Temple Israel

Israel Tobinski
Born: Unknown
Died: Unknown
Married to: Unknown
In Leadville: 1892

Israel Tobinski appeared in the 1892 Leadville city directory as a resident of 311 N. Pine street; a small residential and commercial building which existed behind Temple Israel from 1885 until the 1930s. [1] He was only listed as a resident of the building for one year. Detailed information about Israel is not forthcoming in existing archives. His profession was not listed in the city directory of 1892 and he did not appear in contemporary newspapers. His origin, previous or subsequent movements, age at the time of Leadville residence, burial location, as well as other important information were not found by this researcher. Variants of the name including Tobainski, Tobinsky, Tobin, and Towbinsky were also not found in existing genealogical or Colorado newspaper archives. The 1893 Leadville city directory was not published, and it is thus unknown if Israel lived in Leadville during that year. Searches of Colorado Newspaper archives did not produce results for any of the variants stated above in 1893. Thus, the exact identity or movements of the short time Leadville resident are unknown.

1 1892 Leadville City Directory p. 253


Corbett, TB, Hoye, WC and Ballanger, JH. “Corbet, Hoye and Co’s Fourteenth Annual City Directory: Containing A Complete List Of The Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms Etc. In The City Of Leadville For 1880-1888”. Democrat Printing Company; Leadville, CO: USA. 1892.


To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.

AUTHOR: Trevor Mark
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Tobinski
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville CO; USA. 2019
STABLE URL: http://www.jewishleadville.org/tobinski.html

Temple Israel Foundation
208 West 8th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

Temple Israel Museum
201 West 4th Street
Leadville, Colorado 80461

Hebrew Cemetery
SW Corner of Evergreen Cemetery
North end of James Street, Leadville
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