Denver, CO. USA. The Colorado Genealogical Society. 2004). P19,846.
20 Accidently Hit by Bullet. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, September 1, 1916). P7
21 Exemption Board Clears Docket. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, September 11, 1917). P2
22 Around the City. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, April 10, 1918) P5
23 Hands Point to Big Sum. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, May 24, 1918). P1
24 For more information on Maurice Miller and family: please visit
25 For more information on Louis Naginsky and family, please visit:
26 For more information on Isadore Mankuss and family, please visit:
27 For more information on Jake Sandusky and family, please visit:
28 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, January 17, 1919). P3
29 Around the City. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, January 27, 1919). P5
30 Year: 1920; Census Place: Denver, Denver, Colorado; Roll: T625_159; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 103
31 Colorado, Divorce Index, 1851-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
32 Colorado, County Marriage Records and State Index, 1862-2006 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
33 Personal Mention. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, January 31, 1919). P3
34 Births. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, June 22, 1920). P4
35 Chamber of Commerce Drive was Remarkable Success. (Leadville, CO: Carbonate Chronicle, August 2, 1920). P1
36 Personal Mention, (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, August 31, 1921). P3
37 Personal Mention, (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, March 22, 1922). P3
38 Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, September 2, 1922). P
39 Personal Mention, (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, April 10, 1923). P3
40 Births, (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, July 16, 1923). P4
41 Mining Notes from District. (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, December 2, 1923). P6
42 Colorado, County Marriage Records and State Index, 1862-2006 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
43 Year: 1940; Census Place: Denver, Denver, Colorado; Roll: m-t0627-00485; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16-51
44 Year: 1930; Census Place: Denver, Denver, Colorado; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0035; FHL microfilm: 2339968
45 Year: 1940; Census Place: Denver, Denver, Colorado; Roll: m-t0627-00485; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 16-51
46 Year: 1950; Home in 1950: Denver, Denver, Colorado; Roll: 5698; Sheet Number: 46; Enumeration District: 16-109
47 JewishGen, comp. JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.
48 U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012.
49 Year: 1930; Census Place: Leadville, Lake, Colorado; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 0007; FHL microfilm: 2339979
50 Year: 1940; Census Place: Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: m-t0627-03227; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 92-601
51 U.S., School Yearbooks, 1900-2016 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
52 Ohio Department of Health; Columbus, Ohio; Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
53 and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio, U.S., Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2018 [database on-line]. (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010).
54 Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. 1913-1/1/1972. Population Schedules for the 1950 Census, 1950 - 1950. (Washington, DC: National Archives at Washington, DC).
55 U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995 [database on-line]. (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011).
56 Colorado, Select County Death Records, 1986-2017 [database on-line]. (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2020).
57 Find a Grave. [database and images]. (Memorial Page for Evelyn Stager Paley (21 Jun 1920–27 Mar 2008).
58 Doral Lee Harris, Cleveland Man Plan Fall Wedding. (East Liverpool, OH: The Evening Star. June 19, 1951). P24.
59 "U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012"; School Name: The Ohio State University; Year: 1942
60 Doral Lee Harris, Cleveland Man Plan Fall Wedding. (East Liverpool, OH: The Evening Star. June 19, 1951). P24.
61 "U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012"; School Name: Harriet Whitney High School; Year: 1942
62 "U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012"; School Name: Cleveland College; Year: 1947
63 Find a Grave. [ database and images]. Memorial Page for Vivian Witt (20 Aug 1926–18 Apr 2018).
64 Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.
65 Memorial Page for Vivian Witt (20 Aug 1926–18 Apr 2018),
66 Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit; Columbus, Ohio; Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2018
Accidently Hit by Bullet. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, September 1, 1916. Colorado, County Marriage Records and State Index, 1862-2006 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016. Colorado, Divorce Index, 1851-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio, U.S., Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2018 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010. U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600s-Current [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012. U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
Around the City. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, April 10, 1918.
Around the City. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, January 27, 1919.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Fourth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1903. Corbet and Ballenger and Richards Publishers. Leadville, CO; USA. 1903.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Fifth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1904. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1904.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Sixth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1905. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1905.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Twenty-Ninth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1908. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1908.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirtieth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1909. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1909.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thrity-First Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1910. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1910.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thrirty-Second Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1911. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1911.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirty-Fifth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1914. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1914.
Ballenger, JH and Richards. Ballenger & Richard’s Thirty-Sixth Annual City Directory: Containing a Complete List of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms etc. in The City of Leadville for 1915. Leadville, CO: Ballenger and Richards Publishers.1915.
Births. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, June 22, 1920.
Births. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, July 16, 1923.
Chamber of Commerce Drive was Remarkable Success. Leadville, CO. USA. Carbonate Chronicle, August 2, 1920.
Denver Public Library. Colorado Marriages 1858-1939. Denver, CO. USA. The Colorado Genealogical Society. 2004.
Doral Lee Harris, Cleveland Man Plan Fall Wedding. East Liverpool, OH: The Evening Star. June 19, 1951.
Dr. Robert W. Stager. Akron, OH: The Akron Beacon Journal. February 1, 2013.
Exemption Board Clears Docket. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, September 11, 1917.
Find a Grave, [database and images]. ( Memorial Page for Evelyn Stager Paley (21 Jun 1920–27 Mar 2008), Find a Grave Memorial ID 41049850, citing Hebrew Cemetery, Leadville, Lake County, Colorado, USA; Maintained by Boni Perl (contributor 46959937).
Find a Grave. [ database and images]. ( Memorial Page for Vivian Witt (20 Aug 1926–18 Apr 2018). Find a Grave Memorial ID 189166054, citing Bet Olam Cemetery, Beachwood, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA; Maintained by donss (contributor 48196614).
Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. (NARA microfilm publication T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA. Note: Enumeration Districts 819-839 are on roll 323 (Chicago City).
Hands Point to Big Sum. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, May 24, 1918.
Hulstine, Matt. Miller. Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO. USA. 2017. .
JewishGen, comp. JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.
Mark, Trevor. Mankuss. Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO. USA. 2017.
Mark, Trevor. Naginsky. Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO. USA. 2017.
Mark, Trevor. Sandusky. Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO. USA. 2017.
Message to Jewish Boys in Service. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, September 9, 1918.
Mining Notes from District. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, December 2, 1923.
Ohio Department of Health; Columbus, Ohio; Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, April 6, 1916.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, January 17, 1919.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, January 31, 1919.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, August 31, 1921.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, March 22, 1922.
Personal Mention. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, April 10, 1923.
Stone, Jason. “Evelyn Stager 1920-2008”. Ancestry Inc.- Lehi, UT, 2013.
Today’s Sport School Field Day. Leadville, CO. USA. Herald Democrat, June 5, 1903.
United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls.
United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627, 4,643 rolls.
United States of America, Bureau of the Census; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas; Roll: 5352; Sheet Number: 3; Enumeration District: 107-85
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHORS: William Korn and Janice Fox
CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffrey P. Grant
EDITOR: William Korn & Andrea Jacobs
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Stager
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO; USA. 2022