January 15 - First publicly announced meeting held at New Turner Hall West Fourth and Pine to build the Temple.
January 17 - “The prominent Israelites of Leadville who are interested in the erection of a place of worship, held a meeting Tuesday evening to discuss the question and mature plans for the consummation of the object. There were present Messrs. J. Schloss, J. Bernheimer, Samuel Mayer, Sol Rice, Issac Boyer [Baer], Sol Herman and David May. They will hold another meeting at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at New Turner hall [West 4th and Pine Street] and hope to meet all their brethren interested in this movement.” [1]
January 20 - The Temple Israel congregation is organized. [2]
February 23 - “Among the prospective social events, none is looked forward to with more pleasurable anticipation than the annual Purim Bal-masque, which is set down for Tuesday evening, March 11, at City hall. The proceeds of this affair will go into the building fund of the proposed new Temple Israel, the construction of which, it is hoped will begun at an early day….” [3]
August 5 - “The board of officers of the Jewish congregation met yesterday at noon for the purpose of letting the contract for building the new temple. A number of bids were presented and opened, the lowest being that of Mr. Robert Murdoch. The architect will be Mr. George E. King. The following are the specifications of the building: Its dimensions will be 25x75 feet. The audience room will be 24 feet high. The windows will be of stained glass, 7 feet high by 5 1/2 feet wide. There will be a gallery for the choir. The seating capacity of the room will accommodate 250 people. In the rear of the building there will be a platform and pulpit and a handsome ark where the ten commandments will be stored. The building will be lit by 50 gas burners. The pews are to be of modern style and handsomely cushioned. There will be a vestibule of seven feet in front of which will be nicely carpeted, as will be the entire building throughout. There will be one main aisle leading through the audience room, affording easy entrance to and exit from the pews. The dedication ceremonies will be conducted by a Jewish minister from Cincinnati, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Gray and the Rev. Mr. Wilson, of this city. The contractor will begin work at once on the edifice, which will be pushed forward until it is completed. Its location on the corner of West Fourth and Pine streets, will be central and as convenient to all parts of the city as any place that could have been selected. The exact day on which it will be dedicated will be the twelfth of September as nearly as can be ascertained at present. When finished the Temple will be an ornament to that neighborhood, and in fact to the whole city. The building committee consisting of Messrs. Sam Mayer, Dave May, Ike Baer and M. A. Kahn, are all go-a-head men, and our citizens can depend on their having the edifice competed according to agreement. The above cut gives front view of the building” [4]

Leadville Daily Herald, August 8, 1884. Page 4.
August 7 - “The contract for building the new Temple Israel will be to let to-day. The building will cost in the neighborhood of $3,000 and will be completed by the 20th of September, which is the day on which the Jewish New Year begins. The congregation propose to make the dedication the most imposing affair of the kind that has ever taken place in this city. The committee have already telegraphed to Block & Co., of Cincinnati, for the music to be used on the occasion. All denominations will be invited to be present at the dedication exercises. The work of erecting the temple will begin as soon as the contract is awarded.” [5]
August 11 - Foundation corner stone laid.
August 12 - Survey completed.
September 14 - Notice- “Office of Congregation Israel Leadville, Colo, Sept. 8, Notice is nearby given that on Sunday Sept. 14, 1884, at 2 o’clock p.m., the Congregation Israel will offer the privilege of the seats at their new temple, corner of Fourth and Pine streets. Non members who wish to join the congregation will have a chance to do so at the time and place designated. By order of the Congregation, M. A. Cahn [Cohn] Secretary.” [6]
September 17 - “Rev. Julius Sachs of Cincinnati, Ohio, arrived in the city yesterday morning. Rev. Mr. Sachs is here on the call of the Temple Israel congregation and will conduct services during the approaching holidays.” [7]
September 19 - “This evening at 7:30 the Temple Israel congregation will dedicate their new edifice on the corner of West Fourth and Pine streets. Six weeks ago the building of the new temple was commenced and is to-day nearly completed. A very limited number of invitations have been extended for this evening’s services. A larger number would have been issued but for the limited capacity of the auditorium. Tonight the new year commences being the 5,645 of the Ismich Era. Rabbi Sachs, of Cincinnati, a recent graduate of the Union college of American Hebrews, will officiate.” [8]
September 20 - “The new Jewish Temple of the Congregation Israel that has just been completed was dedicated last night with the most impressive ceremonies, by Rabbi Morris Sachs of Cincinnati Ohio. The corner stone of the building was laid the eleventh of last August and the building has been rushed to completion in an unparalleled short time. The building is a very handsome edifice. It is the second Hebrew Temple in this state and is an ornament to the city. The windows are of stained glass; the pews are cushioned, and the floor and platform coved with a handsome carpet. The room is lighted by sixty jets of gas. The pulpit and ark are of elegant workmanship. In the rear of the building is the gallery for the choir…. By 8 o’clock the audience room was filled to its utmost capacity. The programme of the exercises was as follows.
Voluntary…. Organ and Orchestra
Presentation of Key…… Chairman Building Committee
Acceptance….. President of Congregation
Solo…… Sen Sheorim (Lift up your head, O ye gates) Psalm 24
Circuit of the Sanctuary…. Psalm 100
Blessing the Law…. Response by Choir
Reading of the Law…. Genesis, Chapter 1-v. 1-3
And the lord said there be Light, and there was Light
Placing of the Law in the Ark
Adonai, Adonai, Ki Rachum….. (O Lord O Lord of Mercy)
Reading of Scriptures…. I Kings, Chapter VIII- v. 22-54
Consecration Hymn… Resound Ye Domes
Voluntary… Organ and Orchestra
Rosh Hash Rash Hosha Service
En Komocho (None is like unto Thee)… Choir
Yigdai (Be Exalted)… Choir
Sermon by Morris Sachs
In the absence of Mr. David May, chairman of the building committee, Mr. Ike Baer presented the key of the building to Mr. J.H Monheimer, president of the congregation in a few appropriate and well chosen words. Mr. Monheimer accepted the key and responded as follows:
Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Building Committee. As president I accept the key you have tendered me, and in the name of the congregation Israel and on behalf of its members, allow me to express to you our heartfelt thanks, for the energy, real and devotion you have displayed in the erection of this the Miracle Temple of the age.
The history of our institution dates back to only a few months, and we may all feel justly proud of our accomplishments, but weak and few in numbers, yet many and strong in our determination to do good, we have completed in thirty three days this house which in a few moment is to be dedicated to Him who rules the universe, that its doors may be thrown widely open all who seek knowledge, and believe in the one and true God. Our time being limited, I shall have to close shortly but before doing so, would like to say a few words to those, who are ever foremost in the good work of charity, to them is due the thanks and the respect of all, they who are the beacon light of our existence, have been our aid in the great work, not only have they emptied their treasury to help us accomplish and complete this work, but the hand of their skill may be seen in every apartment of our temple. I suppose you are all aware of whom I refer, it is to the Ladies’ Hebrew Benevolent Society, they who have since the existence of Leadville done all in their power to relieve the needy, clothe the naked and provide for the sick. Thanks are further due to the members of the choir, who have studied arduously for several weeks to make the Holiday services interesting. Again thinking the various committees and the members in general for their aid in this holy work, I close my remarks so that the regular service may be continued.”
Followed by a sermon by Morris Sachs
“…The temple is very appropriately termed the ‘Magic Temple of the Age’. The globes of the chandeliers are of colored glass, and present a very fine effect. Great credit is due to the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent society for their efforts in raising funds with which to complete the temple.” [9]
September 27 - “There was an important meeting at the new Temple Israel last evening, for the purpose of election officers for the new Jewish year just entered upon, and the receiving of reports for the old term. There was a large attendance, and the election at once proceeded to. The old officers were all reelected, as follows:
President- J. H Monheimer
Vice-President- David May
Secretary- M. A. Cahn
Treasurer- Sam Mayer
Superintendent of Sunday School- J. Baer
Trustees- I. Mooney, J. Kahn and J. Sonnenberg.”
The following reports were then read:
Treasurers report.
To the honorable president and members of the congregation Temple Israel:
The following is my annual report to you as treasurer of your society:
President J. Monhiemer, Vice-President David May and Superindent L. Baer made statements summarized in the following:
No one was injured during the construction of the building.
Through the sale of pew seating in the temple the congregation raised $925.
One burial permit was issued for $20 to Mrs. White.
Summary of 1884:
Cornerstone laid on August 11.
Survey conducted August 12.
Colorado State Governor Grant donated $100 to the congregation on August 21.
The congregation held five meetings and functions (payed $8 per use) at City Hall (132 and 134 East 6th Street) while the synagogue was being built.
Lumber was supplied by Tabor, Pierce & Co. 213 East 5th Street
Bricks were supplied by Jeremiah Irwin, corner of 4th and Maple
Robert Murdock was paid $1,622.87 for the contract work and supplies
George King was paid $50 for the architectural work
Leppel was paid $432.87 for beer, wine, and liquor.
A porter was paid $3 on September 18th presumably to move items into the Synagogue. [10]
October 4- “Day of Atonement. Exercises held all day yesterday at the Synagogue. A memorial to Rabbi Sachs. The day of atonement was strictly observed by the Jewish population. The whole of yesterday was spent in the temple, recently erected, and divine services were conducted by Rabbi Sachs, who was assisted by various members of the congregation. About 11 o’clock in the morning the young divine delivered a long lecture on the ‘Bible as the book’, which was very attentively listened to by a large congregation. It was really a masterly effort; one of the finest sermons ever delivered in Leadville. In the afternoon Rabbi Sachs lectured on the beauty of union, and the good results the union of American Hebrew congregations is achieving. He advised the Leadville congregation to join, by all means, this union, and thus feel that they too take and active interest in American Judaism. His remarks were listened to with absorbed attention and it may be unhesitatingly predicted that the congregation Israel of Leadville will act on the advice of the speaker and join the U of A. H. C. At the conclusion of his afternoon discourse, the Rabbi was eloquently addressed by Mr. Jacob Bernheimer, in behalf of the executive committee of the congregation. Mr. Bernheimer made a glowing and touching speech, the substance of which is embodied in the following document which will be presented the juvenile Rabbi. The document appended explains itself:
To Rabbi Morris Sachs: The executive board, in the name of the congregation Temple Israel of Leadville, tender to you their heartfelt thanks for your prompt response to their call; for the able and efficient manner in which you dedicated their new temple to the services of the God of their Father, the God of Israel; for the able manner in which you conducted the services during the holidays. In the great work you are about entering upon, as a guide and leader in Israel, we pray the great Creator and ruler of the universe may endow you with health and strength and crown your labors with abundant success. J.H. Monhiemer, president, M.A. Kahn, secretary, Dave May, vice president, Issac Baer, superintendent of Sunday school, Sam Mayer, treasurer, I. Kahn, Joe Sonnenberg, S. Mooney, trustees. Leadville September 29, ’84, Tishri 11, 5644” [11]
October 24- “… Here in Leadville the day will be celebrated by prayer in the Temple Israel, on which occasion Judge Freauhoff will deliver a lecture on the life of Sir Moses Montefiore. After services the members will have a banquet in honor of Sir Moses Montefiore’s centennial anniversary.” [12]
January 3- “The edifice of this congregation was erected last summer in the incredibly short space of thirty-three days. It is located on the southwest corner of Pine and Fourth streets, and is a handsome building and cost $4,000. It has a membership of forty-five with a Sunday- school containing seventy-five children, of which the superintendent is I. Baer, with J. Bernheimer assistant. The officers of the church are J.H. Monheimer president, David May, vice-president, Samuel Mayer treasurer and Mr. Kahn secretary.” [13]
January 25- A report is read by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations president M. Loth that, “The secretary reported that congregation Israel, of Leadville, Col. had become a member of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.” [14]
March 5- Annual Purim Ball at City Hall (132-134 East 6th Street) “On one side of the hall appeared the motto, ‘Welcome to Our Annual Purim Festival’, while the opposite was, ‘May Our New Temple be an Ornament to Our City”. Elevated seats were tastefully arranged, which comfortably seated about two hundred spectators. Back of the music stand the ladies boudoir was furnished in a style of oriental magnificence. Easy chairs, sofas, ottomans, divans, woolsacks, etc., were scattered round the large room which was hung with beautiful paintings and engravings, while damask curtains of the most expensive manufacture separated it from the main hall. The proceeds of the ball go to liquidating the indebtedness on the new Temple Israel, lately erected in our city…” [15]
March 29- “Passover Pesach. This will be observed by the Jewish community of Leadville at their Temple Israel, corner of Pine and Fourth Streets, on Monday evening at 7 o’clock and Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock, March 30 and 31. The Passover is kept eight days from the fourteenth day of the month of Nissan till the twenty-second day of Nissan inclusive…” [16]
May 9- “The Hebrew children’s mask ball at Armory Hall last night was largely attended, despite the unpleasant weather, and proved an enjoyable affair for both old and young. The proceeds of the banquet are to go toward paying for the synagogue of the Congregation Israel….” [17]
August 1- “A pleasant party was given on Friday night at the residence of Mr. Marx Kahn, 500 East Tenth Street, the occasion being the confirmation of his son Jacob Kahn, a youth of 13. This ceremony took place at beautiful Temple Israel on West Fourth Street, early in the evening, after which those present were invited to the residence of Mr. Kahn, where refreshments were served, and music and merriment reigned supreme for several hours.” [18]
September 19- “Meeting in Temple Convention yesterday of Congregation Israel and the Election of Officers. Yesterday was an eventful one among Congregation Israel of this city, the devotees at the shrine of that unpretentious little temple on Fourth and Pine stirring at an early hour. The occasion was the annual election of officers, preceded by the reports of the returning ones. The members of the congregation were present at an unusual early hour, when exercises began. Mr. Monheimer who had occupied the distinguished chair as president for a year, submitted his message as to progress, accompanying it with remarks as follows.
‘To the Congregation Israel,
Gentlemen- Another year has rolled by and prosperity seems to have crowned our efforts in making out house of worship what is should be, a credit to the Israelites and a honor to Him whom we all worship. On January 20, 1884, you selected me as your presiding officer, and with you aid I am proud to look upon what we have accomplished. We dedicated our house of worship on September 19, 1884, since which time services have been conducted, and the attendance at first though limited, has reached a very respectable number at the present date. The is due to the great efforts made by our worthy reader and very efficient choir. The Vice president, secretary, and treasurer will, at this meeting, also furnish you with their reports, show the exact standing and financial condition of the congregation. The sale of pews for this year realized the sum of nearly five hundred dollars, which sum was almost sufficient to pay up the indebtedness. The committee appointed at the last meeting have expended upwards of three hundred dollars, which bills I recommend to be audited by this meeting, and a loan of five hundred dollars taken up from bank (which shall include the $175 due them at present). The Sunday school has been well attended during the past year, and under the efficient management of Messrs. Baer and Bernheimer, aided by the ladies who volunteered as teachers, has made considerable progress, yet I regret to have to mention that the parents do not seem to realize the pains taken and the patience teachers have to endure to try and instill in the young mind religious principles and teachings. I make this mention for reasons best known to yourselves, and when another public examination is announced, hope to see you more interested. Now that my term of office is about to expire and a successor elected, I feel that I must express to you my heartfelt thanks for the manner in which you have at all times aided me in the good work we have undertaken, and I trust you will extend the same courtesy to my successor, and help him continue to carry the banner of Judaism, the emblem of truth, unfurled with credit to yourselves before the world. Wishing you harmony, peace and prosperity for all time to come. I am yours respectfully, J.H. Bernhiemer, Prest.’
The gentleman’s report was received with appropriate manifestations of approval, when Mr. David May who was selected a year ago as vice president submitted the following communication: ‘Your Vice President begs leave to submit his annual report: ‘The duties imposed upon that office by the congregation is principally to have charge at the burial grounds and act as ex officio member on all committees and officiated in the proper conduct at funerals. Under this heading my report will be as follows:
Number of burial permits issued during the fiscal year, four, as follows: To Advet Baer, for infant child, aged 2 days, to Lew Mitchell, for infant child aged 3 days, to Gus Cohen, Buena Vista, for little girl, aged 9 months, to Mike Mayer for little boy aged 4 months. It is with pleasure and gratification that my report on this subject is, as usual, clothed with briefness, and trusting the general health of our Jewish population in the city may continue in the same excellent good condition, let us join hands and our prayers be constant that the death rate in the future will not exceed the past. May each returning year be a source of newborn joy to every member of this congregation. Our burial ground is in moderate good condition, the fence has been repaired recently, and the road leading thereto had been fixed, but I desire to suggest one thing: as soon as our finances permit, to have erected a neat headboard, painted white, with the proper inscription, and of uniform size and placed on each grave, which, in my estimation, would be quite a decided improvement on its present appearance. All other matters pertaining to our congregation has been justly and most eloquently stated to you by the report of our esteemed president. Any attempt on my part to add anything additional in the direction would be simple as loss and waste of time. Now, my dear friends and members of the congregation of Israel, allow me to return to you my thanks for the honor and kind assistance you have lend me during my term of office, trusting the same courtesies may be extended to my successor, who may be elected at your hands today. All I desire yet to state is, let us always remain true to the banner, which we all represent and be always steadfast to the noble cause of which we are all members. And last, but not least, will say, hoping that the great enthusiasm which has existed in the heart of every member, in the pride of our handsome little temple may always be on the continual increase. Thanking you again, I remain respectfully yours, David May Vice-President.’
The next order of business being the election of officers, that was taken up and proceeded with. For several weeks past this matter has been agitating the congregation, and after considering the matter thoroughly, a cabinet of new officers was decided upon, the secretary, as the nominations were made, being instructed to cast an unanimous vote, which the following result:
President- Mr. Issac Baer
Vice President- Mr. Marx Kahn
Treasurer- Mr. Richard Metz
Secretary- Mr. L. Loemlein
Trustees for the ensuing year- M.H. Monhiemer, M. Leppel, and David Heller.
Superintendent of Sabbath School- Mr. Jacob Bernheimer….” [19]
March 7- “The Congregational Israel- The Jewish Temple of the congregation Israel, located at the southwest corner of Fourth and Pine streets, was completed and dedicated on September 19 1884, with the most impressive ceremonies by Rabbi Morris Sachs, of Cinncinatti, Ohio. The building is a very handsome edifice, and the cornerstone was laid August 11, 1884. It is the second Hebrew temple in the state and is ornament to the city. The windows are of stained glass, the pews are cushioned and the floor and platform covered with a handsome Brussels carpet. The temple was dedicated on the Hebrew new year the 5645th. Mr. J.H. Monhiemer, the well-known and popular dry goods merchant, was the president of the Congregation Israel the first year after they took procession, but Mr. Issac Baer, of the firm of Baer Bros. succeeded him, being elected to the office September 19, 1885. Mr. Ben Davies is the officiating chosan. The temple has an excellent choir, composed of the following Ladies and gentlemen.
Tenor- Mr. Smith
Basso- Leonard Worcester
Soprano- Mrs. W. S. Alexander
Alto- Mrs. W. H. Nash
Organist- Sam Rosenberg
The choir is an excellent one, and the Sunday school is large and continually increasing. Services are held every Friday evening, the membership now being about one hundred. The Sunday school consists of about the same number of children. A festival is held every two months for the children of the Sunday school.
The Hebrew Ladies Benevolent association was organized early was organized early in 1879, and has become famous for its charity, not only to members of the own race, but to the poor of all denominations. This society generally gives three or four ball annually, which always prove great social and financial successes. The funds realized are given those in need of alms. At the last ball, “The Purim”, $1000 was realized from the sale of tickets alone. The Temple has been repainted and re-carpeted and has been rendered very attractive.” [20]
May 22- “The Hebrew Sunday school will re-open on Sunday next at 11 o’clock a.m. at the Temple on West Fourth street. All Jewish children in the city are cordially invited to come.” [21]
July 9- “The Temple Israel Re-opening. The following interesting programme, including the beautiful musical selections by the choir, have been arranged for the re-opening of the Temple Israel this evening:
1. ‘Mark, My Soul…. Goldstein by the choir
2. English reading…
3. ‘The Battle Prayer…. Hummel Dr. Dodge
4. Hebrew Ritual… Chanted by Mr. Ben Davies
5. Trio… ‘Lord Thy Glory’ Mercendente by the choir
6. Motat ‘Grander Than Oceans Story… Oosta by the choir
7. English Reading…
8. Benediction
9. Solo parts of the musical portion by Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. O. F. Dodge, Mr. Sparring and Dr. Dodge
10. Organist and choir director, Madame D’ Avignon” [22]
October 4- “The Jewish Election. There is probably no event on the New Year’s bulletin of the Jewish citizens of these altitudes that is ladened with more interest than that of the annual election of officers for Temple Israel, and it may be said that this is attributable to the deep and abiding regard they hold for the future of the highest synagogue in the wide, wide world. At an early hour yesterday morning they might have been seen upon the thoroughfares discussing the relative merits of their candidates and at 2 o’clock in the afternoon the temple auditorium was occupied was occupied by nearly every prominent Israelite in the city, with president Issac Baer in the chair. The order of business began with a recapitulation of the year, in which a number of reports were read. In following the order of business the president for the past year then submitted his report as follows:
To the Officers and Members of the Congregation Israel:
Gentlemen- Another year has rolled around in the history of our congregation and agreeable to the requirements of your laws, I submit to you herewith a report of my official acts. At the commencement of the year now closing, the number of members reported on our books were 63 names, of these, however, only 37 were contributors; to these have been added 14 names, 2 withdrew from member ship and none lost by death leaving us at this day a membership of 49 actual paying members.
Indebitness of…. $870.58
The current expense of the year have been… $440.65
We have received from dues… $444.59
From balls and entertainments… $278.70
From rent of pews a few days ago… $537.00
Making a total income of…. $1260.20
We have expanded for current expense… $549.80
Towards reduction of debt… $200.00
There is due upon uncollected dues and on unoccupied seats… $83.35
Which deducted from amount we are indebted… $135.49
Cash on hand… $423.65
I would expect that the vice-president be authorized to expand a sum not exceeding $75 to put in good repair the road leading to the cemetery as its present condition is much to be deplored; also that four chairs be purchased for the pulpit as those we are using were borrowed for the holidays and the balance of the year ordinary ones are used. I would also inform the congregation that our organ is badly out of repair and would recommend that a new one be purchased and that your new executive board purchase one at the earliest practicable moment. With these additions to our temple it will be complete in its furnishing many years to come.
I congratulate the congregation upon its financial condition, and with a reasonable effort on the part of the incoming executive board no financial troubles will be theirs, as for the first time since the completion of our house of worship we are entirely out of debt and can remain so.
Services have been held on Friday evenings for five months and I hope your new board will see that uninterrupted services will be held every Friday evening and holidays during the coming year. Thanking you for the honor conferred on calling me to the chair as your presiding officer, and thanking the members for their assistance in the discharge of my various duties, I remain, Yours Respectfully, I. Baer”
A report of the “Sabbath School” was read by Jacob Bernhiemer, with a report on membership by Secretary Lumlien as follows:
“Your Secretary begs leave to report that at the last annual meeting the number of members reported in good standing were 65. This I found was an error upon the part of the former secretary, as we have at present but 49 active members, and this, after adding 14 new members during the year. During the year 15 have either resigned or refused to pay their dues.
At the beginning of the year our indebtedness was as follows:
“… The congregation expressed the greatest satisfaction of the financial progress of the temple, the members having been prompt and liberal in their support.
Thus concluding the business of the year, the congregation then proceeded to the election of officers beginning with a president.”
The following result of the election:
President- Mr. Max Kahn
Vice President- Mr. Sam Mayer
Treasurer- Richard Metz
Secretary- Mr. L Stein
Trustees- Jospeh Monheimer, Jacob Kahn, M. Leppel
“…A vote of thanks was then tendered the retiring officers, after which the electors adjourned. It is understood that the present prosperity of the temple justifies the members in looking forward to a number of improvements during the year, and among the purchases will be a magnificent organ. The congregation is to be congratulated upon the success with which the temple progressed and this opportunity is take to wish the unabated prosperity during the present year.” [23]
October 9- “Day of atonement that signifies as much if not more than any occasion that is observed by the Hebrew in all countries has been generally commemorated in the cloud city, the streets and main thoroughfares presenting quite a desolate appearance in the closing of the doors of some of the most pretentious establishments that have ever been erected by the modern merchant. The observation is being participated in by nearly every one of them, and while there is no display, the full meaning of the occasion is impressed upon everyone. The chief features of the observance have been those on the part of the congregations the modern building forth at beautiful Temple Israel, while the Orthodox have been in divine service at City Hall. The exercises at the former place were characterized by superb music and a choir that has rarely been assembled or collected in the western country…. The services that took place under the Orthodox congregation were full of solemnity, the address and ritual both being delivered in the original language. The services were held in the ornate chambers of the hall and have continued throughout the day.” [24]
April 4- “The Eighth Annual Purim ball, given under the auspices of the Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent association, occurred at the Tabor Opera house Tuesday evening, and was one of the most successful ever given by the society, in every particular. The costumes, the decorating, the musical programme, the tableaux and special features eclipsed anything heretofore attempted in the Cloud city. The society under the auspices this elegant and successful affair was given is not unknown to the Leadville public, for whatever there has been suffering though misfortune or accident they have first alleviated such suffering without regard to religion or nationality. They organized in Leadville in 1879, and during the eight years of the organization have accomplished much good in the noble work of charity. Only once since the organization has any money been applied to their own uses, and that was the building of the fine Temple of Israel, at the corner of Fourth and Pine streets, where the Ladies’ Benevolent society meets the first Thursday in every month to transact the business of the society and also consider those things that will assist or benefit mankind. The meetings are well attended, thirty-two ladies now belong to the society. The officers disburse funds, fuel or food at any time between the meetings, when they learn where such aid is deserved. They also make up clothes and have made many a poor heart glad. They stop at nothing in the line of charity, and since their organization have made many friends in Leadville. The present officers of the organization are:
President- Mrs. Jessie Cohn
Vice President- Mrs. Fannie Heller
Treasurer- Mrs. Sarah Koch
Secretary- Mrs. Engleman.
A long time had been consumed by the ladies of the society for this ball, which should have occurred on the 10th of March, but the entire success of the affair last evening, in every particular justices the statement that the preparations were not slighted, and that the committees appointed by them were the best they ever had.
The City hall was considered too small, so the Tabor Opera house was secured and arranged specially for the occasion. A large dancing platform was constructed from the stage over the opera chairs far out into the auditorium, which furnished a main dancing platform of 35x65 feet, with two wings 15x30, giving ample room for the followers of terpsichorean. Professor A. Zilm, with his orchestra of 13 pieces, were provided with a raised platform, handsomely draped, in the gallery over the main entrance. The whole house was profusely decorated with flags, bunting, streamers and small banners, no part of the building or gallery appearing bare. Over the stage was a large, six pointed star- the shield of David- in the center of which were the American colors.
The committee of arrangements for the evening were Messrs. Jacob Bernheimes, Isidor Heller, Sig. Simon, Fred Butler, Charles Sands, Abe Bergerman, and Simon Schloss, who also acted as the floor managers after looking after all the arrangements for the ball. They wore a white satin badge, embroidered in gold, the embroideries being done by Miss Emma Kahn, of this city, and were very handsome…” [25]
July 18- “To-day at 4pm at the Temple Israel, there will occur a fashionable wedding. The high contracting parties are Mr. M. G. Cohn, of Butte City, Montana, and Miss Emma Kahn of 325 East Fourth Street. Mr. Ben Davies assisted by Judge Phelps, will perform the ceremony, after which a large reception will be given at the residence of the bride’s parents.” [26]
September 2- “Rev, Dr. J. M. DeSollo of Denver will lecture at the Temple Israel this Friday evening at half past seven o’clock. Members and the public generally are invited to attend.” [27]
September 8- “The remains of Louis Lemlein, who died recently, were sent to the house of the deceased in New York City last evening. Mr. Lemlein was one of the most popular young men in this city and during his residence here gained many friends, who mourn his untimely death. Services were held at the Temple Israel at 5:30 in the evening, previous to their being shipped away.” [28]
September 13- “Members of Temple Israel or non-members can procure pews or seats for Rosh Hoshonah and Yom mkipur [sic] at Ben Davies’, 222 Harrison Avenue, Services will commence Sunday, September 18, at 5:30 pm, and Monday September 10, 9:30am.” [29]
September 22- “Annual Election. A meeting will be held at the Temple Israel for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year, on Sunday, September 25, at 2:30 o’clock. A full attendance is requested.” [30]
October 12- “Mayor Cook’s dwelling has been moved to the lot adjoining Temple Israel, on West Fourth.” [31]
November 2- “A paper was filed by Jacob Bernhiemer, certifying that the following persons were elected as the executive board of the Congregation Temple Israel: Jacob Schloss, president; Sig Simon, vice-president, Nathan Cohn; treasurer; L. Braham, secretary; Issac Baer, Superintendent of schools; Ben Davies, chazan, David May, Sam Mayer, and Richard Metz, trustees; and have adopted as its corporate name The Congregation Temple Israel, of Leadville, Lake County, Colorado. The paper further certifies that this cooperation is to enable said congregation to do and perform any and all duties as a religious organization, and to purchase, hold, sell and convey real and personal property for church purposes, and also for the burial of the dead, and in pursuance thereof that the organization, through its trustees may sell for such purpose any real estate held by said congregation. A quit claim deed was given by David May to the Congregation Temple Israel to all of lots 31 and 32 block 8, of Stevens and Leiter’s sub-division in consideration of $1.” [32]
March 9- “Members of Congregation Israel! You are requested to attend a special meeting at the temple Sunday afternoon, at 10:30 am for the consideration of important business. L. A. Brahram, Secretary.” [33]
April 4- “…In larger cities, where rabbis are stationed, religious services are held in the synagogues, where the prophesies are read and portions of the scripture chanted. But in Leadville, the synagogue, or Temple of Israel, as it is called, was closed last fall when the stormy weather commenced, and will not be opened probably before about six weeks, when occurs another day of celebration, and that is the commemoration of the giving of the commandments to Moses… Mr. Ben Davies, who is well known in the community, has been the reader selected to officiate during the past two years, in the stead of a rabbi, and the indications are that he will remain in the position. A business meeting was advertised for last Sunday, at the synagogue, merely as a business form, but nothing official was transacted, as those who attended were not sufficient in number to constitute a working majority.” [34]
September 4- “Rosh Hashonah. The great Jewish festival, the celebration of the New Year 5849, will commence on Wednesday evening at the Temple Israel. Services will be conducted by Mr. Ben Davies as cantor, with the following choir:
Mrs. Goddard, soprano
Mr. Volkert, tenor
Mrs. Nash, alto
Mr. Nash, organist
For pews or seats at Temple Israel for the coming holidays apply to Ben Davies, 222 Harrison avenue. All are invited.
Notice of Service. Wednesday, September 5, will be the beginning of the Jewish new year. In order to celebrate the event in a becoming manner the orthodox congregation will hold service on that evening at 7 o’clock and on the following morning at 8 o’clock. The services will take place at No. 115 Harrison Avenue. All are invited to attend, and a hearty welcome will be extended to all.” [35]
September 7- “The ceremony of the confirmations of Master Bennie Cohn was appropriately observed yesterday, the confirmation taking place at Temple Israel at 11 o’clock yesterday morning. Master Cohn delivered the following:
Bar Mitzvah Peace.
‘My Dear Friends: Young and inexperienced, I undertake, this day of my Bar Mitzvah, to tread the first step upon the most important period of my life’s path. The rosy days of my life, the golden dreams of my childhood, are now past forever, never to return, and when I turn my eyes upon the picture of my future life, which this day unrolls before my spirit, I behold the approach of days far more weighty and important than those of my past life, the coming of a time which will require all my energy.
This day of my Bar Mitzvah is therefore the most important of all the days of my life, because, only from this day on am I responsible for all my religious acts and transgressions, taking upon myself all the duties and obligations of a true and faithful Israelite. Until his thirteenth birthday, the experiences of a boy are but insignificant; the house of his parents and the school room are the entire world, and he has no knowledge of all the strife this is carried on in the world without. Only with the day of Bar Mitzvah begins an entire change of his circumstances; his eyes are suddenly opened, and he looks on the large world around him. And therefore I step over the threshold of this day with great anxiety and fear, for I have no knowledge of the temptations that may await me, for no one here could tell me what the future has in store for me- fortune or misfortune, smiles or tears, happiness or misery; but this I do know- namely, that in this new world, which to-day opens itself to me, two pathways appear before me, one the path of good, the path of life and bliss; the other the path of the wicked, the path of death and curse.
I hear heavenly voice of religion calling me to-day: ‘Choose thou life, light and bliss.’ Yes, I will listen to the heavenly voice; will from this day on endeavor to remain in the path of good, so that I may become a good man and a worthy member of Israel.
Thus I do part from the charming days of childhood; farewell, then, happy days of my childhood with all your golden dreams; farewell, thou rosy dawn of my life, I shall never behold you again. Oh I may this house of paring from the joyful and innocent morning of my life be a blessed one, and my the pious sentiments and resolutions which now fill my heart, guard me though my future life.
And now I turn to you, my dear parents, because this important day of my Bar Mitzvah recalls to my memory the undoubted love which you, my dear father, and you, my beloved mother, have bestowed upon me. With the help of God, you have brought me so far; your watchful care has been over me day and night; in sickness and in health, in trouble and pleasure; never has your love forsaken me, and although I have been too young to appreciate your kindness, although I have often caused you grief and pain as the reward for your care, still your love for me never ceased. I know you will overlook the past, when the prospect of a better future presents itself, and hope, dear parents, that ‘that’ future may be productive of happiness both to you and to me, and from this day father, you may reap the fruits of your thirteen years of toil; and now that the days of my childhood are over, you may enjoy the reward of your labor by seeing me growing up to be always good and useful.’” [36]
January 12- “Last evening the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Metz were made happy by the confirmation of their eldest son Abie P. Metz. The ceremony occurred at the Temple Israel and was witnessed by a large number of the friends of the happy parents. After the service, which as conducted by the cantor, Ben Davies, was finished, Master Metz made a very neat little speech in which he most honestly thanked his parents for the cares they had undergone for him and promising them that his duty would now be to repay them by being a dutiful son. The oration was well delivered by the young gentleman. After the exercises were finished the guests attended the reception given in honor of the confirmation at the residence of the parents on West Eighth Street. It was indeed a merry party and after the congratulations were over with, the evening was most pleasurably spent in social chat, eating and drinking. The tables fairly groaned with their load of good things to eat and drink, and many a hearty toast was given to the parents and the son. Abie received a large number of handsome and useful presents as tokens of remembrance from the many present who wished him much success in his future life.
A lack of space forbids an extended notice of the speeches at the Temple, and points of the reception which is deserved, but they will be found in our social column Sunday.” [37]
January 29- “A well known and popular young gentleman of the Temple Israel congregation will soon be united in marriage to one of the charming daughters of Israel.” [38]
August 25- “All members of Congregation Temple Israel are earnestly requested to attend a special meeting at the temple on Sunday, August 25, at 2pm. Business of the utmost importance to every member will be transacted. By order of Trustees.” [39]
September 25- “Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New Year, will to-day be observed by those of the Jewish faith in this city, commencing to-night at sundown and continuing until tomorrow night at sundown. The year 5859, according to the Jewish calendar, has beenn ushered in and tonight and tomorrow forenoon services will be held at Temple Israel in commemoration of the event. Services will be conducted by Cantor Ben Davies, with the following choir:
Soprano- Mrs. L. M. Goddard
Alto- Mrs. W. H. Nash
Tenor- Mr. John R Lea
Basso- Mr. R. J. Coleman
Organist and directory- Mr. W. H. Nash
Miss Lottie Schloss and Mrs. Sig Simon, soloists, will assist at the Thursday morning service. The services are very impressive and an invitation to the public to attend is extended… [40]
…The orthodox Jews hold service at City hall tonight, continuing Thursday and Friday. All arrangements have been completed for those services and they will also be of a most impressive nature. A. Z. Greenwald will conduct.” [41]
September 27- “The confirmation of the 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kahn, occurred at the Temple Israel yesterday. The young gentleman successfully passed through the exercises and that with credit both to himself and parents. In a clear voice he most distinctly outlined the reasons of confirmation, and closed by paying a handsome tribute to his dear parents…” [42]
December 14- “Dr. William Friedman, of Temple Emmanual Denver, lectured at Temple Israel on West Fourth street last evening. There was a large gathering and the remarks of the talented speaker listened with great interest. Dr. Friedman is one of the most brilliant speakers in Colorado, and his appearance on the local rostrum has been looked forward to with great interest…” [43]
December 23- “…The Hebrews of this city celebrated the festival [Hanukkah] in a fitting manner, and Sunday December 22, was set apart by the Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Society, as a day of especial rejoicing. In the afternoon an entertainment was given in the Temple Israel by the children, twenty-two of whom participated in the exercises. The young folks acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner, and after the exercises were over they indulged in a feast of candy, fruit, and cake…” [44]
April 12- “The closing of this great Jewish festival [Passover] will be celebrated at the Temple of Congregation Israel in an appropriate manner, by singing and the reading of the Scriptures.” [45]
June 20- “There will be regular services at Temple Israel, corner Pine and West Forth Streets, to-night.” [46]
July 8- “The members of Congregation Israel gave a picnic at Turner Park, Sunday. The affair was given to the scholars of the Sunday School, but was attended by the parents as well as the children… The Temple Israel Sunday School was organized in 1882. The present Superintendent is Mr. Ben Davies. Several changes are to be made in the near future, through which the children will receive the benefit by having more teachers and more meetings” [47]
August 16- “The Congregation Israel owns a very neat little temple on West Fourth and Pine streets, but, owning to the limited number of Hebrews in the city able to contribute toward the support of a rabbi, none has ever been regularly employed. In this emergency Mr. Ben Davies has long supplied the want, giving his services as cantor to the congregation without any compensation whatever, and it is needless to says [sic] his volunteer services have been highly appreciated. Learned in the language of his fathers, and almost phenomenally equipped with knowledge of the Jewish religion and rites, he has been enabled to keep the little flock together in faith, and has ministered with quite wonderful success to their spiritual wants… The members gathered at the Temple at 10:30 o’ clock and were called to order by Mr. Leppel, president of the congregation, who briefly stated the objects of the meeting. A general discussion ensued when it was resolved to cite Mr. Davies to answer several charges preferred, the entry upon the records of the society by Mr. A. Schayer, the acting secretary, being the language following:
‘At a special meeting of the members of congregation Israel held at the Temple Friday, August 15, it was decided that owing to the several charges preferred against Mr. B, Davies, to suspend him from his services as cantor until such charges were proved untrue. It was also decided to hold a special meeting at the Temple Sunday morning, August 17, 1890, at 10 o’clock to investigate the charges made against Mr. B. Davies. That gentleman was notified of the action of the members of this congregation and was requested to appear in person and plead to the guilt or innocence of the changes made.’” [48]
September 12- “Yesterday, Mr. Ben Davies tendered his resignation as cantor of the Church of Israel which was accepted. Mr. Adolph Schayer has been appointed to fill the vacancy.” [49]
September 15- “Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish festival of New Year was celebrated by the Hebrews of this city, with usual church services. The ceremonies began Sunday evening at 8 o’clock at the temple, corner of Pine and Fourth streets. Monday the services commence at 10 a.m. lasting until 12 and were very largely attended. The shofar was blown by Prof. F. G. Barker, who courteously extended his services to the congregation.” [50]
September 30- “Leadville is famous for its good choirs, a generous rivalry existing between the various denominations, to endeavor to secure the services of the best singers, and to furnish each Sabbath, the choicest and most exquisite music it possible to obtain. Among the best drilled and widest known of the different known of the different choirs is that of the Congregation Israel. This choir is composed exclusively of volunteer talent and consists exclusively of volunteer talent and consists partly of members of the congregation and partly of members of other denominations.” [51]
December 9- “Last Sunday the members of Congregation Israel fittingly observed the feast of Chanuka, or dedication of the temple. It is a Jewish feast, which was annually been observed, in commemoration of a number of successful battles fought against Antichus by Matthias, the son of the High priest Jochanan and his five sons in defense of Judaism in the year 100 before Christ. The occasion was also embraced by the ladies of the Congregation Israel to give the scholars of the Sabbath school of that congregation a reception at their temple…” [52]
October 2- “The Jewish New Year, 5653, begins this evening, and will be observed by the reform and orthodox Jews of the city. The former will hold religious services at the Temple Emanuel this evening and Saturday forenoon. The orthodox members have secured the Knights of Labor hall where they will hold services this evening…” [53]
October 12- “The Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement was strictly observed yesterday by our Jewish citizens. Services commenced Sunday evening and ended last evening and were conducted at Temple Emanuel and Knights of Labor hall.” [54]
February 28- “Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Nettie Goldsmith to Mr. Henry J. Pelta, of Buena Vista. The wedding will take place on Tuesday, March 15, at 5 o’clock p.m. in Temple Israel.” [55]
April 14- “This is Passover week, the first and the greatest of the three annual festivals of the Jews. It commenced last Monday and will end next Tuesday. Special services will be held at the Temple Israel tomorrow night.” [56]
September 22- “Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year began last night at the hour of the setting of the sun, and event was properly observed by the Hebrews generally throughout the city. Appropriate services were held in the Temple Emmanuel, a large congregation being present. The cantor, Mr. Adolph Schayer, conducted the ritualistic services and read a very excellent sermon suitable for the occasion… The congregation of Knesseth Israel also held divine services in Knights of Labor hall, which was largely attended.” [57]
September 30- “At the hour of the setting of the sun the solemn Jewish fast of Yom Kippur commences. It is the day of atonement, when every faithful child of Israel engages in prayer and fasting for the space of twenty-four-hours. During this time no food is partaken of, and divine services are held at the various places of worship. Nearly all the Jewish business houses will be closed on Saturday and will not open again until 6 o’clock that evening. At Temple Emmanuel, services will be held by Congregation Israel on Friday evening and Congregation Knesseth will worship in Knights of Labor Hall [across Pine street from Temple Israel].” [58]
September 9- “Rosh Hashanah (New Year) services will be held at Temple Israel Sunday evening and Monday morning. The services Sunday evening will begin promptly at 7 o’clock and on Monday morning at 9:30 o’clock.” [59]
September 20- “Yom Kippur (day of atonement) commissioned at sunset to-night. Both Jewish congregations in the city are holding appropriate services. Most of the Jewish businesses however will be closed today and the entire day will be spent in fasting and prayer. Services at Temple Israel begin this morning at 9:30 o’clock.” [60]
June 10- “There will be Shabnoth (confirmation) services at Temple Israel this Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.” [61]
June 12- “On Sunday afternoon confirmation exercises were held at Temple Israel, and a class of three Jewish young people was confirmed. The temple was comfortably filled, there being quite a number of Gentiles present. The altar was bedecked with beautiful cut flowers and potted plants, which added a most charming effect to the beautiful services of the day. The confirmation class was composed of Miss May Kahn, Miss Leah Rachofsky and Master Phillip Grossmayer, all of whom acquitted themselves most creditably. Their efforts showed that great care in preparation had been taken, and in the rendition of their parts reflected great credit upon their instructions as well as themselves…” [62]
July 6- “The Sunday school of Temple Israel will reopen at the usual hour Sunday morning, July 8. Mrs. D. Elsbach, Superintendent. [63]
October 9- “Both Congregation Israel and Knesseth Israel will hold appropriate services [Yom Kippur]. Temple Israel has been beautified for the occasion. Mr. A. Schayer will officiate and will be assisted to-morrow afternoon by Mr. Herman Strauss, who will deliver an address on the day. The sermon tonight will be “The Law of Conscience” and tomorrow “The Destiny of Duty of Israel…” [64]
January 21- “Mrs. Clara Leon, of Louisville, Kentucky who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. O. Heimberger, for some months past, left yesterday for Salt Lake. During her stay here Miss Leon has been one of the Sunday school teachers at Temple Israel, and before her departure she was presented by the other teachers and her class with a beautiful silver clock.” [65]
July 13- “The confirmation exercises at Temple Israel last evening were successfully carried out and the participants acquitted themselves with great credit. At the age of 13 the Jewish children are bar-mitzvah or confirmed, in the Jewish faith. The class for confirmation this year consisted of Rebekah Cohn, Gracie Harwitz, Sydney Janowitz and Herman Kahn. The temple was thronged with Gentile as well as Jewish people who were present to witness the pretty ceremony. The altar was tastefully trimmed with flowers, and the stage was bedecked with ferns palms and patted plants. It was a grand sight and gave inspiration to the four young people who were about to address the large gathering. During the evening a number of selections were rendered by the choir, which consisted of Mrs. Rachel North, Miss Martha Kabiski, Mr. J. R. Lea, Mr. Theodore Baer and Mrs. D. Hiemberger, organist…. Regular services conducted by Mr. A. Schayer were first held and then
followed by the “bar-mitzvah”. The two little Misses Rebekah C and Gracie Harwitz were dressed in white and both carried large bouquets of flowers; the two young men, Sydney Janowitz and Herman Kahn carried themselves with knightly bearing and the four made a pretty group. The exercises were opened by a beautiful prayer which had been committed to memory by Rebekah Cohn and was delivered in a sweet voice and clear and decisive manner. Then followed the translation of the ten commandments, each in turn translated from the Hebrew. Not a single error was made by any of the class….” [66]
September 19- “Congregational Israel and Knesseth Israel held services last evening in honor of the new year 5646. Temple Israel was filled with both Jews and Gentiles to witness the pretty services of the new year. The altar was tastefully bedecked with flowers while the stage was almost buried with potted plants. The exercises and sermon were attentively listened to and were interspersed with vocal selections…” [67]
March 18- “The funeral of late Alexander Pechner occurred yesterday afternoon from Temple Israel. There was a large concourse of people present at the temple to pay their last respects to one who was widely and favorably known in the community. The floral offerings were numerous and attested the high esteem in which deceased was held. The services were appropriate and impressive and at the conclusion the remains were escorted to their last resting place by the orders of the United Workmen, Select Knights, Woodmen and Golden Cross.” [68]
January 24- “Mr. Louis I. Cohn and Miss Amelia Friedlander were united in the holy bond of matrimony on Sunday last; The ceremony occurred at Temple Israel which had been most profusely decorated and artistically arranged for the occasion.” [69]
September 27- This is the Hebrew New Year’s day and services will be conducted at Temple Emanuel this morning beginning at 9:30. The services last night were beautiful and impressive and the temple was filled with many gentiles as well as the Jewish members of the community. The services being conducted by Mr. Samuel Koch an old Leadville boy, who is now a student at the Hebrew Union college in Cincinnati but obtained a leave of absence to officiate during the holidays in this city.” [70]
October 6- “Beginning last night at sunset and lasting until sunset this evening the Hebrews all over the world are observing by prayer and fasting “Yom Kippur” the day of atonement. Both Jewish congregations in this city are holding impressive services which will last throughout the day. The services at Temple Israel begin this morning at 9:30 and will be conducted by Mr. Samuel Koch of Denver.” [71]
September 16- “The services for the Jewish new year at the Temple Israel commence this evening at 7:30, and to-morrow at 9:30 am.” [72]
September 25- “Yom Kippur the day of atonement in the Jewish calendar commences at sunset tonight and lasts until sunset on Monday night. Appropriate and impressive services will be held at Temple Israel this evening and tomorrow. The services tonight begin at 7:30 and the public in general is invited to attend…” [73]
December 8- “The funeral of the late Mrs. Issac Kahn was held yesterday afternoon, interment taking place at the Jewish cemetery. The remains laid in state at the residence, 506 East Sixth Street, until noon and a great many friends of the family from all over the city called to pay their last respects to one beloved by all and whose noble traits of character made her esteemed in every circle where she moved. At 2 o’clock services were held at Temple Israel, which was packed to the door…” [74]
March 1- “Funeral of Dr. Kahn will take place at 2 o’clock Wednesday from Temple Israel Societies of which deceased was a member are cordially invited to attend in a body. The remains will lie in state at the office of the departed until 1:00 pm and will not be reviewed at the temple.” [75]
March 2- “…The services [funeral of Dr. Kahn] at the temple were brief but very impassive and rendered more beautiful by the touching choral demonstration. The service was conducted by Mr. Adolph Schayer. The floral offerings were very numerous and handsome and included a number of set pieces from different lodges to which deceased belonged and a “Gates Ajar” from the Leadville Medical society. The different lodges of which deceased was a member were largely represented as was also the medical fraternity of the city. The pallbearers were Dr. Ballin, Dr. Law, Dr. Galloway, Dr. McLean, Dr. Whitmore, and Dr. A. J. McDonald…” [76]
May 14- “Confirmation exercises will be held at Temple Israel at 10 o’clock this morning. Services in accordance with Minhag America…” [77]
May 15- “The 1899 confirmation class of the Jewish Sunday school yesterday was confirmed in the Jewish faith and a beautiful and appropriate ceremony formed the main part of the proceedings. The exercises were held at Temple Israel, which edifice was profusely decorated with flowers for the occasion. Services were conducted by the reader, Mr. A. Schayer and were attentively listened to by a large congregation including many gentiles of the city. The confirmants acquitted themselves creditably the entire program being carried out with honor not only to the young lads and misses of the confirmation class, but also to the teachers of the class who have labored so long and faithfully to bring about this perfection…. The class consisted of Blanche Leppel, Florence Grossmayer, Essie Schayer, Fannie Mankuss, Harold Hoffman, Jacob Harwitz, Maurice Cooperman and Eddie Janowitz…” [78]
September 3- “Mr. Sam Koch of Denver arrives in the city this evening and will conduct services during the Jewish holidays at Temple Israel.” [79]
September 4- “The members of Congregation Israel held their annual election of officers yesterday at the office of Dr. Sol. G. Kahn as follows:
President- Rueben Fogle
Vice-President- Isaac Kahn
Secretary- Dr. S. G. Kahn
Treasurer- M. Leppel
Trustees- J. O. Heimberger, J. Harowitz, and I. Grossmayer,” [80]
October 16- “The funeral of the late Mrs. Marx Kahn occurred yesterday afternoon from Temple Israel and despite the inclement weather the temple was far too small to hold the immense gathering of friends who came to pay their last respects to the one who was so generally liked in this community… A large concourse of people followed the remains to their last resting place in the Jewish plot at Evergreen cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs. Louis Janowitz, Adolph Baer, M. Leppel, Nathan Cohn, James McNulty and Dr. Law.” [81]
December 24- “There will be no Sunday school at Temple Israel for several months.” [82]
September 23- “The Jewish New Year 5661 begins at sunset this evening. The holiday will be appropriately observed by the two Jewish congregations of this city. Congregation Israel will hold services tonight and tomorrow at Temple Israel. These services will be conducted by Mr. Samuel Koch of Denver, who has so successfully conducted these services for the past four years and who will shortly graduate from the Hebrew Union College at Cincinnati…” [83]
October 2- “Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement one of most important and religious of the Jewish calendar begins at sunset tonight and last until sunset tomorrow night. It will be generally observed the world over as a day of fasting and repentance by Jewish people and Leadville is no exception to the rule. Services at Temple Emanuel (Israel) will be conducted by Mr. Samuel Koch and will begin this evening at 7:30 and tomorrow morning at 9:30. A specially prepared musical program will add much to the impressive services observed on this occasion. The public invite to attend. The Jewish Sunday school of Congregation Israel was inaugurated last Sunday by Mr. Koch and an excellent corps of teachers willingly lent their services for the work. The Sunday school will meet in the future every Sunday morning at 10:30 at the temple and a large attendance is requested.” [84]
March 4- “At the Temple Emanuel yesterday afternoon the children of the Sunday school rendered appropriate program in honor of Purim. There was quite a large attendance and the little ones acquitted themselves very creditably reflecting much credit upon the superintendent in charge of the affair, Mrs. Carrie Mayer.” [85]
May 10- “Miss Schayer’s Death- Esther E. Schayer, 15 years of age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schayer, died of appendicitis at 4 o’clock yesterday morning at St. Vincent hospital. Her illness dates back several weeks, but the operation was performed last Monday. She was a lovely girl and had a host of friends. She was a member of the sub-ninth class in the High school and also of the Leadville Turning school. Her parents are almost heart broken over the death of their child. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon from Temple Israel, Fourth and Pine streets.” [86]
May 11- “The funeral of Esther E. Schayer, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schayer was held at 3:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The funeral procession proceeded from the family residence on East Eighth street to Temple Israel at Fourth and Pine streets. A great number of floral designs were sent by friends. At the church the crowd of mourning friends and acquaintances was so great that the church could not hold them all at one time. The service was read by Edward Jackson. Then Superintendent Elliot of the city schools made a comforting address on the lovely character of the deceased. The whole body of auditors was deeply affected by the services and also by the intense grief under which the family of the deceased suffered. Ex-Judge Nash had charge of the music which was of a high order. A quartet composed of Miss Edwards, Mrs. Armington, F.W. Hurd, and A.C. Sloan sang “Nearer My God to Thee” and “Beyond the Smiling and the Weeping”, “Passing Out of the Shadow” was sung as a solo by Miss Edwards, and Mr. Sloan sang “One Sweetly Solemn Thought”. The pallbearers were Edwin Kahn, Herman Kahn, Sidney Janowitz, Sidney Berry, Jospeh Leppel, Max Raabe, Philip Grossmayer and Jacob Harwitz. Interment was made at the Jewish cemetery.” [87]
September 9- “The Jewish people of this community have no officiating rabbi at the present time, but the members of Congregation Israel met last evening at Temple Emanuel where prayers were offered for the speedy recovery of President McKinley. The service was quite impressive and was conducted with much fervor by Mr. Marx Kahn.” [88]
September 13- “This evening the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashonah 5662 will be ushered in at sunset and will mark the beginning of ten days of the most solemn season of the Jewish calendar. Appropriate services will be held at Temple Emanuel and in the absence of a regular rabbi, Mr. A Schayer will conduct the impressive ceremonies. A feature of the services will be the beautiful and appropriate music which will be rendered by one of the best choirs to be secured in the city. The New Year is an occasion for great rejoicing and the event will be observed by the Jewish people all over the world no matter how small the congregation or the hamlet or town where Jews reside. Following the New Year come the ten day of penitence and then the day of atonement which is the most sacred day of the calendar and is observed by twenty-four hours of fasting. The New Year Services open this evening and will be continued tomorrow forenoon and afternoon at Temple Israel…” [89]
September 18- “The funeral services of the late President McKinley will take place Thursday and appropriate memorial services will be held at the various churches. All places of business in the city, the banks and public buildings will be closed in the afternoon, and Leadville will with fitting ceremony show her respect and devotion to the martyred president… At the Temple Emanuel the members of Congregation Israel will assemble in special service at 2:30 o’clock Thursday afternoon at which time the beautiful Jewish prayers for the dead and other appropriate memorial exercises will be observed.” [90]
March 22- “The Jewish feast of Purim begins to-day and appropriate services were held last evening by Congregation Israel. To-night and to-morrow services will be held by Congregation Knesseth Israel at their temple on West Fifth street. To-morrow afternoon at Temple Emanuel the Congregation Israel Sunday school class under the direction of the principal Mrs. Carrie Mayer, and a corps of teachers will present a suitable programme in honor of Purim.” [91]
June 9- “Yesterday morning at 10:30 Mr. Theodore D. Baer presided at the sacred ceremony of the confirmation at Temple Israel. The building was crowded many young people being among the congregation.
The class had been prepared for the work by Mrs. Carrie Mayer, the superintendent of the Sunday School, whose arduous labors were will repaid. The confirmants were Marie Ehrlich, Ben Ehrlich, Pearl Miller, Walter Mayer, Sam Bergman, and George Streppy. At the closing of the exercises one of Mrs. Mayer’s pupils stepped forward and in a few well chosen words of thanks to Mrs. Mayer on behalf of the class and herself presented Mrs. Mayer a set of cups and saucers beautifully hand painted. The confirmation class presented her with a costly valise.
The recipient of these handsome gifts thoroughly deserves them, having labored assiduously to achieve her end. The immense success of the confirmation classes is entirely due to the unflagging exertions of this lady. The choir acquitted itself admirably under the leadership of Mrs. I. Hoffman, the various parts being taken by Mrs. I. Hoffman, Miss Flora Leppel, Miss Ethel Sandusky, Mr. Bloomfield and Mr. Julius Miller. The temple was beautifully decorated with flowers, both potted and cut and busy hands had skillfully given the interior a most authentic appearance. [92]
September 6- “After regular services last evening at Temple Emanuel a very interesting lecture was delivered by Miss Winkler in the cause of Zionism. There were a large number of Gentiles as well as Jewish people present. A special choir furnished the music for the occasion.” [93]
October 2- “Today is Rosh Hashonah the Jewish New Year, and it will be observed by the holding of appropriate services followed by feasting. Ten days later comes the Day of Atonement religiously observed by prayer and abstinence from all food and enjoyment. Last evening at Temple Israel a large number of Gentiles as well as Jewish people attended the beautiful New Year’s eve service which are being conducted this year by Theo. Baer. The temple was profusely decorated for the occasion, with cut flowers and potted plants while a special musical program was rendered by a quariette under the direction of Mrs. I. Hoffman, including that lady and Miss Cora Benning and Messrs. J. Bloomfield and A. C. Sloan. A vocal solo by Miss Ethel Sandusky was one of the features of the programme. Services will be conducted this morning and afternoon, the former benign at 9:30 a.m. [94]
October 10- “Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the most sacred day of the Jewish calendar begins at sunset tomorrow night. It will be observed by prayer and fasting and appropriate and impressive services have been arranged by the Leadville congregations. Services at Temple Emanuel, corner of Fourth and Pine, under the direction of Congregational Israel begin this evening at 8 o’clock prompt and tomorrow morning at 9:30…” [95]
February 1- “The prettiest and most elaborate wedding ceremony that has taken place in Leadville for many years occurred last Tuesday evening, January 27, when Mr. Theodore Daniel Baer and Miss May Harriet Kahn were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The wedding took place at Temple Emanuel and was witnessed by an immense throng of people filling all the available space, while many had to be content with a passing glimpse of the wedding party as they entered the church.
The scene in the temple presented a picture which will long be remembered by those present. The entire platform about the altar was profusely decorated in the southern smilax and with palms and ferns. The colors throughout were white and pink, with the addition of natural greens. Above the altar hung a trellis of smilax, while on the altar were banked ferns and palms galore, converting it into a veritable bower. Directly back of the alter and at the point where the bride and groom were to stand, was suspended an immense wedding bell made of smilax and ferns and with a clapper of white roses.
Promptly at the appointed hours, half after seven, the bridal party entered marching slowly to their places to the strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March. Directly behind the ushers Dr. Maurice Kahn and Mr. Julius Leon, came master Ralph Kahn, the little ring bearer, nephew to the bride, and guarded his Calla lily, containing the wedding ring, with much care. Following him came the groom on the arm of his aunt, Mrs. Adolph Baer, then the best man Mr. Jacob Kahn, and the maid of honor, Miss Tillie Kahn, brother and sister of the bride. Little Miss Evelyn Mayer followed the party, scattering rose leaves in the bride’s path, who was conducted to the altar by her father Mr. Marx Kahn. County Judge McLeod performed the marriage ceremony, which was immediately followed by the beautiful marriage service of the Jewish church, conducted by Mr. A. Schayer.
The bride, the cynosure of all eyes was perfectly composed and looked wondrously beautiful in a handsome gown of while panne crepe in train, with bertha and trimmings of rose point lace. Her bouquet was a shower effect of brides roses and while hyacinths, looped with dainty white illusion. The only ornament worn was a diamond pin, gift of the groom, with which the veil was fastened. The maid of honor, Miss Tillie Kahn, looked very sweet, being attired in white lace grenadine over cream taffeta, with trimmings of the fille lace. She carried an arm bouquet of La France roses. The groom and the best man were in evening dress. Immediately after ceremony the wedding party was driven to the handsome home of Dr. and Mrs. Sol G. Kahn, where the reception and wedding dinner were given…” [96]
September 27- “…the Sabbath of Sabbaths, and in accordance with the Mosaic law, he will transact no business of any kind on that day; the Orthodox Jew passes the day in fasting and prayer from sunset till sunset. At the Orthodox temple the Kol-Nidre sermon will be given by Rabbi A. Levitzky, the subject of speaking will be “Repentance, Prayer and Charity”.
At Temple Emanuel appropriate services will be held Wednesday evening and Thursday, under the direction of Congregational Israel.” [97]
March 17- “Miss Fannie Mankuss, a well known Leadville girl and Mr. Samuel Berenson a young business man of Salida, were married last evening at Temple Emanuel. The temple was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The civil ceremony was performed by Justice J.C. Paddock while the religious service was read by Mr. Edward Jackson. The young couple left last night for Salida where they will reside.” [98]
April 10 – On April 10, 1904, a charter is requested from the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith for Leadville Lodge No. 567. [134] The American Jewish Yearbook reports that the Leadville reform congregation totaled forty members between 1901 [135] and 1907. [136] Likely due to a lack of local support the new lodge does not survive more than one year. [137]
June 3- “The funeral of the late Jacob O. Hiemberger will take place this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from Temple Israel.
The body will be taken to Temple Israel, corner of West Fourth and Pine streets, this morning.
From 11 o’clock this morning until 1 o’clock this afternoon those who desire may enter the temple to view the remains.
The services will be conducted promptly at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon by Mr. Adolph Schayer. The Elks, Woodmen of the World and Violet Circle, Women of Woodcraft will attend in a body and will escort the body from the temple to the cemetery. At the cemetery the burial ritual of the fraternities will be exemplified.” [99]
June 4- From ‘Was a City of Sorrow for an Honored Citizen' “…In the temple the bier was placed before the altar. Over it, around it and filling the space on the alter platform until one could scarcely see a man standing behind them, were flowers. Pure while lilies, emblems of purity, roses of scarlet hue, symbolizing the redemption to immortality; heliotropes, carnations and every flower this is beautiful and expressive of the nobelest and loftiest sentiments of the human soul, were banked there in symbolical forms and shapes until could not see the somber black of the coffin and forcing upon one the thought that out of the blackness of death there must arise a more beautiful life which knows no death.
To the left of the altar stood the chair of the vice president of the Congregational Israel, the chair which Jacob Oppenheim Hiemberger had occupied for two years. Over the chair fell the drapery of grief, black crepe. Upon the chair was a symbol, done in beautiful blossoms, the double triangle, the Star of David, the symbol of the religion in which Mr. Heimberger was born and to which he was faithful unto the end. Upon it was inscribed,
‘Our Loss
Congregation Israel
J. O. H.’
This tribute was the expression of the Congregation Israel in sorrow for the loss of its energetic leader and in hope of his translation to the eternal congregation on high.
The services at the temple were attended by everyone who could obtain entrance the building. The building seats about 170 persons. Yesterday there were 250 within its doors during the services and thrice that number would have entered had there been any space inside the temple for them to occupy. Because of the limited capacity of the building space was reserved for the bereaved family, a limited number of representatives of the congregation, the Elks, the Woodmen, the Women of Woodcraft, the Masons, the employees of the Herald Democrat and the Typographical Union. When these were provided for the doors were opened to the public and as many as the building could hold with safety were admitted. Ben Cohn, Philip Grossmayer, Sydney Janowitz and Edwin Kahn as ushers, were in charge of the congregation…
…The funeral cortege was one of the largest that ever followed a beloved citizen and friend to the grave in this city. The day was suggestive of winter. Snow fell heavily, and although the storm relaxed somewhat at the cortege left the temple, the snow continued to all with increasing violence until during the ceremony at the cemetery and at its close, the elements developed almost a blizzard…” [100]
January 1- “The Jewish congregation in this city have two temples, Temple Israel and Knesseth Israel, in both of which regular services are held.” [101]
January 16- “Quite a pretty little ceremony took place in Temple Israel at Fourth and Pine streets yesterday afternoon when Joseph Oliner, the well known young shoemaker of 110 East 6th streets was united in marriage to Miss Louise Dorn of New York city.
It was witnessed by many friends of both parties. The double ceremony of a legal and church was used. To the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march played by Miss Rose Heimberger, the bride party marched up the aisle and took their places under a canopy held by Messrs. Bergerman, Miller, Hyman and Flax. Here they were met by Justice of the Peace Shaughnessy, who tied the legal nuptial knot. Then Marx Kahn performed the rites of the Hebrew church and offered the newly made Mr. and Mrs. Oliner, the glass of wine according to custom and placed the ring on the bride’s finger and the ceremony was over.
The bridal party and guests repaired to Woodmen hall where a wedding breakfast was served, proceeded by a grand march around the hall. In the bridal party were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oliner, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dorn, A. Williams and his wife and two small children Helen and Jacob. The bride is a native of Menchen, Bavaria.” [102]
February 25- “For three hours this morning, from 11 until 2 o’clock, friends of the late Jesse Bloomfield who was accidentally killed at the Adams shaft Thursday, will be permitted to view the remains in Temple Israel on Fourth Street. The funeral will take place immediately afterward in the temple.” [103]
September 30- “At 8 o’clock last evening the opening Rosh Hashonah or New Year service took place in the Temple Israel, Forth and Pine streets, the synagogue of the local Jewish congregation. The church was well filled, there being a goodly number of Gentiles present to witness the beautiful service. The altar, covered with snow white cloth, was trimmed with wreaths of smilax. At the sides were lighted candles and infant were banked many palms and other potted plants…. …Following today’s celebration a period of ten days intervenes before the next holiday. This interim is devoted by religious Jews in thinking over the events of the last year and making good resolutions for the new year. The ten days ending with the Day of Atonement, which falls on Monday, October 9. Next Friday night there are to be services preliminary to this in the synagogue, followed by worship on Sunday night and services all day Monday, fast day, or Yom Kippur.” [104]
November 20- “At a meeting held in Temple Emanuel, Fourth and Pine streets, last evening, local Jewish people discussed ways and means for relieving their suffering brethren in Russia, where innumerable widows and orphans had resulted as a consequence of the atrocities of the Russians. Ed. Jackson acted as chairman and Edwin Kahn as secretary. Mr. Jackson made an eloquent appeal for the suffering Jews in Russia and sprained the situation fully to his audience. Although there were only about thirty present at the meeting several hundred dollars were raised in a few minutes.
A committee consisting of Ben Cohn and Nathan Ehrenberg, was appointed to solicit contributions of the Leadville Jews who were not present at the meeting. The money is to be forwarded to Jacob Schiff of New York today, where it be sent by his banking from Kahn, Loeb & Co. to the Rothschilds in London for the relief of the suffering Jews of Russia.” [105]
January 28- “Rabbi Alfred T. Godshaw of Cincinnati, assistant director of circuit work for the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, will lecture at Temple Israel Fourth and Pine, this afternoon at 3 o’clock.” [106]
January 29- “The children of all the Jews of Leadville are requested to be at Temple Israel next Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock at the re-opening of the Hebrew Sunday school. Some of the members of the congregation have taken the matter in hand and will give the instruction of the children their personal attention. There are about thirty children who have signified their desire to join the Sunday school, and it is believed that it will be successfully carried on.
The teachers and officers will be announced at the meeting next Sunday.” [107]
September 20- “The Jewish New Year begins today and the event will be appropriately observed in this city by the Jewish residents. Last evening services were held at the Temple Israel a feature being an elaborate musical program. Mr. Adolph Schayer was the reader and Mr. Theo. Baer assistant. The congregation Knesseth Israel also held services at the synagogue on West Fifth street, which were well attended. Messrs. Chason and Barnett conducted services. There will also be services today at both places of worship.” [108]
January 1- “There are two Jewish congregations in the city, the Orthodox Temple at 125 west Fifth street and the Temple Israel at the corner of Fourth and Pine.” [109]
January 13- “Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Berryman announce the wedding of their daughter, Miss Gertrude, to Dr. Maurice Kahn, the ceremony to take place at the Temple Israel Monday evening, Jan. 21 at 7 o’clock.” [110]
March 31- “Our members and friends are cordially invited to attend a discussion of the Jewish question “Zionism” Mr. H. Fischlowitz of St. Louis will speak in the affirmative. Mr. Adolph Schayer of our city will take up the negative. Meeting will take place at Temple Israel. West Fourth street, Sunday, March 31, at 2:30 p.b. [sic] Respectfully, Julius Leon secretary Temple Israel, S. J. Amter Kneseth Israel.” [111]
September 8- “Observance of the Jewish New Year will take place among the Jewish citizens of Leadville beginning today. On the Jewish calendar the day is called Rosh Hoshona, being one of the most solemn festivals of the church. Services will take place in Temple Israel at the corner of Fourth and Pine streets, this evening, and will continue until tomorrow evening. Local leaders of the Jewish faith will have charge of the ceremonies.” [112]
September 18-“…Here in Leadville where there is no official head of the Jewish church, the services [Yom Kippur] are being conducted by the individual members. The music last night is rendered by a choir as follows: Miss French, soprano, Mrs. Nash, alto, Mr. Lea, tenor, W. P. Nash, bass, W. P. Nash, organist and director.” [113]
“In celebration of the Jewish New Year, services were conducted at Temple Israel at 5 o’clock last night and were attended by a large number of Jewish people. The last services in honor of the day will be held at 10 o’clock this morning.” [114]
“…Jewish people in Leadville will conduct the usual searches at Temple Israel on West Fourth street at 8 o’clock Sunday evening and at 10 o’clock Monday morning. Yom Kippur is observed as the Day of Atonement among Jewish people and is the most sacred holiday on the calendar.” [115]
October 10- “George O. Groom, Midland Employee, Attacked by Fatal Hemorrhage at End of His Run- …Groom came in on his engine from Colorado City at 2:40 yesterday afternoon. He went to his room, washed himself and cleaned up, and then went to the restaurant where he had been in the habit of taking his meals, and had dinner.
He talked pleasantly with friends whose he met up in town, and toward evening, walked down to the yards to find out when he would be called for another trip.
It was while on this mission that he had the conversation with a yardman regarding his excellent state of health.
On his way to Harrison avenue the fatal attack came.
In front of the Jewish church on West Fourth Street, at the corner of Pine, he was overcome and sank down. He did not fall suddenly, but gradually stretched out on the sidewalk.
William Guyler and Larable Wood, drivers for the Crosby livery, were standing in the door of the barn across the street. As the man first stooped over he motioned for them with his arm.
The men hastened to his side. He was trying to take off his coat. Blood was streaming from his mouth in a steady volume. He did not utter a word, but grew weaker and was soon unconscious.
Being unable to find a physician the men placed Groom in an express wagon and drove to the office of Dr. B.F. Griffith. The doctor examined the man on the wagon. He was already dead…” [116]
September 25- “Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, was ushered in last evening at Temple Israel. A fine musical program was rendered.
Miss Myrtle Block presided at the organ being ably assisted by Miss Lucile Pelta of Colorado Springs, a very accomplished violinist, and Mr. Julius Muller of this city. The voices were those of Miss Ethel Sandusky, Miss Pearl Miller and Mr. Jake Sandusky. Services will be held all day today, beginning at 9:30 a.m…
…Last evening’s services were well attended by Jewish people of Leadville. Today many of the business places conducted by Jewish people will be closed.” [117]
October 10- “The trial of Willie Ferry, Willie Lowney, and George Lowney, charged with disturbing the religious services at the Temple Israel on Fourth street on the night of September 24 was concluded before Judge Harrison in the district court yesterday afternoon. It was alleged that the boys had thrown rocks against the windows of the church, which were covered with sheet tin, and had created a such a racket that several women of the congregation had fainted. The boys were seized and later arrested.
In court today Willie Ferry and Willie Lowney pleaded guilty. They exonerated George Lowney and he was dismissed. The boys claimed that they thought only the janitor was in the church and thinking to scare him they heaved a few stones against the tin. While Lowney has, since the affair, secured a position as a delivery boy and his new employer appeared and testified to his good behavior and the fact that the boy’s parents need the small amount he was able to earn. The judge took this phase of the case into consideration and after giving him a severe lecture discharged him. In regard to the Ferry boy, who is only about 12 years of age, he stated that considering the facts in this case, that he had only a sister to look after him, and that the boy was known to be more or less insubordinate, it would only be doing justly by him to take him off the city streets and commit him to the school at Golden, where he would receive proper care. He was therefore remanded to the custody of his sister until such a time as the sheriff can arrange to transfer him to the school.” [118]
November 11- “The orbital services over the remains of the late Henry Miller were held yesterday afternoon at the 2 o’clock from the residence at 130 East Seventh Street and at the Temple Israel an hour later, interment being in the Jewish cemetery. The services both at the Miller home and at the temple were largely attended. Adolph Schayer conducted the ritual and Professor T.W. Stoner delivered the funeral oration at the temple.
The obsequies at the Temple Israel were very impressive and solemn, and several musical numbers were beautifully rendered by a choir composed of Misses Carey, Bonner and Hischle and Messrs. Nash and Austin accompanied by Mrs. E. T. Boyd on the organ. Miss Ethel Sandusky sang, “Oh Dry Those Tears” and Miss Beryl Bonner “Trust in the Lord” with beautiful effect, while the choir at the close of the service rendered “Gently Lord Oh, Gently Lead Us”.
After the services in the temple long lines of friends and acquaintances moved slowly and silently before the coffin resting on a catafalque covered with flowers to pay their last respects to the dead and to gaze for the last time on the features now in restful repose of one whom they had known from childhood. As the long line of mournful friends was passing before the bier, Mrs. Miller the heartbroken mother of the boy whose life was so suddenly taken from him through a distressing accident on Monday evening, completely broke down and her passionate sobbing caused many a tear of deepest sorrow to come to the eyes of those who realized her suffering and anguish.
At the cemetery where the final scene was enacted in the sad drama, the cold dreary sunless sky adding to the impressiveness of the occasion, the family of the young man gathered around the grave and with great solemnity delivered a prayer in Hebrew for the repose of the soul…” [119]
November 18- “The remains of the late Adolph Schayer, who died very suddenly of heart failure on Monday afternoon, were laid to final rest in the Jewish cemetery yesterday. The services over the body of the scholar and former merchant held at Temple Israel, were largely attended by the legion of friends and former business associates of the man who in years past was a moving spirit in both charitable and business circles of Leadville. Theodore Baer conduced the ritual and in a few well chosen words extolled the life of him whose body lay in a coffin hidden by flowers, dwelling on the exalted example set by Mr. Schayer through his benevolence and charity, during the many years of his residence in the city.
It was just last week that Mr. Schayer had officiated at the same place at the funeral of the Miller boy. Charles Goodfriend on behalf of the Leadville Turnverein, of which Mr. Schayer was a vice-president, and whose members attended his funeral in a body eulogizing the deceased, paid a glowing tribute to the life of his fellow Turner… The pall bearers were L. Janowitz, H. Mamlock, H. Griswold, J. Kolsch, Dr. Berger, and Charles Goodfriend.” [120]
October 14- “The congregation Israel of this city held their annual election Sunday. The following officers were chosen for the year: President, I. Grossmayer, vice-president, Harry Issacs, treasurer, Fred Butler, secretary, Samuel Tittman, Trustees, Joseph Harwitz, Sol Hecht, and L. Janowitz.” [121]
June 23- “The funeral services over the remains of the late Fred Butler will be conducted at the Temple Israel this afternoon at 3 o’clock.” [122]
June 24- “All that was mortal of the late Fred Butler was laid to rest yesterday afternoon in the Jewish cemetery. As the casket was lowered into the grave, members of the congregation of the Temple Israel performed the last offices for the dead according to the ritual of the Jewish faith.
At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the services were held in the Temple Israel, the local lodge of the Elks of which the deceased was a member, having charge. Miss Ethel Sandusky with exquisite taste sang “Face to Face” and “Dry Those Tears”. The ritualistic service was solemn and impressive and was conducted by the exalted ruler K.L. Fahnestock, with becoming dignity.
During his lifetime, Mr. Butler frequently recited “Thanatopsis” that magnificent ode to death with its profound philosophy and words of comfort. This ode was recited by Exalted Ruler Fahnestock with much feeling and eloquence. It was a fine tribute to the memory of the deceased, who many times had spoken it on funeral occasions. The Temple Israel was filled with a large and sorrowing concourse of Mr. Butler’s friends and acquaintances. The casket was covered with a while lace pall and there were many floral tributes. The pallbearers were selected from the Elks and the Knights of Pythias as follows: V. H. Peerman, J. E. Miller, Chris Hick, J. E. Foutz, Alf Hoffman, and J. W. Clarke.” [123]
October 1- “It is announced that there will be services held by the Knesseth Israel congregation at the church on West Fifth street tonight at 4:30 in observance of the holiday, Yom Kippur. Monday morning at 10 o’clock memorial services will be held. All members of the Knesseth Israel and all other congregations in the city are invited to attend both services.” [124]
January 22- “Julius Kahn, who was intimately acquainted with Ben Loeb the noted dance hall and variety show manager, who died Friday, has wired to Dallas, Tex. informing Solomon and Simon Loeb of their brother’s death. No answer was received last night. Mr. Kahn also instructed his brother-in-law who is a resident of Dallas, to take up the matter of disposing of the remains with the brothers personally. Whether or not instructions are received from the brothers, the funeral will probably be taken charge of by the congregation of the Temple Israel.” [125]
November 1- “Services over the remains of the late M. Zeiler, one of the pioneer merchants of Leadville, who died this week, were held yesterday from the residence, 216 Harrison avenue. the impressive burial ritual of the Jewish church was read by M. R. Miller, assisted by Harry Mamlock. Many beautiful floral offerings were sent by friends who sympathize, with the bereaved members of the family. The body was buried in the Jewish cemetery. Those acting as pall bearers were, M. Mankuss, M. B. Miller, Hyman Issacs, A. Sandusky, M. Stager and S. J. Ampter.” [126]
No mention of Temple Israel; only “Orthodox Jewish Church no. 119 West Fifth street” is mentioned for high holiday service. [127]
No mention of Temple Israel after this date; only West Fifth street synagogue “The local Jews worshipped in the synagogue in West Fifth street…” on Rosh Hashona [128]
March 30- “While no special services will be held at the synagogue this week, many of the Jews in Leadville will observe “Pesach” or the Passover week, which began at sunset last night…” [129]
September 27- “…This local Jewish congregation therefore will open the services this evening at 6:30 in the church at 115 West Fifth street of the Knesset Israel Congregation…” [130]
May 21- “One of the most phenomenal snowfalls ever recorded in Leadville covered the city with over two feet of snow early yesterday morning and caused the destruction at 6:30 am of the garage at West Fourth and Pine streets, managed by Clyde O. Heller city alderman from the Third ward, when the roof and one wall collapsed… The roof of the building was double a new covering having been placed over the first roof to give better protection and they were supposed by heavy wooden beams and double planks. When the brick wall of the west side bulged outward under the weight of snow the roof was doomed. The building collapsed with a resounding crash and a concussion which broke open the rear doors of the Jewish church, now used, on the corner across the street.” [131]
September 8-“The Jewish congregation will observe services at 8 o’clock this morning and from 10 to 11 am they will have a war prayer and war lecture at the temple at 125 West Fifth street…” [132]
September 25- “Services will he held both this morning and evening in the Jewish synagogue at 108 West Fifth street…” [133]
Newspaper notices for Jewish services until 1923 refer only to Knesseth Israel on West 5th Street.
1 “A Synagogue” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, January 17, 1884 p 4
2 “The New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, September 27, 1884 p 5
3 “A Bal Masque” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, February 23, 1884 p 4
4 “New Jewish Temple” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, August 8, 1884 p 4
5 “The Temple of Israel” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, August 7, 1884 p 4
6 “Notice Office of Congregation Israel” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, September 14, 1884 p 2
7 “Personalities” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, September 17, 1884 p 4
8 “Congregation Israel” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, September 19, 1884 p 4
9 “Congregation Israel” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, September 20, 1884 p 4
10 “The New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, September 27, 1884 p 5
11 “A Day of Atonement” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, October 4, 1884 p 6
12 “Sir Moses Montefiore” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, October 24, 1884 p 6
13 “Temple Israel” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, January 3, 1885 p 2
14 Seventh Annual Report of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations p 1590
15 “The Great Purim Ball” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, March 5, 1885 p 4
16 “Passover Pesach” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily Herald, March 29, 1885 p 4
17 “Children’s Ball” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, May 9, 1885 p 3
18 “A Confirmation” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, August 1, 1885 p 1
19 “Yisrael’s Yeomanry” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, September 19, 1885 p 7
20 “Religious Intelligence” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 7, 1886 p 3
21 “Notice” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, May 22, 1886 p 2
22 “Temple Israel Re-Opening” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, July 9, 1886 p 4
23 “The Synagogue’s Sages” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, October 4, 1886 p 4
24 “Day of Atonement” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, October 9, 1886 p 3
25 “Eighth Annual Purim Ball” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, April 4, 1887 p 2
26 “Social and Personal” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, July 18, 1887 p 1
27 “Notice” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 2, 1887 p 4
28 “Sent to New York” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 8, 1887 p 3
29 “Members” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 13, 1887 p 4
30 “Annual Election” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, September 22, 1887 p 4
31 “Local Laconics” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 12, 1887 p 3
32 “County Clerk’s Office” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, November 2, 1887 p 3
33 “Special Meeting” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, March 9, 1888 p 4
34 “Israel’s Passover Feast” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, April 4, 1888 p 3
35 “Rosh Hashonah” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, September 4, 1888 p 4
36 “Confirmed” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, September 7, 1888 p 4
37 “A Happy Confirmation” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, January 12, 1889 p 3
38 “Personal” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, January 29, 1889 p 3
39 “Notice” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, August 25, 1889 p 6
40 “Rosh Hashonah” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 25, 1889 p 4
41 “At City Hall” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 25, 1889 p 4
42 “Confirmation Exercices” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, September 27, 1889 p 4
43 “Last Night’s Lecture” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, December 14, 1889 p 1
44 A Chanucha Festival” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, December 23, 1889 p 4
45 “The Passover” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, April 12, 1890 p 3
46 “Temple Israel Services” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, June 20, 1890 p 8
47 “Congregation Israel Picnic” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, July 8, 1890 p 7
48 “His Ruined Home” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, April 12, 1890 p 4
49 “Resignation Accepted” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 12, 1890 p 5
50 “The Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, September 15, 1890 p 4
51 “Pleasantly Surprised” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 30, 1890 p 8
52 “A Jewish Feast” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, December 9, 1890 p 4
53 “Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, October 2, 1891 p 4
54 “Strictly Observed” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 12, 1891 p 4
55 “Society and Its Ways” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, February 28, 1892 p 6
56 “Passover week” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, April 14, 1892 p 4
57 “Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 22, 1892 p 5
58 “Yom Kippur” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 30, 1892 p 4
59 “Rosh Hashonah Services” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 9, 1893 p 6
60 “A Day of Atonement” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 20, 1893 p 6
61 “Notice” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, June 10, 1894 p 5
62 “In Houses of Worship” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, June 12, 1894 p 5
63 “Notices” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, July 6, 1894 p 6
64 “The Day of Forgiveness” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 9, 1894 p 2
65 “Social” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, January 21, 1895 p 4
66 “Four Taken Into the Fold” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, July 13, 1895 p 5
67 “The Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 19, 1895 p 8
68 “Funeral of Mr. Pechner” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 18, 1896 p 2
69 “The World of Society” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, January 24, 1897 p 6
70 “The Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 27, 1897 p 4
71 “Day of Atonement” Leadville, CO; USA. Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle, October 6, 1897 p 4
72 “A Happy New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 16, 1898 p 5
73 “Day of Atonement” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 25, 1898 p 8
74 “Laid to Final Rest” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, December 8, 1898 p 8
75 “Funeral of Dr. Kahn” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 1, 1899 p 8
76 “Laid to Rest” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 2, 1899 p 8
77 “Confirmation Exercices” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, May 14, 1899 p 8
78 “Bright Confirmants” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, May 15, 1899 p 5
79 “Personal” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 3, 1899 p 7
80 “Elected Their Officers” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 4, 1899 p 6
81 “Mrs. Kahn’s Funeral” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 16, 1899 p 5
82 “Church Services” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, December 24, 1899 p 7
83 “Rosh-ha-Shona The Holiday” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 23, 1900 p 8
84 “The Day of Atonement” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 2, 1900 p 7
85 “Purim Exercises” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 4, 1901 p 5
86 “Around the City” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, May 10, 1901 p 7
87 “She Died So Young” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, May 11, 1901 p 8
88 “Prayers for President” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 9, 1901 p 8
89 “Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 13, 1901 p 7
90 “Homage to Dead” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 18, 1901 p 1
91 “Feast of Purim” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 22, 1902 p 4
92 “At Temple Israel” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, June 9, 1902 p 6
93 “Lecture at Temple” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 6, 1902 p 3
94 “Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 2, 1902 p 3
95 “Day of Atonement” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 10, 1902 p 5
96 “Society” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, February 1, 1903 p 9
97 “A Day of Atonement” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 27, 1903 p 2
98 “Mankuss-Berenson Wedding” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 17, 1904 p 6
99 “J.O. Hiemberger’s Funeral Today” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, June 3, 1904 p 3
100 “Was a City of Sorrow for an Honored Citizen” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, June 4, 1905 p 1
101 “Church Life Above the Clouds” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, January 1, 1905 p 23
102 “Pretty Wedding Ceremony Took Place Yesterday” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, January 16, 1905 p 3
103 “The Bloomfield Funeral” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, February 26, 1905 p 4
104 “Jewish New Year Opens with Divine Service” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 30, 1905 p 4
105 “Relief Meeting Held for Russian Jews” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, November 20, 1905 p 6
106 “Lecture at Temple Israel” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, January 28, 1906 p 6
107 “Around the City” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, January 29, 1906 p 6
108 “Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 20, 1906 p 6
109 “Spires Point Heavenward” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, January 1, 1907 p 6
110 “Society” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, January 13, 1907 p 8
111 “Church Services” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 31, 1907 p 2
112 “Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 8, 1907 p 5
113 “Around the City” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 18, 1907 p 5
114 “Jewish Services” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 26, 1908 p 5
115 “Jewish Services” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 2, 1908 p 5
116 “Engineer Drops Dead on Street” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 10, 1908 p 2
117 “Jewish Faithful Observe Holiday” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 25, 1909 p 4
118 “Juveniles in Court” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 10, 1909 p 5
119 “Mortal Remains of Henry Miller” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, November 11, 1909 p 3
120 “Remains of Adolf Schayer Laid to Rest Yesterday” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, November 18, 1909 p 8
121 “Annual Election of Officers” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 14, 1910 p 5
122 “Fred Butler’s Funeral” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, June 23, 1911 p 5
123 “Last Sad Rites Over Fred Butler” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, June 24, 1911 p
124 “Services at Jewish Church” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 1, 1911 p 5
125 “Loeb’s Brothers Wired” Leadville, CO; USA. Carbonate Chronicle, January 22, 1912 p 7
126 “Funeral of M. Zeiler” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, November 1, 1912 p 5
127 “Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, October 2, 1913 p 5
128 “Jewish New Year” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 22, 1914 p 5
129 “Season of Passover” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, March 30, 1915 p 5
130 “Rosh Hoshana is Thursday” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 27, 1916 p 2
131 “Old Garage Collapsed” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, May 21, 1917 p 1
132 “Jewish New Year Observed” Leadville, CO; USA. Herald Democrat, September 8, 1918 p 5
133 “Jewish New Year Today” Leadville, CO; USA, September 25, 1919 p 5
134 Denver. (Cincinnati, OH: The American Israelite. March 31, 1904). P2.
135 Cyrus Adler. The American Jewish Yearbook, 5662, 3rd ed. (Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1901). P209.
136 Henrietta Szold, The American Jewish Yearbook, 5667, 8th ed. (Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1907). P140.
137 Cheryl Kempler. The Leadville Lodge #322. (E-mail to Jeffrey Grant. July 24, 2019).
Seventh Annual Report of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations Vol. 2. Cincinnati, OH: The Bloch Publishing and Printing Co., 1909. (accessed through Hathi Trust Digital Library)
Leadville Daily/Evening Chronicle (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado)
Leadville Daily Herald (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado)
Herald Democrat (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado)
Carbonate Chronicle (Leadville, Lake County, Colorado)
To cite any of the information in this biography, please use the following reference.
AUTHOR: Trevor Mark
EDITOR: William Korn
SOURCE: Building/Reform Timeline
PUBLISHED BY: Temple Israel Foundation. Leadville, Colorado; US. 2018
STABLE URL: http://www.jewishleadville.org/building.html