Charles Weinberg
Occupation: Liquor distributor, clothing merchant
Born: Est. 1848
Birthplace: Germany
Died: 1911
Antoinette Broemser/Brenner Weinberg
Occupation: N/A
Born: Est. 1850
Birthplace: Germany
Died: Possibly 1926
Fred Weinberg
Occupation: N/A
Born: Est. 1867
Birthplace: Missouri
Died: N/A
Charles Weinberg was a prolific merchant in Colorado in the 1880s and 1890s. Originally a moderately successful liquor distributor in Leadville, Charles eventually founded a clothing emporium in Cripple Creek prior to departing the state for New York in the early 1900s.
Born to Levi/Levy and Augusta Seligsohn Weinberg [1] in Germany in 1848, [2] Charles was the middle child of three boys. His two brothers were Selig (born 1840) [3] and Louis (born 1851). [4] Charles claimed in his passport application that he arrived in the US in 1863, [5] which is corroborated by his military service in the US Civil War. [6] Charles served in the war from 1863 to 1864 under the alias Charles Winbeck and obtained the rank of colonel [7] or major. [8] According to his pension index, Charles’ unit was dispersed to North Carolina, Tennessee, “Wabash”, and “Princeton”. [9] Though it may seem unusual for recent Jewish immigrants to have participated in the conflict, historians Jonathan D. Sarna and Adam Mendelsohn estimate that 8,000 Jews fought during the Civil War [10] out of a total population of roughly 150,000, [11] whereas Donald Altschiller estimates 10,000. [12] In other words, between 5.3% and 6.6% of the Jewish population fought in the war, roughly half of the combat participation percentage of the remaining white population in the United States. [13]
After the war’s end, Charles made his way to Missouri where he married his first wife, Mina Stunkel, on October 18, 1871. [14] The couple divorced by at least 1874, the year Charles married to his second wife, Antoinette Broemser (later spelled Brenner), also in Missouri. [15] Antoinette’s birthyear is estimated as 1850 and, like Charles, she was a German immigrant. [16] The couple may have lived in Kansas prior to moving to Colorado, although sources supporting this are inconclusive.

Photograph of Charles L. Weinberg, taken circa 1900.
Courtesy of the Aspen Historical Society Online Collections Database.
Charles L. Weinberg, circa 1900, photographic print, 5 cm x 7 cm, The Aspen Historical Society Online Collections Database, Aspen Historical Society, Aspen, accessed June 7, 2021,

Photograph of Antoinette Brenner Weinberg, taken circa 1900.
Courtesy of the Aspen Historical Society Online Collections Database.
Antoinette Brenner Weinberg, circa 1900, photographic print, 5 cm x 7 cm, The Aspen Historical Society Online Collections Database, Aspen Historical Society, Aspen, accessed June 7, 2021,
The Weinbergs first settled in Lake City upon their arrival in Colorado, but the exact year is unknown. [17] Charles and Antoinette were among some of the earliest settlers in Leadville after its incorporation, arriving in the city by early 1879. [18] Charles had made a business arrangement with Jewish Leadville resident Louis Sonshine [19] prior to his arrival to open a liquor distribution business in the city. [20] Their store’s first advertisement appeared in the Leadville Evening Chronicle on March 5, 1879, announcing the opening on March 10 at 27½ Harrison Avenue. [21] The pair later transformed their business briefly from distribution into a saloon. [22]
The Sonshine & Weinberg liquor business in Leadville was not especially prolific nor long-lived. Advertisements and city directory listings ceased after 1881 and its final reference in local newspapers was a court case between Sonshine & Weinberg and a Samuel Schneider in 1883. [23] Sonshine left Colorado soon after the business closed, but the Weinberg family remained in the state for twenty more years.
There is some confusion over Charlie's relatives in Leadville between 1879 and 1881. The 1880 US Census recorded Charles alone living in a boarding house with Louis Sonshine. [24] However, a separate census shows a Nettie Weinberg, her son Fred Weinberg, and daughter B. Washburn living at a separate residence. [25] Because Nettie is a shortened form of Antoinette, the vital records in the census closely match Antoinette Broemser’s other vital records. Nettie Weinberg was almost certainly Antoinette, and Fred was her's and Charles’ child. Whether Antoinette was Fred’s biological mother (or Charles the biological father) is yet unclear because if Fred's reported birth year of 1867 is accurate, this would be seven years before Antoinette's marriage to Charles. Nettie’s reported daughter, B. Washburn, born in Kansas in 1874, is yet another mystery as she does not appear in any sources after the 1880 census. Finally, Charles’ brother Louis did hold shares in various mining properties in Lake County in 1880 but did not appear in city directories as a permanent resident. [26] Louis also appears as a liquor dealer in the 1880 US Census in Lake City, Colorado. [27]

Photograph showing The Weinberg Clothing Company in Cripple Creek.
Courtesy of Denver Public Library Digital Collections.
Cripple Creek, Colo., 1895 or 1896, photographic print, 11 cm x 17 cm, Denver Public Library Digital Collections, Denver Public Library, Denver, accessed June 7, 2021,
While the Weinberg family did not find a great deal of success in the Leadville liquor business, their prospects in Aspen and Cripple Creek were more lucrative. Charles became a manager of the O. K. Clothing Emporium at the former where he remained for nearly a decade. [28] The first notice of the family’s presence in Cripple Creek was the appearance of the Weinberg Clothing Company in a program for the Business Men’s Carnival published in The Morning Journal on October 23, 1894. [29] Despite owning a business in Cripple Creek, the Weinbergs seemed to maintain a presence or at least interests in Aspen for their remaining time in Colorado.
Charles and Antoinette adopted a daughter named Georgiana (shortened to Georgie or Georgy) sometime between the 1880 and 1885 US and Colorado censuses. Georgiana, born in 1875, went on to marry Elias Cohn on January 15, 1897 in Aspen. [31] According to an article in The Aspen Times published roughly six months before their marriage, the engagement between the young couple caused a degree of controversy among the Jewish community as the relationship was between a supposed gentile (Georgiana) and a Jew (Elias). [32] There is no further reference to this controversy in Aspen.
The majority of the Weinberg family relocated to New York in the early 1900s, when Charles and Fred worked at a business simply advertised as Frederic’s at 905 Broadway. [33] Charles and Antoinette’s final appearances in the US census was in 1910 and listed them as living in Manhattan. [34] Fred does not appear in their household.
According to a notice in Leadville’s Herald Democrat, Charles Weinberg died in New York in either late December 1910 or early January 1911. [35] It is not currently known where he was buried. The only confirmed grave for the Weinbergs is of Selig, the elder brother of Charles who, according to sources, never lived in Colorado. [36] The 1910 US Census recorded Elias and Georgiana Cohn still in Aspen with two daughters, Regina and Ruth. [37] Elias died in 1912 and is buried at Red Butte Cemetery in Aspen. [38] However, Georgiana’s grave is not located there. Her final listing in the 1920 US Census shows her living in Boulder with Ruth. [39]
Maurice Weinberg
Occupation: N/A
Born: N/A
Birthplace: N/A
Died: April 26, 1880
Apart from being buried in Leadville’s Hebrew Cemetery, [40] nothing else is known about Maurice Weinberg. The headstone only states that his date of death is April 26, 1880. It is possible that Maurice was in some way related to Charles and his family, but the name Weinberg was quite common in Colorado as well as across the United States. It is just as likely that Maurice Weinberg had no relation to them.
Jacob Weinberg
Occupation: Clerk
Born: N/A
Birthplace: N/A
Died: N/A
Jacob Weinberg only appears in the 1880 Leadville City Directory, [41] which lists him working as a clerk at Joseph E. Shoenberg’s [42] clothing store. There is no further information on Jacob’s time in Leadville and no evidence that he was related to any of the other Weinbergs in Leadville.
1 Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed June 7, 2021), memorial page for Selig L. Weinberg (July 7, 1840 – April 14, 1920), Find a Grave Memorial ID 175299077; citing Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York, USA, maintained by Festus95 (contributor 48058236).
2 U.S., Passport Applications, 1795 – 1925, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021), passport application for Charles L. Weinberg and Antoinette Weinberg; citing Selected Passports (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 582.
3 Find a Grave, memorial for Selig L. Weinberg.
4 "Colorado State Census, 1885," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), Louis Weinberg, Pitkin County, Colorado, USA; citing NARA microfilm publication M158 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm 498,509.
5 U.S., Passport Applications, 1795 – 1925, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021), passport application for Charles L. Weinberg and Antoinette Weinberg; citing Selected Passports (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 582.
6 U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861 – 1934, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021), pension index for Charles Winbeck [Charles L. Weinberg]; citing General Index to Pension Files, 1861 – 1934 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), series number T288, roll 528.
7 Local Items (Aspen, CO: The Aspen Daily Times), August 22, 1886, P4.
8 Personal Local (Aspen, CO: Rocky Mountain Sun), February 12, 1887, P2.
9 U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861 – 1934, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021), pension index for Charles Winbeck [Charles L. Weinberg]; citing General Index to Pension Files, 1861 – 1934 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), series number T288, roll 528.
10 Jonathan D. Sarna and Adam Mendelsohn, Jews and the Civil War: A Reader (New York: New York University Press, 2010).
11 Donald Altschiller, "Jews," in Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History, edited by David Stephen Heidler, Jeanne T. Heidler, and David J. Coles (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000), P1070–1071.
12 Altschiller, "Jews," Encyclopedia of the American Civil War, P1070–1071.
13 These numbers are rough estimates based on a variety of secondary and primary source comparisons. The generally accepted number of African Americans who took part in the war as soldiers was around 180,000 and entirely enlisted by the Union. The white population of the US per the 1860 census was 26,850,000 (omitting the Jewish population number) but was likely skewed by the coming war. Accounting for African American and Jewish participation, the remaining number of white soldiers in the war was roughly 2,760,000 to 3,010,000. This equates to white participation in the war at roughly 10%-11% of their total population.
14 Missouri, U.S., Marriage Records, 1805-2002, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021), marriage between Charles Weinberg and Mina Stunkel, Lafayette, Missouri, United States; citing Missouri Marriage Records (Jefferson City: Missouri State Archives, n.d.).
15 Missouri, U.S., Marriage Records, 1805-2002, database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021), marriage between Charles Weinberg and Antoinette Broemser, Jackson, Missouri, United States; citing Missouri Marriage Records (Jefferson City: Missouri State Archives, n.d.).
16 "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), Antoinette Weinberg in household of C L Weinberg, Manhattan Ward 22, New York, New York, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 1394, sheet 12A, family 379, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1048, FHL microfilm 1,375,061.
17 City and Vicinity (Pueblo, CO: Colorado Daily Chieftain), February 19, 1879, P4.
18 W. M. Clark, W. A. Root and H. C. Anderson, Clark, Root & Co.’s First Annual City Directory of Leadville and Business Directory of Carbonateville, Kokomo and Malta for 1879 (Denver, CO: Daily Times Steam Printing House and Book Manufactory, 1879), P159.
19 For more on the Sonshine family, see: Quinn Whittington, Sonshine (Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation), 2021:
20 City and Vicinity, February 19, 1879, P4.
21 City Items (Leadville, CO: Leadville Evening Chronicle), March 5, 1879, P1.
22 License (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald), January 1, 1881, P4.
23 Judge Goddard’s Court (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald), December 19, 1883, P4.
24 "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), Charles Weinberg in household of John Crowder, Leadville, Lake, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 78, sheet 391B, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm 1,254,091.
25 "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), Nettie Weinberg, Leadville, Lake, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 82, sheet 449C, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm 1,254,091.
26 Transfers (Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald), October 31, 1880, P4.
27 "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), Louis Weinberg, Lake City, Hinsdale, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 58, sheet 179D, NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm 1,254,090.
28 We call attention… (Aspen, CO: Rocky Mountain Sun), December 12, 1885, P3.
29 Business Men’s Carnival (Cripple Creek, CO: The Morning Journal), October 23, 1894, P2.
30 "Colorado State Census, 1885," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), Chas L Weinberg, Pitkin, Colorado, USA; citing NARA microfilm publication M158 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm 498,509.
31 Wedding at Aspen (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat), January 15, 1897, P1.
32 Society Column (Aspen, CO: The Aspen Daily Times), July 19, 1896, P5.
33 The Trow (Formerly Wilson’s) Copartnership and Corporation Directory of New York (New York: Trow Directory, Printing & Bookbinding Company, 1904), P214.
34 "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), C L Weinberg, Manhattan Ward 22, New York, New York, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 1394, sheet 12A, family 379, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1048, FHL microfilm 1,375,061.
35 Death of Charles Weinberg (Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat), January 4, 1911, P1.
36 Find a Grave, memorial for Selig L. Weinberg.
37 "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), Georgy Cohn in household of Elias Cohn, Aspen Ward 2, Pitkin, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 122, sheet 10B, family 196, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 124, FHL microfilm 1,374,137.
38 Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed June 7, 2021), memorial page for Elias Cohn (1867 – 1912), Find a Grave Memorial ID 82435241; citing Red Butte Cemetery, Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado, USA, maintained by Carol Moore (contributor 46944791).
39 "United States Census, 1920,” database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021), Georgy Cohn, Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED47, sheet 7A, family 149, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992), roll 156, FHL microfilm 1,820,156.
40 Leadville Hebrew Cemetery Database, Weinberg, Maurice (d:26-Apr-1880), Blk: B, Lt: 6, Grave: 2 (Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation, 2016).
41 T. B. Corbett, W. C. Hoye and J. H. Ballenger, Corbett, Hoye & Co.’s First Annual City Directory of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, Etc. in the City of Leadville, for 1880 (Leadville, CO: Democrat Printing Company, 1880), P372.
42 For more on the Shoenberg family, see: William Korn, Shoenberg (Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation), 2016:
Altschiller, Donald. "Jews." In Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History, edited by David Stephen Heidler, Jeanne T. Heidler, and David J. Coles. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000.
Antoinette Brenner Weinberg. Circa 1900. Photographic print. 5 cm x 7 cm. The Aspen Historical Society Online Collections Database, Aspen Historical Society, Aspen. Accessed June 7, 2021.
Business Men’s Carnival. Cripple Creek, CO: The Morning Journal. October 23, 1894.
Charles L. Weinberg. Circa 1900. Photographic print. 5 cm x 7 cm. The Aspen Historical Society Online Collections Database, Aspen Historical Society, Aspen. Accessed June 7, 2021.
City Items. Leadville, CO: Leadville Evening Chronicle. March 5, 1879.
City and Vicinity. Pueblo, CO: Colorado Daily Chieftain. February 19, 1879.
Clark, W. M., W. A. Root and H. C. Anderson. Clark, Root & Co.’s First Annual City Directory of Leadville and Business Directory of Carbonateville, Kokomo and Malta for 1879. Denver, CO: Daily Times Steam Printing House and Book Manufactory, 1879.
"Colorado State Census, 1885." Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). Louis Weinberg, Pitkin County, Colorado, USA; citing NARA microfilm publication M158. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. FHL microfilm 498,509.
"Colorado State Census, 1885." Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). Chas L Weinberg, Pitkin, Colorado, USA; citing NARA microfilm publication M158, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. FHL microfilm 498,509.
Corbett, T. B., W. C. Hoye and J. H. Ballenger. Corbett, Hoye & Co.’s First Annual City Directory of the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business, Business Firms, Etc. in the City of Leadville, for 1880. Leadville, CO: Democrat Printing Company, 1880.
Cripple Creek, Colo. 1895 or 1896 Photographic print. 11 cm x 17 cm. Denver Public Library Digital Collections, Denver Public Library, Denver. Accessed June 7, 2021.
Death of Charles Weinberg. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat. January 4, 1911.
Find a Grave. Database and images ( accessed June 7, 2021). Memorial page for Elias Cohn (1867 – 1912). Find a Grave Memorial ID 82435241; citing Red Butte Cemetery, Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado, USA. Maintained by Carol Moore (contributor 46944791).
Find a Grave. Database and images ( accessed June 7, 2021). Memorial page for Selig L. Weinberg (July 7, 1840 – April 14, 1920). Find a Grave Memorial ID 175299077; citing Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, Westchester County, New York, USA. Maintained by Festus95 (contributor 48058236).
Judge Goddard’s Court. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. December 19, 1883.
Korn, William. Shoenberg. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation, 2016:
Leadville Hebrew Cemetery Database. Weinberg, Maurice (d:26-Apr-1880). Blk: B, Lt: 6, Grave: 2. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation, 2016.
License. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. January 1, 1881.
Local Items. Aspen, CO: The Aspen Daily Times. August 22, 1886.
Missouri, U.S., Marriage Records, 1805-2002. Database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021). Marriage between Charles Weinberg and Mina Stunkel, Lafayette, Missouri, United States; citing Missouri Marriage Records. Jefferson City: Missouri State Archives, n.d.
Missouri, U.S., Marriage Records, 1805-2002. Database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021. Marriage between Charles Weinberg and Antoinette Broemser, Jackson, Missouri, United States; citing Missouri Marriage Records. Jefferson City: Missouri State Archives, n.d.
Personal Local. Aspen, CO: Rocky Mountain Sun. February 12, 1887.
Sarna, Jonathan D. and Adam Mendelsohn. Jews and the Civil War: A Reader. New York: New York University Press, 2010.
Society Column. Aspen, CO: The Aspen Daily Times. July 19, 1896.
The Trow (Formerly Wilson’s) Copartnership and Corporation Directory of New York. New York: Trow Directory, Printing & Bookbinding Company, 1904.
Transfers. Leadville, CO: Leadville Daily Herald. October 31, 1880.
"United States Census, 1880." Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). Charles Weinberg in household of John Crowder, Leadville, Lake, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 78, sheet 391B, NARA microfilm publication T9. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. FHL microfilm 1,254,091.
"United States Census, 1880." Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). Nettie Weinberg, Leadville, Lake, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 82, sheet 449C, NARA microfilm publication T9. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. FHL microfilm 1,254,091.
"United States Census, 1880." Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). Louis Weinberg, Lake City, Hinsdale, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district ED 58, sheet 179D, NARA microfilm publication T9. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. FHL microfilm 1,254,090.
"United States Census, 1910." Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). Antoinette Weinberg in household of C L Weinberg, Manhattan Ward 22, New York, New York, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 1394, sheet 12A, family 379, NARA microfilm publication T624. Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982. Roll 1048, FHL microfilm 1,375,061.
"United States Census, 1910." Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). C L Weinberg, Manhattan Ward 22, New York, New York, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 1394, sheet 12A, family 379, NARA microfilm publication T624. Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982. Roll 1048, FHL microfilm 1,375,061.
"United States Census, 1910." Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). Georgy Cohn in household of Elias Cohn, Aspen Ward 2, Pitkin, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 122, sheet 10B, family 196, NARA microfilm publication T624. Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982. Roll 124, FHL microfilm 1,374,137.
"United States Census, 1920.” Database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed June 7, 2021). Georgy Cohn, Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED47, sheet 7A, family 149, NARA microfilm publication T625. Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992. Roll 156, FHL microfilm 1,820,156.
U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861 – 1934. Database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021). Pension index for Charles Winbeck [Charles L. Weinberg]; citing General Index to Pension Files, 1861 – 1934. Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Series number T288, roll 528.
U.S., Passport Applications, 1795 – 1925. Database with images, Ancestry ( accessed June 7, 2021). Passport application for Charles L. Weinberg and Antoinette Weinberg; citing Selected Passports. Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Roll 582.
We call attention to Aspen, CO: Rocky Mountain Sun. December 12, 1885.
Wedding at Aspen. Leadville, CO: Herald Democrat, January 15, 1897.
Whittington, Quinn. Sonshine. Leadville, CO: Temple Israel Foundation, 2021:
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHOR: Quinn Whittington
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Jewish Surnames/Weinberg
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, CO; USA. 2021